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Good Morning from Daisy Patch Farm

Posted by: plain_sister_ <plain_sister_@...>

Good Morning Ladies,

Hope everyone is having a good day so far.  I've been awake since 3:30 and up since 4.  Talked to Bill this morning and am having a cup of coffee, checking the mail and cleaning all the old mail off my laptop. The weather has settled down, so may be able to do laundry and hang it out.  If not, will head to town to the laundromat, then stop and get Neighbor Mayleen's KFC for lunch and back home to get some work done around here.  Also need to find her tax papers.

Am seriously thinking about calling around to see if any goats are available.  Really shouldn't as the winter is supposed to be really cold, but if I have to take care of Neighbor Mayleen's dairy cows, I may as well have something of my own too.  Miss the milk and cheese and especially the companionship.  Will work on sheep in the spring unless something comes up that's too good to pass up.  Feed here has gone through the roof, my $5 grain is now $18 and up.  Hay is about $10-14 a bale if I remember correctly.  It may be too late to get one now, but will see what the Lord has in store.

Amy's wrist is crooked, so will wait for the doctor's opinion when she sees him tomorrow.  She couldn't get her appointments lined up close together, so the doctor is going to meet her at the primary care doctor's and take care of her.  That's practically a house call, unheard of these days.

Need to call Daughter Vicki and have a chat.  It's been a while.  During my hiatus, we've had a new grand and a great and Granddaughter Cathy finally married Walter this summer.  Vicki made her dress from the same pattern I used for her as a teen.  Will post some pictures when I get a chance.

Well it's after 7, so best be going and get things done before the rain comes this afternoon.  By the way, if anyone has any tips on living in an RV, please don't be shy in offering them.  I feel like I'm living on a screened in porch.  Have a great day and know you are prayed for constantly.

Love to all,

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