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Hello All!

Posted by: mestes <mestes@...>

I've missed you! I see that Tammy had her baby! A Boy! YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm hoping they are both doing good. Can someone resend the particulars?

I read a couple of messages in the archives, but there are so many!!!! If I missed anything else, please someone let me know!

I loved the wimple that you made for me. It was beginning to warm up by the time I got it, but I wore a few times. Chris really liked it too.

We've had quite a summer here with him. He has been very trying at times. We've had many nights of prayer and lots of discipline and even some punishment, but things are much better here now. There is more peace in the house again. It's amazing how when one person in a home gets out of the will of the Lord, the whole house is thrown for a loop. Things are feeling peaceful again.

We had a really good vacation. We went to Cedars of Lebanon State park in Lebanon, TN. Mike and I grew up there and it was so cool to take the boys there and do all the things that we did when we were dating (well, all that we could ;-). We played frisbee golf and picnicked. We went and got milkshakes at Snow White. We met with the park ranger and he explained the "cedar glades" and took us on a nice walk through a really wild part of the park.

We went to the Wilson county fair 3 nights. Saw the animals, the exhibits and the demolition derby! Caleb loved watching the cars run into each other.

We went to my parent's and shot skeet and rode horses. Mama gave me a bunch of her clothes. She's lost a lot of weight, so she gets new things and I get her things.

We had good times with the boys and were able to build up our trust with Chris again. The time was badly needed.

Well, looking forward to catching up! I really missed you all!
