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Hi everyone

Posted by: dgarnera <dgarnera@...>

It has been a rocky month and a half but God has been faithful to
provide for us.
Jeff was put on house arrest in a neighboring town with absolutely no
contact. This has been incredibly hard on all of us especially the
He is working 7 days a week to make ends meet, but this still doesn't
cover the groceries or anything else we may need. They slapped him with
$500-$600 more fees and fines per month, so the 2nd job just covers
So the kids and are I are getting by on God. We have received some
donations here and there that has paid for our co-op order and other
things needed and a couple friends has taken us grocery shopping.
So we are getting by.
But we are lonely. We miss Jeff terribly. Nights are the hardest for me.

I thank you for your continued prayers.