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Grandma's Eyes

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

For years,  Nellie Page,  could not see her hand in front of her face. She was blind, because her eyes were clouded with cataracts.
Every day she walked,  3 blocks,  to the grocery store, past an elementary school and across a major highway.
And every day, out of courtesy and love the people along the way,  helped  her on her journey. The school children, helped her cross the busy highway and the adults looked made sure she was safe. 
Her children were grown and moved out of the small town of Goshen Utah, to seek employment in the city.
78 year old Nellie,  was too proud,  to move with them, not only that,   she didn't want to be a burden to her children and grandchildren.
Her children begged her to leave the little town, but she was born there, and that was where she was going to die. 
She loved the people there and she wasn't about to leave.
Her husband of 52 years was buried at the cemetery and she couldn't leave him alone. After all he'd helped her right up to the last six months of his life and now she was going to make it on her own.Even if she was only seeing shadows,  in front of her face.
It was Late Spring, when  her neighbor, Rosie B.  drove Nellie, to the city, to see her doctor and have a her annual check up.
She wrapped her shoal around her shoulders and was leaving the Doctors Office,  when her Doctor said:
"Your in pretty darned good health for person your age,  Nellie. Have you ever considered having the cataract's removed from your eyes?" "Removed!!"  Nellie said, excitedly. "You mean they can be removed!?"
"Oh yes." the Doctor replied. "We have a Specialist in Salt Lake City, that can remove cataract's with surgery, 
it's a new procedure but it's costly.
"How costly?"  She asked.  "Id give up my home,to see my children and grand children ! " "It's over a thousand dollars." the doctor said. 
(Bear in mind that in the early 1950's a $1.00 an hour was high wages for any miner or construction worker) 
35 cents an hour was minimum wage. A luxury home cost $4,000.00 and you could buy a new Car for around $800.00.)
Tears formed in Nellie's clouded eyes, all hope was abandoned. "My word!"  she said. "Where would I ever get a thousand dollars? I only get a 45.00 a month pension."
Rosie listened with interest, to the conversation going on between Nellie and the Doctor,
but  never said a word....  At least until she got home, then she never put the phone down,  for over an hour.
She talked to the Clergyman of the Town's Church, then to the town council, then the Boy Scout leader, 
along with all the other people she knew. And when she quit talking, the whole town started working.
There was Church, craft and bake sales,High School kids washed cars for a quarter each,the Boy Scouts cleaned yards, had a newspaper drive,and sold pop bottles.  
The American Legion, had a special dinner,and the City Fathers put on street dance for everyone. 
One of the local farmers donated a beef to the town's General Store,  so the store could sell raffle tickets.
After all was said and done, the towns people,came up with $1,357.22. 
Nellies  operation came to $1,216.00 so the town folk gave her the remainder of the money
to live on 'til she got on her feet again.
Back in the 1950's it wasn't uncommon for Doctors to make house calls.  So Nellie had it set up with her Doctor
to take off the bandages in Village Church.When she thought of all the people that had donated for her surgery.
Then the big day came,  to take off the bandages. Church Bells rang that Wednesday morning
and the town's people flocked inside the church house. Along with Nellies children, grand children
and great grand children.
You could feel the tension, that morning, when the Doctor arrived, at 9:30 a.m.,
to take off the bandages.
Everyone was silent. As the Doctor slowly removed the bandages, from Nellie's eyes. 
At first she saw nothing and you could feel the sadness in the Church, then her sight came to a blur, 
then slowly came into focus. She sobbed, then she reached out, with tear filled eyes, for her youngest great grand baby.
There wasn't a dry in the building as her grand kids all came to her chair and hugged her.
Even the towns roughest men were wiping their eyes, at the sight of the old grand mother holding the small baby to her breasts and seeing her grand kids,  for the first time in her life.
People can create miracles, with a little prayer, a little work, and a lot of heart.... 
I know I've seen it everywhere!!  From California to Georgia, and from Mexico to Oregon.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara