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HOPE 4 KYIV #-52 ---- 2/14/07

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Hope 4 Kyiv

The Monthly Praise and Prayer Letter Of

Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver

Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine


Number 052

February 14, 2997



Dear Friends, Family, and Ministry Partners:


Greetings to you from a cold, wintry, but beautiful Kiev, Ukraine.  Today it is cloudy, Cold (around the low 30's F), and just a bit breezy melting an earlier "Christmas card" snow.  Most of you have never seen a picture of the church building where we live and where KIBC meets, so here's a look.  Our apartment is on the 4th floor on the extreme far right where the window sills are white.  The church meets in the front of the building on the extreme far left where you see the very top windows just below the peak.  Seventeen churches use this building every week, nine on Sundays.


It's great to be back in Kiev after our six-week holiday trip back to the States.  We regret we were unable to see many.  Between our packed schedule, shuttling back and forth to various nearby cities, celebrating Christmas with family, and then being interrupted by ice and snow storms, we just couldn't get it all done.


Also, Happy Valentine's Day To You!  We pray God blesses you to overflowing with an awareness of His love that is expressed every day, and not just once a year.


Updates:  Since our last letter, . . .


+  The translations of the fourteen Bible study booklets into Russian and Farsi has been completed, and now we are having them translated into Ukrainian.  We are also trying to find sources to translate them into Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic.


+  Attendance at KIBC is back up . . . w-a-y up, for winter attendance.  The past two Sundays it has been in the 70's, with new people constantly.  We've not only had new Ukrainians, Americans, Persians, and Chinese attending, but also people from India and Uganda.  We are having some awesome services, and new people are showing up every week.


+  Because of the snow and ice, all but four of our stateside holiday speaking engagements were cancelled.  We were able to speak in our home church on Dec 17th, Wellspring in Bolivar, MO on Jan 7th, and at FBC in Hurdland, MO (near Kirksville) on Wednesday, Jan 10th, . . . but then the ice and snow hit, and everything else was cancelled until the State Evangelism Conference on Jan 22nd just before we returned to Kiev.  Hopefully we can reschedule next time we're home.


+  The State Evangelism Conference was a high point of our trip to the States.  Even though the bad weather kept hundreds away, and even though Bob was the "lead off batter" of the conference, there were still several hundred attending.  It was a personal blessing to us both to be honored as speakers.  Bob was asked to speak on "Being Released >From Apathy", and many, many people expressed positive comments about what he shared.


+  All of our three language group ministries (Chinese, Hispanic, and Persian) continue to see the presence and power of God, though often in the midst of great hardship and difficulties.  We cannot remember any ministries where we have seen such fruitfulness and blessing, and at the same time such struggle, hardship, and resistance by the enemy.  You'll read more later.


+  The progress on the church building has intensified.  Pastor Phillip tells us that just about everything will probably be complete by April . . . but we'll not hold our breath.  He tells us that, of all seventeen churches now using the building every week, all but one are seeing the hand of God move in mighty power and great blessing.  That includes, us, of course, as you'll read below.


Current and Upcoming Events:


Since returning home, it's as if everything has jumped into high gear, and frankly, we're having a hard time keeping up.  God is certainly opening the floodgates of blessing on us, in astonishing ways at times.


+  We've already had two young adult gatherings in our apartment, Jo Ann has already prepared Sunday lunch for our singles the past two Sundays, and we've resumed meeting with our Timothy and Esther Fellowship groups. This past Friday we did an Evangelistic Dinner with 17 Chinese students, seen below . . . most of them are new believers, some baptized just the day before this picture.  More than 40 Chinese students have  been saved in the past two months through various ministries.



+  It appears that we will be working directly with the Chinese pastor and a Chinese American brother in developing this work.  As you know, we've lacked for strong leadership in that group, but see his departure from another church as the hand of God both for him and for us.  Since this man came to Kiev as a missionary/pastor two months ago, more than 40 Chinese students have been saved.  Bob has baptized several of them.  But, because his sending agencies cut him off, he is now in desperate need of raising total and complete financial support.  This is another area where some of you might have an interest in being involved.  Bob met with these two men earlier today and began working out the details of this ministry.  Sunday worship services will begin on February 25th for this group.  This ministry has the potential of becoming "the largest the quickest" numerically of anything we've done thus far.


+  God has enabled us to finally purchase our new projection screen for the sanctuary.  However, He surprised us when Pastor Phillip offered to split the cost with us.  That enabled us to not only buy a much larger screen (over 13' across), but also buy a motorized one that raises and lowers itself, and is mounted permanently on the wall.  What an awesome blessing!


+  We have also found an economical way to develop our translation systems using tiny FM transmitters, at a greatly reduced anticipated cost.  We are beginning work on this project this week.  For a cost of less than $400 per language, we'll be able to translate to an unlimited number of people needing such service.  It is our plan to immediately purchase at least three units, and add more as needed.  We currently need to translate into Russian or Ukrainian, Chinese, and Farsi each week, and sometimes Spanish.  If you'd like to help with this project, that would be wonderful.  Just drop us a note and we'll tell you what to do.


+  And, believe it or not!!!!, we may have a solution to our internet problem.  A major local internet company has begun offering high speed ADSL service, and (get this) the building where we live already has several lines into the building, . . . and (get this, too!) one of those lines is available immediately.  All that is necessary, is for the local company to switch the line from analog to digital, and then to switch the lines in the main box.  It will mean a change in our local phone number, but that is all.  The only problem is, after more than a year and a half of broken promises and set backs, we're having a hard time believing something that appears "too good to be true."  We can report, though, that a technician came yesterday to check the condition of the available lines, and he is scheduled to return this coming Friday with another "gadget" that will make a final test.  We'll hopefully know for certain in the next few days.


+  Recently Mark, a Lebanese believer and member of Bob's Timothy Fellowship group, indicated his feeling that God was leading him to begin a ministry to Arabic speakers.  This was so exciting, especially since it came just a few days after Bob had begun feeling it was time to pursue a ministry in that area.  So, we'll see where it takes us, but it is certainly something about which you can pray.


+  M, our Persian ministry leader, has had further setbacks both physically and with his documents.  He and his wife, I, have both been suffering from various physical problems, she quit her job and is now looking for another, and he has "mysteriously" had all his records allowing him to stay in Kiev as a student simply be erased from all records.  This means he can be arrested for no reason, imprisoned, and even possibly be deported.  Even though he is married to a Ukrainian and still has a valid passport, he cannot apply for Ukrainian citizenship until two years after his marriage.  That means September, 2008, which is not until his passport has expired.  We don't know how to tell you any more than we have just how big this issue is.  It is clearly more than political; we see it as a constant harassment and attack from the powers of darkness.


In spite of these setbacks, a sweet Persian young woman accepted Jesus Christ just a few days ago.  And, in spite of losing several from the group because they returned to their home countries, the ministry still flourishes.  God has provided Persian language Bibles, M. continues writing new materials, we have found some thrilling new evangelistic materials for their use, the core group of believers remains strong and faithful, and they are planning on beginning worship services in the next few weeks.  But, the battle rages nonetheless.


+  God has placed in our hands two outstanding sets of evangelistic and new believer Bible study materials that will probably have long lasting results.  There is an abundance of good material, but little in languages we need.  You have probably heard of the "Alpha Course", a 13 week evangelistic study that answers basic questions about Jesus and His desired relationship with us.  We have located it in all but one of the languages we need.  In addition, we have recently purchased an awesome set of materials published by New Tribes Mission, entitled "From Creation To Christ", a 50-lesson series that is ideal both for believers and also for unbelievers in that it uses the chronological storying method of presenting God's love and plan of redemption from the Garden of Eden to the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus.  We also got those in most languages.  We're studying them and testing them out now, but it is highly likely that these items will become the core of our evangelizing and training.  You should look into these resources for your own church.


+  Two Sundays ago we began a special focus on "The Blessed Life".  Based around a DVD series and book by Robert Morris by that title, this study focuses on specific ways God's Word tells us that we can experienced a truly blessed life.  Not to be mistaken for the ordinary blessings of life, this study "kicks it up a notch or two" by showing how you can move into an even richer and purposeful life of blessings and fulfillment.  Bob preached an initial overview of the subject the first Sunday, naming several of those ways.  Last Sunday we watched Morris's teaching, "First Things First", dealing in the most balanced and non-condemning way we've ever seen on the subject of tithing.  His amiable, practical, and balanced way of presenting this truth was most refreshing.  Even long-standing tithers said they heard things they'd never heard before.  We're looking forward to next Sunday's study on "Principles of Multiplication", based on the loaves and fishes story.


+  Finally, we will be making a trip to Germany March 2nd to attend the IBC's annual leadership conference.  Even though we've only been back from the States a few weeks, we feel we need to attend the conference.  Dr. Jim Henry from Orlando, FL will be one of the keynote speakers.  A Christian ministry in the States has provided funding for all of the trip except the travel costs and personal spending, so it is already a great blessing.  We're anxious to see many of our IBC friends we've not seen since at least last October.


Prayer Requests:


+  Please pray for the family of missionary George Markey.  After some 25 years in eastern Europe, mainly in Kiev, George developed severe pancreatitis in which the pancreas began to die.  He was evacuated from his new home in Kazakhstan to the States last Monday, but we received word this morning that he died earlier in the day.  With Calvary Chapel Missions, George was a trail blazer for missions in eastern Europe where he and his family planted churches, led the main Kiev church, and shared the Gospel of Jesus with thousands.  It's hard to understand such a death, but we can rest in to sovereign goodness of God.  Please pray for his wife, his nine children and their families, the church here in Kiev, the new church in Kazakhstan, and the thousands of grieving friends and relatives.


+  Pray for M. and Ira, his wife ---- health issues for both, and his documents.  At this point, he is a "non person" in Ukraine; all documents have "mysteriously" disappeared.  They are so crucial to our Persian work, and we see this as both a time of strengthening faith and also a spiritual battle with the enemy.  Scores of Muslims are so open to the Gospel, and the ministry grows rapidly, as you read above.  Please place them on your personal daily prayer list.  If you'd like a picture of them, drop us a note, and we'll e-mail you one.


+  Pray for Pastor Feng and for us as we continue shaping a partnership ministry to the Chinese in the city.  His vision is almost a carbon copy of ours.  Pray that this will be a good "marriage", and pray that God will provide for this ministry's financial needs.  He and his wife are currently living with some friends in that their rent is up on their apartment and they need to move into a less expensive one.  Pray that we can jointly "cast the net" that will draw hundreds of Chinese students to Christ.  Pray that God will raise up supporters for this work.


+  Pray that God will release the floodgates of resources upon KIBC as a result of our obedience to His Word, especially as it pertains to "The Blessed Life".  We both have a deep stirring in our hearts that God is about to do something astounding in response to our obedience as a church.


+  Pray for Mark as he continues prayer about reaching into the Arabic language people living here.  Pray for S. from India, as he considers the same thing for his people, and for Albert from Uganda as he tries to get things resolved at his school (documents and "proofs" again!), and as he considers ministering to his people living here.


+  Pray that we can get our translation systems up and running quickly, and that the Lord will provide all the needed funding for that, along with another microphone, recorder, and player for our sound system.


+  Pray for the guys who come every Sunday at 7:30 am to begin setting up our sound equipment.  Our worship leader, Brent (from West Plains, MO) is the first to arrive, and then goes non stop until services are over and equipment stored around 1:00 pm.  M. and F. have to leave home at 5:45 am in order to be here by 7:30.  We are so inspired by the sacrifices so many here make to the work of the kingdom.  We are humbled.  And we are so "rooster-crowing" proud of people like them in our church.


+  Pray for our children and grandchildren as they face various opportunities and challenges.  We're so blessed to have them all, and we're keenly aware that they often face difficult challenges without our physical presence to encourage or give counsel.  And, yet, they are some of our greatest encouragers.  Never forget to pray for them; in many ways their sacrifices are far greater than ours.


+  Pray for the churches and individuals that support us financially.  Pray that God will bless them and prosper them for their obedience.  Pray that they will always look beyond the dollars and see the faces of the people who are coming to Christ because they are making it possible for us to be here.  Pray that God will remind them that we not only represent the Lord, but we also represent them and their passion for the lost.


+  Pray for what's going on in Ukraine politically, socially, morally, and spiritually.  The country is the "rag doll" in an enormous tug of war between good and evil, between democracy and dictatorship, between integrity and corruption.  This plays itself out on many levels, even down to the grass roots of society.  The nation will be either saved or lost in the next few short years.


+  Pray for the developing scenario being played out concerning the Lord's return.  The alliances and encounters surrounding the Middle East continue to emerge, and spread from the Americas to the Far East.  The return of the Jews, including the "lost tribes" of Israel, to Israel leaves one speechless.  The awakening of hearts to prophetic reality is breath taking.  The weather patterns, earthquake, and volcanic activities are just another voice from heaven shouting, "I'm coming! . . .  Very soon!"  Surely His return is just around the corner.


+  Pray for us as we try to remain faithful by living as simply as possible, by pouring our lives and love into the hearts of the people, by being discerning in what and how we lead the church to fulfill its destiny, and by urging and prodding the people on in kingdom ventures.  Pray for KIBC that we will be virtually everything God wants us to be to the nations of the world living in Kiev, to the amazing Ukrainian people, and to the faithful missionaries who sacrifice so very much to share the Gospel of Jesus. 


+  Pray for us and our sleep needs.  Jo Ann often has difficulty getting to sleep as her brain wants to keep cranking out thoughts.  Bob, on the other hand, falls to sleep almost as soon as his head hits the pillow, but often wakes up with a start early in the morning.  For example, last Sunday it as 4:45, and he never went back to sleep before a very long day.  So, the two of us often will get only four to six hours of sleep a night, with an occasional seven or eight hour night thrown in.  This keeps us tired most of the time, and that physical weariness often tries to steal our motivation to get important things done.


+  Pray for our personal financial needs.  Our monthly shortfall has been compensated for this past year by a build up of free airline miles and funds from our savings, but after one more trip, we will have to begin buying tickets again.  So, our monthly needs continue to be around $2500.  Pray that God will add supporters to our already wonderful team.




Thank you, dear friends and family, for your love, your encouragement, and your support.  You'll never know how often the physical tiredness, the emotional drain, and the spiritual weariness are conquered as a direct result of your prayers, an e-mail, a care package, or some other special note from someone like you.  They always seem to come "right on time" for when we need them.  And, especially thank you for the way your undergird us through intercession and generous financial support.  We thank God every day for you and others like you, most of whom you don't even know.  We could not be here, if you were not there.


In His Bond, and For His Kingdom,


Bob and Jo Ann

Missionaries to Kiev



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