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Hope Chest Resource Catalog, April 2001

Posted by: homenews <homenews@...>

APRIL 2001

Hello Hope Chest readers!

There isn’t room in the regular newsletter for a description of all of
the resources we are now offering, so here it is! If you plan on
ordering, please check with me by e-mail to be sure I still
have it in stock. If I have just sold out of a title, I can always
my own books or reorder Cindy Rushton's if I have a little extra notice!

I also offer a discount of $1 off of each resource when you order
three or more titles.

**** NEW! ****

By the request of many of our readers, I am making available the
tape of my speech "Nurturing Naomi: How to Help Yourself or
Someone Else Overcome Discouragement" which I presented
for our support group earlier this month. I sent the basic text
for this in the last issue, but there are things in the tape that
were not in the newsletter since I adlibbed a good bit. (Is that why
it is 30 minutes long instead of the 20 minutes it was supposed
to be?!?)

If you order just the tape, send $3, which includes postage.
If you order anything else list here, I will send the tape for free!

**** COMING SOON! ****

If there is enough interest, I will soon be compiling volume 4
of the Best of the Hope Chest (issues 31-40). Let me know
if you would like to order this so I can print enough of them!
It will be $10, just like the other volumes.

Volume 4 has these topics in it:
Just for Fun, Interviews (Christine Field, Joyce McPherson,
Timberdoodle, Dr. Jay Wile,), Science, Choosing Curriculum,
Resource Reviews, American Heritage, Government,
Australia, the Olympics, Health, Handling the Tough
Times & Transitions, Poetry, Unit Studies, Thankfulness,
Christmas, Old and New, and more.

Also, in the next few days I will be ordering a supply of Cindy
Rushton's new book Inspiring Our Children Toward Greatness
Using Great Literature (subtitled Using Literature Based Learning
As The Foundation of Your Homeschool). Here is part of Cindy's
description of this book: "Want to be inspired to use literature as
the foundation of your Homeschool? This book will set your heart
on fire... inspire you... give you detailed reasons WHY you should
use literature as the foundation of your children's lessons...
[as well as] practical and EASY how-tos for implementing this approach
with resources that are readily available. Other topics include:
Choosing the best books... Growing with your Homeschool...
Meeting your child's specific needs...Keeping records...PLUS...
recommendations straight from the Rushtons for great books!
This is one book that you will not want to miss!"

If you are interested in this book, let me know now, so I can be sure
to order plenty! It will be $12.


Now on to the rest of the stuff!

THE REAL LIFE HOME SCHOOL MOM is a labor of love, written to
minister to moms who are facing the emotional, spiritual and practical
challenges of educating their own children. So far, I’ve been
delighted to hear that it is fulfilling that goal. If you would like
information on this 15 chapter book, I would be glad to send it to you!
The discount price of The Real Life Home School Mom is $14 plus
shipping and tax.

from the first ten issues of the Hope Chest Home School News.
Some of the topics covered are Language Arts, Poetry, American
History, Unit Studies, World Geography, Nature Study, Spring and
Summer Holidays, Summer Schooling, Travel Tips, Teaching
Preschoolers through High Schoolers, and much more.
The Best of the Hope Chest is $10 plus shipping and tax.

THE BEST OF THE HOPE CHEST VOLUME 2 has the reprints from
the issues 11-20 of the Hope Chest. Some of the topics covered are:
Health & Safety, Hospitality, Preschool, Thanksgiving, Christmas,
Valentine's Day, Character, Stress, Motherhood, Math, Money,
Unit Studies, Planning, Performing Arts, and Poetry.
The Best of the Hope Chest Volume 2 is $10 plus shipping and tax.

THE BEST OF THE HOPE CHEST VOLUME 3 covers issues 21-30
of the Hope Chest. Some of the topics covered are: Things We Wish
We'd Known, Houses & Homes, Creation, Thanksgiving, Christmas,
The Greatest of These is Love, Time, Books Alive, The Ancient
World, Unit Studes, Poetry, and Mom's Support Network.
The Best of the Hope Chest Volume 3 is $10 plus shipping and tax.

I am also now carrying a few books and tapes by Cindy Rushton.
Cindy is a sweet godly veteran home school mom with so much
wisdom to share! She specializes in teaching about the Charlotte
Mason methods of natural learning. Living in northern Alabama,
Cindy is a popular conference speaker across the southeast. I have
limited supplies of these books and tapes, so PLEASE e-mail me
before you send an order.

A CHARLOTTE MASON PRIMER is a gentle introduction to the very
natural and practical teaching methods of 19th century British educator,
Miss Charlotte Mason. This is a great overview of language arts, math,
nature study, history, the fine arts, and most especially, character
education! 84 pages, $12

ever wandered through the maze of educational theory, philosophy
and methodology, you'll appreciate this book, which covers them all!
Cindy shares the advantages and disadvantages of various home
school approaches, and gives practical tips on implementing each
one. Most of all, she encourages you to seek God's wisdom on
what is best for YOUR family right now! 86 pages, $10

for discipling our children. The emphasis is on building a warm
and loving relationship which will enable you to share faith and
purpose with your children. 104 pages, $20

LANGUAGE ARTS... THE EASY WAY expands on how to teach this
vital subject using encouragement, copywork, dictation, narration,
creative writing, notebooks, scrapbooks, poetry and so much more.
109 pages, $20

NATURE STUDY... THE EASY WAY is a big thick manual on how to
enjoy nature and teach your children all about it. Learn how to use
your backyard, indoor activities, whole books, notebooks, family
days, the seasons, Scripture, poetry, hymns, quotes and more.
This book tells you where to get the very best resources, too!
160 pages, $25

THE 3RS FOR MOM... WELL, MAYBE FOUR is a five tape set that
no home school Mom should miss!
#1: Revival: Turning Our Hearts Back Home
#2: Re-Education: Toward Your Own Philosophy of Education
#3: Real Education Charlotte Mason Style (2 tapes)
#4: Re-dedication to the Call of Womanhood
I’ve listened to these tapes, and they are really inspirational and
practical. Let’s hear Cindy’s comments on this set: “These
workshops were our most requested workshops last year.
The tapes will take you back to the beginning, your heart and so
ul...then re-educate your mind about GOD'S plan for education...
then challenge you to become the godly woman that God desires
for you to be! If you want the nuts and bolts of our philosophy and
ideas for homeschooling AND balancing it all, this is our pick of
packages!” Workshops include...Revival: Turning
Our Hearts Toward God, Re-education: Taking a Look At Education
Past and Present, Real Education Charlotte Mason Style,
Rededication to the Call of Womanhood. Comes in a Vinyl Binder.
This tape set, which comes in it's own durable case, is $16.


DISCOUNTS! If you order three or more resources,
take $1 off the price of each.

TO ORDER ANY OF THE RESOURCES: Send me a list of which
books you want and how many, and compute the subtotal. Shipping
to USA addresses is $2.50 minimum and 10% after that. Florida
residents pay 7% sales tax AFTER computing shipping. (Contact me
for foreign shipping rates, rush shipping rates, or quantity pricing.)
Mail your check, order and e-mail address to:
Virginia Knowles / 1925 Blossom Lane / Maitland, FL 32751

If you prefer to order with a credit or debit card on the web, go to the
PayPal web site at and send the payment to
[email protected]. Be sure to get the e-mail address correct!
Also be sure to include your name, address and other order
information. This is the ONLY way I can accept credit/debit card