Quote from Forum Archives on March 14, 2017, 7:17 pmPosted by: preacher30673 <preacher30673@...>
The Protection of Heeded Advice
If there was ever an area of our lives that we need wisdom and the protection that comes from wisdom, it is in this area of moral purity.
Now the Bible speaks very straight about moral purity.
In chapters 5 and 6, Solomon deals about premarital sex. In chapter 7 he deals with extramarital sex. Chapters 5 and 6 deal with fornication where chapter 7 deals with adultery.
Tonight I want us to think of the PROTECTION OF HEEDED ADVICE and how it relates to moral purity.
We are going to look at all three chapters and tie it all together.
How can we stay pure morally in this perverted world?
I. Stay Attuned to the DECLARATIONS of Wisdom
How do we do that?
See 7:1.
Do you see the word "keep"?
Notice it again in verse 2 and 5.
See 5:1.
See 7:24.
See 5:7.
See 7:24 again.
You cannot but be impressed with the many times Solomon is calling his son to listen.....keep....hear....hearken.....heed.....attend to his words.
We wonder why we give in to temptation so easily! God's Word is to your inner soul what a T-bone steak is to your body! It provides you strength and stability. "This book will keep you from sin or sin will keep you from this book."
Paul said in Colossians 3:16, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom...."
Moral purity begins by Staying Attuned to the declarations of Wisdom! IF YOU KEEP THEM (WORDS), THEY WILL KEEP THEE (7:1,5).
Treasure God's Word! Spend time in the Word! Be a doer of the word and not a hearer only.
Now I can hear some thinking, "I don't need all that! I'm pure, and I can stay that way on my own. I've got determination!" Well, let me ask you a question: are you stronger than Samson? are you more godly than David? Are you wiser than Solomon?
See Proverbs 7:26.
I. Stay Attuned to the DECLARATIONS of Wisdom
II. Stay Away from the locations of Wickedness
Verse 8, "Passing through the street near her corner . . .....he went the way to her house."
WHERE HE WANDERED - Now he may not had planned to go there... but in the back of his mind he knew she lived there.
See 5:8 .
WHERE HE WENT - "he took the way to her house." Do you know what his mistake was? He was in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong person.
Let me put that another way: to avoid the Devil, then stay away from his neighborhood! You will never become an alcoholic if you never drink. You will never get hooked on cigarettes if you never smoke. You will never become a cocaine addict if you never put it in your body! You will never get hooked on pornography if you never look at pornography! You will not commit sexual sins if you don't put yourself in a wrong situation.
If you take the "I" out of "ruin" you have run, and Solomon says that the wise will say, "I will run from such a person." It is run or ruin!
That's what Joseph did! Remember Joseph? See Genesis 39:7- 12.
"He who would not fall down ought not to walk in slippery places."
I. Stay Attuned to the DECLARATIONS of Wisdom
II. Stay Away from the locations of Wickedness
Iii. Stayed Alert to the DECEPTIONS of the worLd
See Proverbs 7:14-21.
Notice verse 21, "with her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with her flattering lips (old honey lips) she forced him. "
Do you know what flattery is? It is an artificial sweetener! Flattery looks like friendship just like a wolf looks like a dog! Listen men: flattery is like perfume; you're suppose to smell it, not swallow it!
Proverbs 2:16
Proverbs 5:3
Proverbs 7:5
Beware of the flatterer! Flattery makes big fools of little men!
Solomon knew the high price of immorality. See 6:26-29.
Woe to that individual who breaks down the high and holy fence God has put around marriage, the first of all human institutions. God will not be mocked in this area of life.
Marriage is God's idea. He instituted it, set up its rules, decreed its boundaries, and declared its sanctity. A man's relationship with his wife is to be loving and loyal.
See Proverbs 6:32. An adulterer is devoid of common sense. Immorality is a stupid crime.
Adultery is dishonorable: "A wound and dishonour shall he get; and his reproach shall not be wiped away" (Proverbs 6:33).
Pastor Jimmy Chapman
Victory Baptist Church
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Posted by: preacher30673 <preacher30673@...>
The Protection of Heeded Advice
If there was ever an area of our lives that we need wisdom and the protection that comes from wisdom, it is in this area of moral purity.
Now the Bible speaks very straight about moral purity.
In chapters 5 and 6, Solomon deals about premarital sex. In chapter 7 he deals with extramarital sex. Chapters 5 and 6 deal with fornication where chapter 7 deals with adultery.
Tonight I want us to think of the PROTECTION OF HEEDED ADVICE and how it relates to moral purity.
We are going to look at all three chapters and tie it all together.
How can we stay pure morally in this perverted world?
I. Stay Attuned to the DECLARATIONS of Wisdom
How do we do that?
See 7:1.
Do you see the word "keep"?
Notice it again in verse 2 and 5.
See 5:1.
See 7:24.
See 5:7.
See 7:24 again.
You cannot but be impressed with the many times Solomon is calling his son to listen.....keep....hear....hearken.....heed.....attend to his words.
We wonder why we give in to temptation so easily! God's Word is to your inner soul what a T-bone steak is to your body! It provides you strength and stability. "This book will keep you from sin or sin will keep you from this book."
Paul said in Colossians 3:16, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom...."
Moral purity begins by Staying Attuned to the declarations of Wisdom! IF YOU KEEP THEM (WORDS), THEY WILL KEEP THEE (7:1,5).
Treasure God's Word! Spend time in the Word! Be a doer of the word and not a hearer only.
Now I can hear some thinking, "I don't need all that! I'm pure, and I can stay that way on my own. I've got determination!" Well, let me ask you a question: are you stronger than Samson? are you more godly than David? Are you wiser than Solomon?
See Proverbs 7:26.
I. Stay Attuned to the DECLARATIONS of Wisdom
II. Stay Away from the locations of Wickedness
Verse 8, "Passing through the street near her corner . . .....he went the way to her house."
WHERE HE WANDERED - Now he may not had planned to go there... but in the back of his mind he knew she lived there.
See 5:8 .
WHERE HE WENT - "he took the way to her house." Do you know what his mistake was? He was in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong person.
Let me put that another way: to avoid the Devil, then stay away from his neighborhood! You will never become an alcoholic if you never drink. You will never get hooked on cigarettes if you never smoke. You will never become a cocaine addict if you never put it in your body! You will never get hooked on pornography if you never look at pornography! You will not commit sexual sins if you don't put yourself in a wrong situation.
If you take the "I" out of "ruin" you have run, and Solomon says that the wise will say, "I will run from such a person." It is run or ruin!
That's what Joseph did! Remember Joseph? See Genesis 39:7- 12.
"He who would not fall down ought not to walk in slippery places."
I. Stay Attuned to the DECLARATIONS of Wisdom
II. Stay Away from the locations of Wickedness
Iii. Stayed Alert to the DECEPTIONS of the worLd
See Proverbs 7:14-21.
Notice verse 21, "with her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with her flattering lips (old honey lips) she forced him. "
Do you know what flattery is? It is an artificial sweetener! Flattery looks like friendship just like a wolf looks like a dog! Listen men: flattery is like perfume; you're suppose to smell it, not swallow it!
Proverbs 2:16
Proverbs 5:3
Proverbs 7:5
Beware of the flatterer! Flattery makes big fools of little men!
Solomon knew the high price of immorality. See 6:26-29.
Woe to that individual who breaks down the high and holy fence God has put around marriage, the first of all human institutions. God will not be mocked in this area of life.
Marriage is God's idea. He instituted it, set up its rules, decreed its boundaries, and declared its sanctity. A man's relationship with his wife is to be loving and loyal.
See Proverbs 6:32. An adulterer is devoid of common sense. Immorality is a stupid crime.
Adultery is dishonorable: "A wound and dishonour shall he get; and his reproach shall not be wiped away" (Proverbs 6:33).
Pastor Jimmy Chapman
Victory Baptist Church
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