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His Healing Touch Tuesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

His Healing Touch  
The day started out to be another busy day for Sharon. She had awakened at
6:00 A.M. She started the day with prayer and reading God's Word. Soon she
knew the grandchildren would be coming and there would be no down time for
her. She noticed a shortness of breath, but shrugged it off and grabbed her
morning coffee.
The four grandchildren arrived and were all wanting breakfast. Now,
breakfast was hard because no two wanted to eat the same thing. One would
eat eggs, the other toast, etc. It was always such a rush and Sharon was
always more than happy to have it out of the way. She was still experiencing
some shortness of breath, and now there was some discomfort in her chest.
She was not at all sure what was going one. She grabbed a Prilosec, thinking
it might be her hernia acting up.
An hour later after much prayer the Prilosec did not seem to be helping at
all. The pain only got worse and the pressure got heavier to where her
breathing was labored. She picked up the nearby phone and called the school
where her daughter taught. She told the secretary that she needed her
daughter right away, as she had to go to the doctor.
The school was only a couple of blocks from the house so Sharon's daughter
arrived quickly. Sharon had already made a call to her Pastor asking him to
take her to the Doctor. The Pastor was there in a matter of minutes.
The pastor prayed with Sharon on the way to the doctor's office. It seemed
that the eight miles was a very long trip this time for Sharon. The prayer
did help her to calm down but not being sure just what was going on, she was
very concerned. When they arrived at the Doctor's office, she was taken
immediately in and they started an EKG. As the Doctor watched the paper
clicking out of the machine, he began to look worried. He looked up and
said, "Well, Sharon do you have a preference to a certain hospital?"
Sharon smiled. "No, I am not too crazy about any of them, why?"
Her Doctor gave a half smile and said, "Your EKG is not normal. There is
something going on that is not right. We need to get this checked out now."
The Doctor asked his nurse to get the Pastor and bring him back to the room.
When Pastor arrived, the Doctor asked if he would pray for her. Pastor James
said nothing as he took hold of Sharon's hand and the Doctor's hand.
"Sharon, we are going to ask the Lord to touch you and grant unto you His
The prayer did help for the fear that was consuming her seemed to ease, but
the heaviness was so strong by now that she struggled to breath. The Dr. put
another nitro-glycerine pill under her tongue and that did ease the
discomfort. He had to do this three times--once every five minutes or so.
When the ambulance arrived, they loaded her onto the stretcher. They started
an IV and started to monitor her very closely. Everything seemed to be a
blur to her. They took her to a near-by hospital but they decided that she
needed to be in a bigger hospital that would have the necessary facilities.
This all seemed like a dream, a very bad dream.
Sharon was taken to a big hospital in a city 60 miles from her home. She was
put in ICU. In a short time her family arrived at the hospital. She was in
and out of consciousness and not sure just what was happening to her. She
could feel a pulling and a tugging as if something was pulling her down. She
struggled and tried to pull away from whatever this was, but to no avail.
She fought until she was exhausted and she felt she had no fight left in
Sharon cried out, "Lord Jesus, Help Me!" It was then she saw a shield that
seemed to surround her and she felt a Presence. She knew the Lord was with
her and that evil forces were trying to pull at her and take her life. But
The Lord stopped them. The forces were hitting hard and the pain was so bad,
but they could only go so far. The Lord was protecting her. There was pain
and she was suffering but the Lord was in control and He would not allow
them to take her life. Exhausted, Sharon fell against the pillows. She felt
the presence of the Lord and knew He was with her. She knew all would be
well. There may be rough times ahead but with the Lord by her side, she
would handle them.
Sharon was in the hospital seven days. They had done a heart catheterization
on her and the bleeding did not stop so that caused some concern. Finally,
after a battery of tests and examinations she was told that her heart was
diseased and there was nothing they could do for her but give her
medication.. Everything the Doctor said was negative. He had nothing
positive to say. As she listened to him she said a prayer. "Oh Lord, create
in me a new heart. They say this one is so bad, so I know all is possible
with you, so give me a new heart, one that is well and in good shape, in
Jesus' name, amen."
Sharon searched out a Cardiologist who was closer to her home and made an
appointment with him. She was on so much medication and needed to see a
doctor often to have her situation evaluated.
Three weeks later she went to see him. He kept her on the same medication,
telling her things were looking up.
It was not two weeks later, early in the morning that the heaviness came
again. She knew this was the same as before and immediately fear consumed
her. She did not mess around. She called her daughter and they went
immediately to the emergency room. They sent her on to the hospital and put
her in ICU on a nitro-drip. The Doctor came and ordered another heart
catheterization to be done.
She informed him she was not having another one of those done. Her
experience from the last one was very fresh on her mind. The first one had
caused her multiple problems and much pain. There was no way she was going
through that again.
The Doctor insisted that this had to be done so they could see just what was
going on. Her family insisted that she have this done and she said she would
pray about it. She had no peace about this at all. She prayed all day, and
with the insistence of the doctor and the coaxing of her family she agreed
to have it done, but not without reservations.
The next morning the procedure was scheduled and Sharon prayed for peace.
She was taken to the Catherization room and a nurse walked over to her and
took her hand.
"This will be all right. I see where you had a very bad time the last time
this was done, but this time will be different for we are going to ask the
Lord to direct the Doctor."
She looked at her and said, "Are you a Christian?"
"Both your nurses are Christians and we will both be in agreement with you
that this will go smoothly and all will be fine. How would that be?
Sharon could only nod. She whispered, "Thank you, Lord." It was then that
the peace she had been praying for came over her.
This time the procedure was very different. Everything went smoothly and she
just rested in the Lord and let Him direct the hands of the doctor. Before
she knew it, it was over with.
That afternoon the doctor came into her. He took hold of her hand and said,
"I really cannot explain this, but the pictures we took of your heart look
great. We can find nothing wrong with your heart. When compared with your
other film, it does not even look like the same heart. It's like a miracle."
Sharon broke down and cried. The entire family cried. For indeed this was a
miracle! God had created in her a new heart and He even had given proof to
the sceptics, for they had the before and after films to show just what He
had done.
The whole family bowed in prayer and thanksgiving. Giving Jesus, the Jehovah
Rophe all glory and honor and praise that He alone deserves. He had touched
her heart and He had given her a new heart. And even if He had not done
this, Sharon knew that He was with her and would never leave her. She had
the blessed assurance that He is still on the throne and in complete
The films were given to Sharon's family doctor, who is a Christian, to use
to show that Jesus is still the same. He still heals and He has not changed.
What a testimony He has given to Sharon and her family. And they tell anyone
who will listen!! He is still the Healer.
Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever
The Bible Contains  
The mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers. It's doctrines are holy, it's precepts are binding, it's histories are true, and it's decisions are immutable.
Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you. It is the traveler's map, the pilgrim's staff, the pilot's compass, the soldier's sword, and the Christian's charter.
It's where paradise is restored, Heaven opened, and the gates of hell disclosed. Christ is it's grand subject, our good it's design, and the glory of God it's end. It should fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet.
Read it slowly, frequently, and prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory, and a river of pleasure. It is given you in life, will be open at judgment, and be remembered forever. It involves the highest responsibility, rewards the greatest labor, and condemns all who trifle with it's holy contents.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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