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HOPE 4 KYIV #069 ---- 7/31/08

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Hope 4 Kyiv

  Monthly Praise and Prayer Letter Of

     Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver

     Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine


            Issue Number 069

                July 31, 2008


Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Partners:


Yes, here we are, still in the States after finding it necessary to delay our return to Kiev.  Just as we anticipated in last month's letter, the need for doctor's appointments and medical tests, required that we reschedule our departure date.  At the moment at least, we are planning on flying out of Springfield, MO, on August 19th, although there is still a possibility it might have to be delayed yet again. 


This month's letter will be considerably different from most in that the bulk of our letter will bring you up to date on stateside activities and developments.


Where we live stateside:


People who don't know sometimes ask what our home is like in the U.S.  Most missionaries dispose of their properties when they go to the mission field, but we kept ours in order to have a place to come back to when returning to care for Bob's father, raise support, or make other necessary trips back.  When we returned to Missouri after twenty-one years in Iowa and Wisconsin, the Lord enabled our ministry to purchase a nice rough-cut Cedar-sided three-bedroom house in 1997, situated on eight and one-half acres of Ozarks forest just over one-half mile from a major highway.  The house is a bit difficult to photograph because it is nestled back in the trees about 200 meters from the gravel road that services the area.  However, the pictures below will give you an idea of what it's like.  Even with many trees now gone or damaged from last January's ice storm and last June's tornadic winds, it's still a great place for respite and rejuvenation.




Wildlife abounds in our little part of the forest.  Depending on the time of year, it is common to see wild turkey, fox, squirrels, deer, turtles, rabbits, and an abundance of birds of every species.  The pictures below were taken from our bedroom windows.  The one on the right was taken about three weeks ago.  It is common for us to see twin fawns such as these.  We seldom see bucks (daddy's).  Yesterday we were sitting in the family room and this doe (mama) went bounding across our yard and driveway.




Got any extra miles?


As you can imagine, travel costs are increasing dramatically.  Gasoline in Kyiv costs over $6.00 per gallon.  Taxi fares have more than doubled.  Every time we make a trip between Kyiv and Collins, we ordinarily spend in excess of $2,700 for tickets, meals, local transportation, and lodging (sometimes).  We have been blessed to have air miles build up enough to provide nearly-free seats.  That is how we made this trip. Periodically people will donate or purchase miles and put them in one of our airline accounts.  If you have miles that you'd like to transfer to our account, or if you'd simply like to buy miles for an account, it is very easy to do.  We can easily receive miles from most airlines. 


We have airline mileage accounts with United, Continental, Delta, Northwest/KLM, American, and several others.  Most of these airlines are in partnership with others, and the miles from those can also be used.  So, if you have any miles you'd like to donate for our next trip, drop us a note telling us how many miles you have and the airline/s with which you have them, and we'll tell you what to do.  Or, if you'd simply like to buy miles to add to our accounts, we can also tell you how to do that.  Even as few as a few hundred miles will add up.


What's Been Happening:


+  Things in Kyiv have been in good hands and moving along quite well while we've been gone.  We have a great Pastoral Leadership Team and competent worship leader, so Sunday services have gone well, although attendance has been down by probably 75%.  Most of our missionaries and university students have been gone for the Summer, and many of our Ukrainian members have been out ministering in youth and children's camps as well as language camps.  Others have been on holiday trips.  However, thanks to people like Vitaliy, Emily, Mohammad, Alan, Dennis, and others, everything has been maintained.


+  The only language ministry we've heard from is the Persian work.  "M" tells us that even though quite a few are gone, the Sunday Bible study and the week-end groups have seen good results with decent attendance.  As far as we know the Arabic, Chinese, and Spanish groups have continued meeting, but we know nothing of what's been going on.  The pastor of the Spanish church has moved to Brazil, and we don't know what is happening there in terms of leadership other than we understand that Joel is providing some measure of leadership and advice since he returned. 


+  We are thrilled to report that Joel and Ira were married last month while back in the States.  They are both very special people to us.  They have been vital parts of our ministry almost since the beginning of KIBC nearly three years ago.  We met Ira when she served as Bob's translator at St. James Bible College in Kyiv.  She comes from a pastor's home, and several of her uncles and brothers are pastors.  Joel is, of course, American, comes from a missionary family, and has extensive experience as a missionary.  He speaks fluent Spanish and provides invaluable help to the Spanish church.


+  Gratefully, we've settled amicably with the insurance company over the damage to electronic items caused by lightning while we were in Medellin, Colombia in June.  All items have been replaced except one, and we hope to do that next week.  Incidentally, Kevin and Cindy are in great need of volunteers to do various types of work on the new seminary building currently under renovation.  We'd urge you to consider taking a week or two and going down to help.  If that interests you, contact Kevin at or or  It's a wonderful place to visit, and the need for practical helps is great just now.  You could either go individually, create a team, or join a team already formed and scheduled.  Kevin can give you all the info.


+  Both of us have been doing lots of work around the house as time allows.  Jo Ann has been doing some very deep cleaning inside, and has noticed a significant improvement in her allergy problems.  Bob's office and the storage rooms still need to be attacked, but that will be his responsibility.  He's been battling tent worms and wasps outside, and still needs to take care of several minor repairs and do some work in the garage if possible.  However, his endurance level still isn't what it needs to be, so he's not getting as much done as hoped.


+  Bob recently applied for a waiver on his Medicare Part B premium penalty to see if it could be reduced.  The penalty was imposed because he was advised by both Social Security and Medicare personnel to not sign up for Part B at the time he became eligible for Medicare in 2003.  That was the wrong advice.  As a result, his Part B premium is over $40 per month higher than it would have been otherwise.  We met with the Social Security representative a few weeks ago, and she seemed to think we could get at least a partial waiver.  It turns out she's a believer and member of one of the churches we know about.


+  We've had several doctors' appointments and medical exams since our last letter.  Things look good, and also indicate areas of potential concern.  Other than blood pressure and cholesterol being a bit higher than preferred for Jo Ann, her tests have all been great.  We're waiting for a report on her most recent test last Wednesday.  That should come next week.  Bob's tests were a bit more strenuous and were generally good.  All of his lab work was ridiculously good.  The stress test showed both great results in that there is no evidence of arterial blockage, but it also showed what the cardiologist thinks might have been a heart attack sometime in the past.  That was quite a surprise!  Bob is still waiting for an appointment to follow that up.  His other major test showed three polyps that were removed and one small evidence of Diverticulosis which will need to be monitored in order to avoid it developing into Diverticulitis (which would require surgery).  We're waiting for the biopsy report on the three polyps.


+  Needless to say, medical matters take on more significance as you get older.  Living in Kyiv intensifies their significance because you do not want to be stranded in Ukraine with any serious medical problem.  While things are improving dramatically and you do have highly qualified medical personnel, there are still enough people around who bought their medical degrees instead of earning them that you must be extremely careful. 


+  We've seen all of our grandchildren except Sarah, and all of our daughters except Debbie this trip.  We were so sad that we didn't find out that Sarah was graduating from high school early this year until it was too late to attend.  Deanna and her tribe are coming down for a four-day visit this coming Monday.  We're so grateful to the Lord for our kids, grandkids, and great granddaughter.


+  We are currently facing significant financial challenges because of having to carry "double" medical insurance.  This has increased our expenses by about $700 a month.  Medicare and supplemental insurance do not cover us when outside the U.S., but we must maintain it even while we're in Ukraine.  Consequently, we must also carry overseas medical insurance while in Ukraine.  It's a real "bummer", but that's the way it is.  Unfortunately, that reality will likely require us to modify some of our personal ministry activities in Kiev for lack of resources.


People often don't realize that we have both an ongoing stateside budget as well as overseas.  While our operating budget in Kyiv is almost $1,900 per month, our stateside budget runs around $1,400 per month, both running concurrently and year round.  When we're home we also have travel expenses and vehicle maintenance.  So, our total monthly expenditures are about $3,300 per month.  That does not include travel costs between the States and Ukraine.  Between Bob's retirement benefits and our ministry supporters, our total income runs around $2,600 per month, a monthly shortfall of about $700.  In the past we've dipped into the estate of Bob's father, but that will soon be depleted.  Through it all, however, God has provided, and we know He will continue doing so as He teaches us to find new ways to economize and as He moves in the hearts of others to undergird us.  We know from personal experience what George Mueller meant when he said, "God's work done God's way never lacks for God's supply."


+  We've had the joy of visiting in several churches, including our home church, these past weeks.  We've not, however, had an opportunity to bring reports or share our missions opportunity with others.  It has been wonderful, though, to be spiritual fed as we've listened to some of the pastors in those churches.  We've had the opportunity to meet the new pastor in our home church, but have not been able to visit with him personally.  The people seem to be very happy to have him as their new pastor.  Our former pastor, Tom, is now pastoring just outside of Kansas City.


What's Ahead:


+  Unless there are further medical delays, we will leave for Kyiv in just under three weeks, flying out of Springfield via Memphis and Amsterdam on August 19th.  Our next newsletter to you should again come from Kyiv.


+  Some exciting ministries are in the works for the Fall.  We are very excited about them.  A new English class and Bible study ministry for Ukrainian speakers will begin in September.  We will be starting a new phase of leadership training and equipping for hand-selected people, preparing them further for major leadership roles in the church.  Bob will be resuming a strong preaching and teaching load at the church in anticipation of our continued transition of leadership over the next year.  We are also seriously exploring ways in which we can minister to some of the 150,000+ Jewish people living in Kyiv.


+  The Pastoral Leadership Team will continue its transitional time as it adjusts to the loss of members and the addition of new members.  We've got some great guys on the team, and others are in training.


+  We are scheduled to return to the States in December this year for Christmas.  Last year we remained in Kyiv, and it turned out to be a difficult time.  Our Christmas plans in Kiev never developed as we had hoped, and it made our time away from family in the States far too long. 


Prayer Requests:


As you can see from above, we have several significant challenges.  Please pray with us about the following requests.


+  Pray that God will provide for our increased financial burden.  Currently we need some $700 per month more in order to break even.  Pray that people will respond, even if it's in small amounts.


+  Pray for our health matters.  Pray especially for a good report on Bob's biopsy report (that should come by Aug 10th or 11th), and for the situation regarding his heart.  Pray that Jo Ann can get her cholesterol level down.  Pray that both of us can get into a better program of physical activity and exercise, strengthening our endurance and losing some of those unwanted pounds that age seems to throw your way.


+  Pray for the language ministries in Kyiv.  Pray that the Persian ministry will see even more fruit as many come to Christ.  Pray that the Arabic work will grow and will see some salvations.  Pray that the Spanish work will find a competent pastor to take Raidel's place.  Pray that the upcoming Ukrainian English class and Bible study will result in many coming to Christ.  Pray for Vitaliy as he continues his preparation for it.  Pray that we will know what to do about the Chinese ministry and whether or not to maintain it.  Louis has been faithful to lead a weekly Bible study with a few merchants, but few students are involved.


+  Pray that God will give clear directions as we continue the transition process of phasing ourselves out of major leadership roles and focusing more exclusively on teaching, preaching, and mentoring.  Pray that other men and women in the church will rise to the occasion and take on the important roles of leadership and ministry.


+  Pray that God will bring more Americans, Ukrainians, and western Europeans into our fellowship, especially those with strong Christian backgrounds.  Pray that God will drive the KIBC vision deep into the hearts of those who come our way.


+  Pray that God will provide volunteer teams for Kevin and Cindy in Medellin, Colombia, as they try to complete the renovation on the seminary building.  Kevin is the seminary director.




As you can see, we have much on our plates, and there are some significant challenges before us.  This is the first time in over fifty-two years that health matters have become significant factors.  Other than to give birth to children, Jo Ann has never had a hospital stay.  Bob had never been in a hospital bed for anything at all until last Tuesday and Wednesday.  And, we've never faced significant financial challenges before like we are now.  So, we know you'll intensify your intercession in our behalf.


We remain super excited over the ministry God has given us.  The vision is as clear as it has ever been, and our will and desire to respond to it are as strong as ever, no matter where it leads us.  The idea of becoming dormant and sedentary in ministry is unthinkable to us.  The idea of "retirement" from God's kingdom work is a totally foreign concept.  We know that your prayer, support, and friendship have contributed to the positive and enthusiastic outlook which we both retain.  We continue thanking God for you every day.  We've said it before, but we say it again . . . you are a major part of this ministry, and we thank God for you.


Be blessed beyond what you can contain.


In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,


Bob and Jo Ann

The Tollivers, missionaries in Kiev, Ukraine


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