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Happy Autumn and prayer requests

Posted by: marmali <marmali@...>

I can't believe the first day of fall is quickly approaching! For me, it's always a short hop from fall's beginning to Thanksgiving and on to Christmas and a new year.
We have been busy today preparing for our final trip to the lake. We'll leave early tomorrow morning and return Sunday evening. I'm afraid the water is going to be cold especially since the rainy weather has persisted in New Mexico all week. Hopefully the kids will be able to spend lots of time riding the wakeboard, kneeboard, and tube. Last time, only Jacob mastered the kneeboard, and we didn't yet have a wakeboard. Prayers for our safety are appreciated!
Dh will be off Monday, then will go back to his regular 4-day work weeks starting Tuesday. He made good progress on our carport this week in spite of rain every day. I think he accomplished quite a few other small projects as well.
Please be in prayer for the Gossett and Johnston families. Dennis and Becky Johnston have been our friends here for many years. Their oldest child, Jennifer, is married to Scott Gossett and mother of three or four children. I think Jennifer is close to Dustin's age so late 20s. She spent several years going to church and youth group with Dustin and Brandon, and Scott was a friend of Brandon's when they lived here. Yesterday, we received a prayer request email stating that Scott and his oldest daughter, 9 years old, had been in a terrible accident. I'm guessing it was a vehicle accident. A few minutes later, another email came stating that the daughter, Katilin, had died.
I don't have any details yet as to what happened or even where although they were supposed to be living in Texas. Scott was in the service and had a bomb explode under his jeep while in Afghanistan I think. He sustained serious injuries but miraculously survived. I think others in his group were killed. We haven't heard about his condition following the accident, but he's now been through another very tragic event which has taken the life of his daughter.
Dennis and Becky are strong Christians. I believe Jennifer and Scott are Christians as well.
I didn't make it to Jan's this week....schedule changes with the girls and dh didn't leave me the chance I needed. I do hope to see her Monday if she's up to it.
Have a great weekend!
Lisa NM

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