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Greg's MIME encoding errors.
77,940 Posts
#1 · December 11, 1997, 7:37 pm
Quote from Forum Archives on December 11, 1997, 7:37 pmPosted by: wave <wave@...>
Anyone else getting alert boxes warning that Greg's messages contain MIME
encoding errors? Here is my typical experience:
1. Check mail--server says there are 50+ messages.
2. Go do something else while the mail loads.
3. Come back and there is an alert message about MIME encoding errors on
the screen. I click the option to accept the message.
4. The server replies that too much time has expired and the link is dead.
5. I check mail again and this time stay at the screen in case there is
another alert box. All the previous messages are duplicated.
Needless to say, this is becoming a significant annoyance. Greg, if you
can do something about this, please help me (any maybe others) out. BTW,
I'm using Eudora Lite and there doesn't seem to be any way to turn that
warning message off (I've already turned off the alerts cleckbox).____________________
Use e-mail with integrity.
Mark Goodes (
Posted by: wave <wave@...>
Anyone else getting alert boxes warning that Greg's messages contain MIME
encoding errors? Here is my typical experience:
1. Check mail--server says there are 50+ messages.
2. Go do something else while the mail loads.
3. Come back and there is an alert message about MIME encoding errors on
the screen. I click the option to accept the message.
4. The server replies that too much time has expired and the link is dead.
5. I check mail again and this time stay at the screen in case there is
another alert box. All the previous messages are duplicated.
Needless to say, this is becoming a significant annoyance. Greg, if you
can do something about this, please help me (any maybe others) out. BTW,
I'm using Eudora Lite and there doesn't seem to be any way to turn that
warning message off (I've already turned off the alerts cleckbox).
encoding errors? Here is my typical experience:
1. Check mail--server says there are 50+ messages.
2. Go do something else while the mail loads.
3. Come back and there is an alert message about MIME encoding errors on
the screen. I click the option to accept the message.
4. The server replies that too much time has expired and the link is dead.
5. I check mail again and this time stay at the screen in case there is
another alert box. All the previous messages are duplicated.
Needless to say, this is becoming a significant annoyance. Greg, if you
can do something about this, please help me (any maybe others) out. BTW,
I'm using Eudora Lite and there doesn't seem to be any way to turn that
warning message off (I've already turned off the alerts cleckbox).
Use e-mail with integrity.
Mark Goodes (
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