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Grandma's Glasses

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Grandma's Glasses

Two small boys were discussing eye glasses. "Wouldn't you hate to wear glasses?" one asked.

"No," answered the other, "not if I could have the kind my grandma wears! My mother says she can always see when folks are tired or discouraged or sad. She sees when somebody is in need and she can always recognize when you have something on your mind that you need to talk over. But the best of all she can always see something GOOD in everybody!"

The little fellow continued: "I asked my grandma one day how it was that she could see that way. She said it was because of the way she's learned to look at things since she's gotten older. So I'm sure it must be those glasses of hers."

Wouldn't it be wonderful if all of us could see each other through Grandma's glasses!

I Can Count

Little Andrew raised his hand to call his kindergarten
teacher over to say, "Look, teacher, I can count."
So, holding one hand one his desk and folding back
one finger at a time he said, "One, two, three, four, five."

That is great, Andrew, but can you can any higher?, the
teacher asked.

With a smile on his face, Andrew thrust both arms
straight up as high as he could reach and began
folding each finger back while saying,
"One, two three, four, five."


A family had spent the day moving from their farmhouse into a brand new house in a development nearby.
Very early the next morning, their 3 year-old son ran in to the parent's bedroom to wake them up.

The mother dressed him and told him to play in the yard.

About 20 minutes later, he came running back.

"Mommy, Mommy," he exclaimed, "Everybody has doorbells - and they all work!"

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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