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He Who Keeps You

Posted by: bneumann848 <bneumann848@...>

I lift up my eyes to the hills – From where
will my help come?
 My help
comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be
moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. He who keeps Israel will neither
slumber nor sleep. (Psalm 121:1-4)


At the beginning of June, we were out of state
with family members when I found myself being rushed to the emergency room in
the middle of the night. A scope revealed a small tumor had ruptured in my
duodenum, the tube connecting the stomach to the intestines. It ruptured and
I lost a large amount of blood. The doctor and staff worked to stabilize me
enough to fly home for surgery, which occurred four days later. In total, I was in the hospital nine days.


All along the way, we could see God’s hand
orchestrating every step – from the fact that the tumor was found while still
very small to the fact that there was absolutely no sign of cancer, from the timing of
the rupture to getting the last two tickets on the only flight home that day, from
Christian nurses, excellent doctors and wonderful family members who took care
of us to caring co-workers whose help and encouragement came just at the right


And then there were the chaplains. After an
especially trying time, a man appeared in the doorway of the emergency room and
said, “I just came to smile at you.” His demeanor was so cheerful and peaceful.
On the evening before surgery, another chaplain visited. The back of her card had
the verse above printed on it – a reminder that my Guardian God was watching
over me. While I was in pre-op, a third chaplain came. She prayed that God
would guide the hand of the doctors and give me peace and healing. In each
case, God sent exactly what I needed in that moment.


I share this to remind you that, no matter
what comes your way, your Shepherd, your Protector, your Guardian God will
never slumber or sleep. What the enemy has meant for harm in your life, God can
turn it for good. Make the Lord your refuge and the Most High your dwelling
place. Your help comes from the Maker of heaven and earth!

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