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Handwriting & Time

Posted by: clean-hewmor <clean-hewmor@...>


Graphologists, people who study handwriting, say they can tell more about a
person by looking at his penmanship than from reading his written words. There
are a host of traits that can be analyzed, but here's what some important ones
seem to indicate:

**FORWARD SLANT TO LETTERS - An emotional person who's unafraid to show

**UPRIGHT SCRIPT - A cool and collected person.

**BACKWARD SLANT - Someone unable to show emotions, a bit cold-hearted.

**DARK, HEAVY STROKES - A bold, easily prejudiced person.

**LIGHT STROKES - A timid or easy-going personality.

**SMALL WRITING - Someone not concerned about what others think.

**LARGE WRITING - A person who wants recognition and to impress others.

**NEAT WRITING - A correct, precise person.

**SLOPPY WRITING - A senses-oriented, humorous person



The AVERAGE American will spend his/her lifetime on these activities:

OVER A LIFETIME: 7 years in the bathroom...6 years eating...5 years waiting in
line...3 years sitting in meetings...2 years playing telephone tag...1 year
searching through clutter...8 months opening junk mail...6 months sitting at
red lights.

ON ANY GIVEN DAY: is interrupted 73 times...takes 1 hour of work home... reads
less than 5 minutes...exercises less than 3 minutes.

The AVERAGE PROFESSIONAL has 36 hours of work piled up on his/her desk.

(Source: Michael Fortino, The Center for Lifestyle Management)
