"GOSPEL of THE KINGDOM" by Alex Tinson
Quote from Forum Archives on May 29, 2009, 9:00 amPosted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
Re: "GOSPEL of THE KINGDOM" by Alex TinsonQuite a few people had problems listening-to or downloading the
"WHAT is THE GOSPEL of THE KINGDOM?" audio that we sent
out yesterday. So I have now put up two different links to it on
RevivalSchool. Near the top of the main page you will see under
"RECENT POSTS from the REVIVAL LIST" the following heading:"LINKS to "WHAT is THE GOSPEL of THE KINGDOM? - Surprising!"
- by Alex Tinson."Simply click on that heading to find the links to the Audio.
Here is our main page where all of this is found-
Hope it works for you this time. -A very important message.
God bless you all.
Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
Quite a few people had problems listening-to or downloading the
"WHAT is THE GOSPEL of THE KINGDOM?" audio that we sent
out yesterday. So I have now put up two different links to it on
RevivalSchool. Near the top of the main page you will see under
"RECENT POSTS from the REVIVAL LIST" the following heading:
"LINKS to "WHAT is THE GOSPEL of THE KINGDOM? - Surprising!"
- by Alex Tinson."
Simply click on that heading to find the links to the Audio.
Here is our main page where all of this is found-
Hope it works for you this time. -A very important message.
God bless you all.