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Good News Regarding Yahoo Subscribers

Posted by: jhbreneman <jhbreneman@...>

 Dear Heart to Heart Subscribers,

Regarding the problem my server is having with Yahoo e-mail addresses, this thought popped into my head the other day!
I believe it was the Lord solving this problem for us all!

I certainly understand that you would like to
keep the e-mail address you already have,
and see no reason why I can't send the newsletters directly to all Yahoo subscribers from my own computer,
bypassing the server!
That way there would be no problem even if the server I use
were to eventually drop your e-mail address from the master list. 

That does mean that you may receive
two copies of the Heart to Heart Newsletter for a while.

Yahoo users, please reply if you care to, and let me know if this sounds like a better solution than changing your e-mail address.  

Right now I am in the process of printing out the master list and finding each Yahoo e-mail address to start that process with the August issue.

God's blessings to each one of you!
Your "Heart to Heart friend,


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