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Good news and Bad

Posted by: dgarnera <dgarnera@...>

I got the news today that Jeffs sentenced was reduced to 4 months. But
then I also received news that they will not allow visitation or any
type of contact during this time. I asked when I could see my husband
and they said on November 23.
I called Jeffs attorney and he said that this Patrick makes all of the
decisions so if we took it to the judge, he would say that it is
Patricks hands. But when he calculated how long it would be before the
kids saw their dad (since July 1) he said he would call patrick and see
if he could work something out.
Please pray that they would set up some sort of visitation. This whole
thing is ridiculous. The only thing that got me through this weekend was
knowing that I would get to see him this week, and now I can't.
Thank you, Debra