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Help In Time Of Need

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>


 <>< Help In The Time Of Need ><>                                   

<>< What Is A Pastor ><>    

  A Pastor Is
A pastor is an unusual person, indeed!
He gets his assignments from a voice no one else can hear.
He works for a bonus check that is only legal and tender in heaven.
He starts his day in the prayer closet instead of the wardrobe closet.
He climbs the ladder of success by taking the lowly place.
He receives nourishment by feeding sheep.
His greatest gains come by what he gives away.
He is more attracted to what people look like inwardly than outwardly.
He lives for God's approval rather than following the opinions of others.
He speaks from the depths of his heart rather than from the top of his head.
His richest treasures come from the investments he makes in the lives of others.
<>< Grandma's Recipe ><>   

A warm and even oven set, you're ready to begin
By mixing, in the largest vat, the following; putting in -
A quart of fun and laughter to each bushel filled with love;
Gallons of time for encouragement; praise for effort above.
Add cups of songs and stories and a pinch of nonsense, too;
Conversation, that grows with age, binds together your brew.
Use a tender ear to listen to the problems of the day;
Your interest is the ingredient that must not go astray.
Patience pays off in this mix; a hug will smooth and impart
Grandma's special recipe - the recipe of her heart.
Have a Blessed Day     
Dave and Barbara

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