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HomeSpun HeavenSent

Posted by: dgarnera <dgarnera@...>

Hi gals! I just started my own business. I will be spinning up my own
yarn and then using it to knit up quick knit items like hats, socks,
scarves and selling them. I will also be knitting for a lady who has a
llama farm and sells fiber and custom yarns. I will be using her yarns
for that. If she likes what I do she is going to use my business name on
her web page to advertise my knitting.
Please be praying. I need to come up with some great quick knit items. I
also need to figure out how to price things. And I need to keep track of
my time spent knitting or spinning. I also need fiber. Soft fiber. I was
fortunate to meet a lady who has a a petting zoo. She has 15
llamas/alpacas. She was throwing away the fiber. She had 3 garbage bags
full of dark brown to black alpaca. She is giving it to me. And I can
have what she has after next shearing as well. This is a major blessing
as I will be able to spin it up and knit many soft and luxurious items
with it.
Anyway, just had to share what I am doing. Thanks for praying.