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Happy Mother's Day!

Posted by: bneumann848 <bneumann848@...>

“Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise:  “that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.”
(Ephesians 6:2-3 New King James Version)



Mothers are amazing people.  My mom taught me some of the most important
lessons in life:  how to boil an egg;
that chocolate can make the world a little easier to bear; that love is more
than just a word; that sometimes a solid embrace is the best gift you can give;
that family is important; that heaven is real; that knowing who you are in
Christ is the key to powerful prayer; that pleasing Jesus is the most important
thing in life; the list could go on and on.


Timothy’s mother and grandmother were
Jewish believers who helped shape his spiritual growth and taught him some incredible
lessons about faith in God (2 Timothy 1:3-5) – so much so that as a young man (1
Timothy 4:12) Timothy became Paul’s protégé and pastor of the church at Ephesus,
one of the five major cities of the Roman Empire.


Moms, whether you’re up to your eyebrows in
infant diapers, at your wit’s end with toddler “No’s,” navigating the
treacherous rapids of the teenage years, or adjusting to the ever-changing
climate of an empty nest, know that your labor of love is not in vain.  May your children rise up and call you
blessed (Proverbs 31:28).


To my precious mom, and to all biological
moms, adopted moms, foster moms and spiritual moms – Happy Mother’s Day!


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