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Hello ladies

Posted by: amazinggraze <amazinggraze@...>

Hello there Dear Sisters,
    I just wanted to give a brief reminder about something.  Some of the ladies on this list have really slow connections and it takes forever to download.  Also, some ladies are so busy that reading and dealing with email is very hard, so they have gotten off all of their lists, but this one.  I don't want anyone hindered in sending mail to this list, because that is what it is for.  If you are on other lists, and there is something so outstanding you want to share it, then please do.  Also, if it will directly speak to a question or problem someone on this list has, then by all means send it.  However, don't forward lots of things from other lists.  Even though this is a homesteading list, we don't always stick to that subject which is fine.  We are all either searching or serving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  This list has stayed very friendly without a lot of bickering, etc that I have seen on other lists.  Y'all have been very helpful with each other in praying and coming up with solutions for problems.  I said all of that to say, lets help the ladies that have problems with an over abundance of forwarded items.  Thanks and may God richly bless each of you.
Wanting to please my Lord and Savior,
Marci, Adopted List Momma
Amazing Graze Farm
Keep striving to be the best Keeper At Home you can be!!