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GOD'S WAY Wednesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

When times seem bad
And clouds are gray
A window in heaven will open
And there will be a way.
God has this perfect plan
For us all defined
We just need to tune into God's will
And all will be fine.
Sometimes in the course
Of our busy day
We offer our problems to God and say
'Your will be done' we pray.
After we give it all to God
Our faith begins to fade.
Lord Jesus, I think I have a better solution
And another request is made.
Remember, just give it to the Lord
And leave it there
God in all his miracles,
Will always be fair.
When he works out your problems
And delivers you from despair,
It's not just a one time shot
He will always keep you in his care.
  Pray when don't feel like praying
  Pray when you're weary & worn . . .
  Pray when  the burden grows lighter
  Pray when it cannot  be  borne    ~
  Pray when things seem impossible
  Pray 'til  the answer breaks through . . .
  Pray if  it seems  an  eternity
  since God moved His hand for you  ~
  Pray when  the  sun is shining
  Pray when  the  storms  appear . . .
  Pray when  the Lord  seems  distant
  Pray when  He  seems  very   near  ~
  Pray in  the  congregation
  Pray in  your  closet  there  . . .
  Pray with  a  heart of thanksgiving
  Pray when  there seems  no  prayer  ~
  Pray in and out  of  season
  Pray on  your knees or  stand . . .
  Pray when  you're  heavy~hearted
  Pray when  you're  feeling  grand  ~
  PRAY for God promised to answer
  PRAY 'til the answer He  sends    . . .
  PRAY in the name of  JESUS
  Mary Carter Mizrany
Happiness keeps You Sweet,
Trials keep You Strong,
Sorrows keep You Human,
Failures keeps You Humble,
Success keeps You Glowing,
But Only God keeps You Going!
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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