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He Is Arisen Wednesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

This will be a special Easter edition today and there will be no papers untill next Wednesday due to the Easter Holliday.
We wish each of you and yours a very safe, healthy and Happy Easter.
"He Is Arisen"

On the first day of the week, as the sun did arise,
The women went to the cave;
Bearing spices sweet to anoint the head and feet
Of the crucified Lord where He lay.
Mary Magdelena led the way
with Mary the mother of James;
Joanna and the others walking just behind
On the morning of the third day.
As they approached the place where Jesus lay,
They saw that the stone had been rolled away.
Sitting on the stone, all dressed in white,
Was the angel of the Lord who addressed their fright saying,
"Fear ye not: I know that ye seek Jesus.
Why seek ye the living among the dead?
He is not here. He is not here,
He is arisen as He said."
He is arisen.
Alleluia, Amen.
"Come and look at the place where the Savior did lie.
See the linen cloths that He wore.
Now go and tell the world what you have seen,
And tell them that I say,
"Fear ye not: I know that ye seek Jesus.
Why seek ye the living among the dead?
He is not here. He is not here,
He is arisen as He said."
He is arisen.
Alleluia, Amen.

We know when Jesus was crucified
Upon the wooden cross
Our every sin was laid upon Him
All for loving the lost
And we know that when He rose again
He conquered death and hell
Through His resurrection we have
Eternal life as well
For this we praise our gracious Lord
And thank Him for His love
For we could never have had this hope
If it wasn’t for His spilled blood
But we can know His resurrection power
Right now while we are here
For we can come to the cross of Christ
And lay down our burdens there
For everything that may hold us back
The hurts from yesterday
At the foot of the cross we lay it down
And then just walk away
For I believe that there is healing
At the cross of Christ
We do not need to carry these loads
For they’ve all been crucified
Receive from Jesus the healing you need
For your spirit, body and soul
Then you can arise, freed from your past
To walk completely whole
For what He accomplished on the cross
Goes on into eternity
Just reach out your hand and He will too
And receive His victory
"Resurrection Morning"
Praise the Lord this Easter morning
For all that He has done.
Take the time to remember
How the battle for our soul was won.
God knew man would not be able
To save himself from sin.
Without God's redeeming plan
We would never win. 
God sent His Son, Jesus,
To die upon the cross.
Calvary was the only way
For God to save the lost.
The day of crucifixion
Should burn clearly in our minds.
Oh! How the Saviour suffered
To redeem all of mankind. 
He was badly beaten
In such a dreadful way.
His skin was laid wide open,
As they kept striking Him that day.
When they mocked and spat upon Him,
He never looked away.
He stood and said not a word
To save Himself that day.
They pressed a crown of thorns,
Deep into His head.
And made Him carry a heavy cross upon His back
They had ripped to shreds.
He was hung upon the cross
With nails through His hands and feet.
And even though death was near,
He showed His love, when He promised eternity to a thief. 
They took a sword and pierced His side
To make sure that He was dead.
The pierced side
Fulfilling what the Scripture had said.
The blood that poured from His ripped flesh and pierced side,
Is the blood that redeems us in His Fathers eyes.
The stripes that laid open the skin on His back,
Allows for our healing; Isaiah 53 states that.
Are we worthy of this Man's blood?
Are we worthy of God's only Son?
"No!" Not a one can say,
"Jesus need not have died for me in that way." 
God's love for mankind
Showed clear on that day.
As He turned from His Son,
And the angels stayed away.
Jesus was laid in a tomb that was sealed,
And God's plan for man was later revealed.
For on the third day the stone rolled away,
Our Saviour resurrected, then is alive today.
Praise the Lord! He sits at the Father's right side,
Interceding for us, so with Him we'll abide.
Our salvation was paid for that day on the cross.
If we all turn to Jesus, not one will be lost.
Our sins are forgiven.
Praise God for His Son,
For on that Resurrection morning,
God's battle was won.
Have a Blessed Easter
Dave and Barbara
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