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Guess What I Just Read Wednesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Long past midnight, hours before dawn
I jump up from my bed, pull my long johns on. Peeking
out the window,
the snow has started to fall. Slipping on my overalls,

I race quickly down the hall. Rushing to the closet,
grasping my old
wrap, I throw it over my shoulder, give the button a
snap. Working all
ten fingers, through the holes of much-worn mitts, I
stick my feet into
the boots that thankfully still fit.
Faster than is possible, I head straight for the door.
Behind me I am
dragging a sled from years before. The wind is loud
and howling, snow is
blowing all around. Already what has fallen has
covered the ground.
Tramping through the deepness, only my footprints to
see, I head
straight for the meadow, the hill is waiting for me. A
few more steps, I
reach my goal, as always in the past I'll be the first
to sled this
hill, and I'll be the very last.
Breathing in the cool night air, I witness the year's
first snow.
Perhaps this is my favorite spot, in all the sights I
know. Holding
tight in a world of silence, I shove off with my feet.
Wind is picking
up my hair, snow hits against my teeth.
Traveling faster and faster, I struggle not to tip.
Stretching out my
snow-damp legs, I lean from hip to hip. What a big
delight, this morn
has given thee. As all years before have done, when
it's just this hill
and me.
Now if I do my best to hurry, I can take another run.
The sun will soon
be rising, the day will have begun. But before that
can happen, I must
be back in bed. For whatever would the children
think... ...if they knew
Grandma had used their sled!

What is a Hug?

A hug is a great way to give someone a smile!
Hugs also help to brighten up our day!

According to Mr. Webster, a "Hug" can be defined as:

1.a. To clasp the arms around and hold close, esp. in
embrace closely.

1b. To grasp and squeeze tightly with the arms, as a
bear does.
(A Bear Hug?)

2. To keep close to: The road hugs the river.

3. To cling firmly to; cherish: He hugged his
miseries like a
sulky child.

Some of the Best things about Hugs are:

1. Brings a smile to everyone involved!

2. Can be given to anyone and shared by everyone!

3. No Calories. (Yes! Something this good is
actually good for you,

4. Best of all ... when you give someone a hug, you
automatically get one in return!!!
Author Unknown

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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