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Posted by: btolliver <btolliver@...>

This afternoon while spending some time in the park we learned that a Jehovah's Witnesses International Convention begins here Thursday. 
Within a few minutes of making that discovery we literally saw hundreds of them all up and down the streets of Kiev's city center.  They are everywhere.  We have no idea how many will be here for the week-end.
Pray with us about two things:
1.  That the citizens of Kiev will be impervious to the false witness they will receive from these well meaning people.
2.  That truth will be released in this city like never before, in supernatural ways, and that both the citizens of Kiev and the Jehovah's Witnesses will recognize the truth, receive it, and be set free.
I know this is a last minute situation, but I plead with you to pass this information on to others; we desperately need thousands of prayer warriors to join ranks to help squelch the lies and deception that will be presented, and help release truth throughout the city.
Jesus told His disciples, "whatever you bind on earth shall be that which has already been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be that which has already been loosed in heaven."  Since we know lies and deception are bound in heaven and that truth has been loosed in heaven, we can act authoritatively on that and expect the same thing here.
Thanks for praying.
In His Bond,
Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver
Bob Tolliver
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
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