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Homeschooler wins Essay!

Posted by: UNEEDJC7 <UNEEDJC7@...>

>Montana Home school student named winner in Boston Globe essay

A 12-year-old from Montana has become the first home school student to
win the Boston Globe's third-annual essay contest for students in grades
6, 7, and 8. Jay C. Rickel, Jr., of Kalispell, is also the first winner
from outside of New England. Almost 3,800 contestants submitted essays
this year from which it selected ten winners. Students this year wrote
about "My Ideal School."

When Jay thought it would be a good opportunity to share his faith. "The
Boston Globe is one of the largest papers in the country, and a lot of
people would be reading that if I won," Jay said. "I thought it would be

The winning essays were published Sunday, May 6, 2001, in the Learning
Section. The Sunday circulation of the Boston Globe is more than

The Rickel family was headed to Boston this week for the awards
ceremony, scheduled for Wednesday, May 9, 5-7 p.m., at the offices of
the Boston Globe. Jay C. Rickel, Jr.'s, essay as published in the Boston
Globe, is reprinted here in full, with the author's permission.

Jay C. Rickel Jr.
Grade 7
Home school, Kalispell, Mont.

My name is Jay Rickel Jr. I am 12 years old and in seventh grade. I've
been home-schooled all my life. I have never once desired to be in a
different situation. I see the value for the present and future of being
home-schooled, and am therefore content and wholeheartedly believe that
my home is the perfect school for me.

My parents are Bible-believing Christians. Various Christian speakers
and authors introduced them to the idea of home-schooling in 1989.
Basing their decision on the Bible, they began to home-school in 1991.
The Bible scripture, which continues to shape and build this conviction,
is Deuteronomy 6:4-7, which says, ''Hear O Israel: the LORD our God is
one LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and
with all thy soul and with all thy might. And these words which I
command thee this day, shall be in thine heart. And thou shalt teach
them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou
sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou
liest down, and when thou risest up.'' As a Christian myself, I believe
it is God's plan for children to be with their parents, so their parents
can teach them to love the Lord. Home-schooling allows time for this.

Not only do I have academic studies, but also studies involving
practical skills for life. I'm getting a head start. I will be prepared
when I leave my parents' house. I will not have to learn these primary
skills in the midst of more pressing circumstances. We often hear, ''How
will you be socialized?'' God has taken care of this. He has placed me
in a large family, with children of all ages. I am constantly challenged
to help and reach out to those younger, as well as learning to receive
from those older.

My school is extremely individualized. As my parents and I seek to know
God's plan for my future, we structure my studies accordingly. If I'm
behind in a specific area of study, I can spend more time on it. This
has been challenging, but has taught me how to push myself to achieve an
ultimate goal. Not only do I
realize academic growth, but the character quality of diligence as well.

I will be eternally grateful to my parents for choosing this type of
schooling. We actually call it DISCIPLESHIP. Not only does it enable me
to spend more time with my family, but also prepares me for real life! >

If you want to write to the Boston Globe and express your thanks for chosing
Jay, here is the link:

Sandy Covelli
Miracle Acres Farm
Caledonia WI
"Providing New Beginnings and Happy Endings"
Jesus is the Answer - What was your Question?