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my day

Posted by: mcthornberg <mcthornberg@...>

HI, Here's my day, which I thought might be a little different then yours. I
get up at 6:30 and get my kids off to school. We used to homeschool,
but,sadly, they go to school now. They are 18 and graduating this year and
enrolled in the national guard, so he will be leaving right after school for
basics and A.T. Won't be back until Oct.; 16, 14, 11. Then we have THE
suprise 19 month old, who uasually sleeps until 10. While he's sleeping I go
out and do chores.. We have nine horses, two cows(for meat), rabbits(for
meat), chickens, geese, pigs, dogs and cats. We raise paint horses and have
two stallions. So, chores are feeding, cleaning stalls, turning animals out.
Then I go in and have breakfast with the little one. Then, now that its
finally nice, we go out and do yard work and garden. We have a large garden
and several herb gardens. I try to grow all of our food that I can? When the
wee one takes his afternoon nap I clean, garden or work with the horses. We
have four that we are training to ride this spring and a few we are taking
in for training. We also breed outside mares to our stallions. The kids and
husband get home at 4:00 and we almost always eat supper together. Then
there's always a project to work on as we haven't lived here that long and
have lots of fencing and building projects going on. Lots and lots LOL Maybe
not as interesting as some, but I wouldn't trade my time at home with

Cindy Thornberg
Painted Meadows Ranch
Melvin and Cindy Thornberg
A.P.H.A. Tobiano Stallions
Strike The Flame
P.M. Painted Lightning

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