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Posted by: amazinggraze <amazinggraze@...>

Hello Dear Ladies,

It is TOO quiet around here. How about some of you check in.... especially those we have not heard from in awhile. Angelika, did you make it to the list yet? Tammy, how are you feeling seeing you are in the last weeks of your pregnancy? Anybody else expecting and if so when? For any of you expecting a baby, here is one thing you HAVE to do.... Just ask Rachel who lives near me....... You must come and live near me and share your babies with me!!! 🙂

Continue to pray for Debra, her husband and her children. She is not getting regular mail right now. She lives in NW Oregon. If anyone is near there, maybe you can go and see her and give her hugs from all of us.

Only by His merciful grace,
Marci, Adopted List Momma
Amazing Graze Farms

He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.