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Hope4Kyiv #027 ---- 1/29/05

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

     HOPE 4 KYIV
                     Number 027
                January 28, 2005
       The “In-Pact” Prayer Newsletter of
             Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver
           Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine
Dear Friends, In-Pact Partners, and Family:
Greetings from wintry, snowy, beautiful Kiev.  After several delays and a computer lock-up that made us lose all the work we had already done, we're finally getting a rewritten letter to you.  We hope this one is as good as the one we lost. 
Very Important!  In recent weeks we've had some major problems with e-mail as a result of a new filtering system our ISP installed.  It was not compatible with our server we use for our e-letters to you, and it also did not work well with addresses.  This system has been dis-engaged for our address and is no longer in operation.  However, it is very important that you use ONLY our addresses ---- Bob:  Jo Ann:  Notice the slight change in Jo Ann's address.  No matter what comes to you in the "From" address, please use these addresses.  You can, as always, simply click on "reply" if you're answering a letter.
Ten years ago this month we arrived in Kiev for the first time, and ten years ago today we celebrated our 36th wedding anniversary eating dinner at "Uncle Sam's Steak House" with Mike and Kay Norfleet.  This time we watched "Joe Versus The Volcano" on DVD last night, fell asleep to ancient episodes of "M.A.S.H." on VHS, and slept late this morning.  This afternoon we returned to "Sam's", as it's now called, and celebrate number 46 (we're too old and tired to go out for supper).  We'll probably eat popcorn for supper while we watch another movie or something. 
We have to tell you that we're convinced it is virtually impossible for us to be this close to our Golden Wedding Anniversary!  It's not possible for our eldest to be 45 and our youngest to be 40!  Someone is playing tricks with the calendar!  We're just young kids yet!  Too bad our stamina and our bodies don't recognize our youthful minds and dreams.
Here's an oddity too oft' practiced here.  We decided to splurge by taking a taxi to the restaurant since it was so cold and slick.  To get from our apartment to the restaurant, it cost us 20 Hrv (about $3.70).  To get back the identical route from the restaurant to our apartment, it cost 12 Hrv (about $2.30).  Go figure.
Much has been happening personally, in ministry, and certainly nationally.  Personally (we'll be brief), we're doing fine now that we finally adjusted back to the time change.  It took us over a month to fully adjust this time, very unusual for us.  Because of some ministry revamping, we are enjoying a little more uninterrupted times for just ourselves.  This has been good for us, and has enabled us to be more relaxed and not so "driven" in ministry.
+  Jo Ann has been doing lots of baking and cooking, delighting our friends, colleagues, and Bob himself with special goodies.  She's really enjoyed having some time to do such things as a break from but still part of ministry.  Bob has been doing more and more writing, most of it relating to ministry. 
+  We've been also forcing ourselves to take some breather time.  In the past two years, we've never yet taken an official "day off" other than tagging a day or two on either the beginning or end of a ministry trip.  Our previous typical schedules incorporated every day of the week.  Since returning we've been able to reserve one or two days a week just for ourselves with no ministry-related responsibilities (other than perhaps correspondence or phone calls).  There have even been a few days when we never left the apartment for 24 to 48 hours at a time.  (Still a day of miracles!)
Ministry wise, things continue to be exciting.  Upon our return to Kiev the end of December we learned that we had been transferred from the Church Planting Team to the Administrative Team.  While we thoroughly enjoyed the fellowship and contact with our friends on that team, our specific ministry really did not fit in with the focus of the CPT, and it really made sense for the change.  An unanticipated benefit of the transfer has been the deletion of team meetings that we were expected to attend but that had nothing to do with our work at IBC.  So, even though we miss the fellowship, we cherish the time that has been released in our monthly schedule.  That action also released Bob from supervisory responsibilities to three missionaries.  It was difficult to supervise people who were working in areas where you had no involvement and little knowledge.  So, all in all, it was a good adjustment.
+  Jo Ann is having great success with her SIP ("Sisters In Prayer") group that meets twice a month, and Bob is enjoying the same with his "TImothy Fellowship" of guys.  Since returning to Kiev we have scheduled them to be at the same time so that we don't tie up extra nights.  The only problem is that Bob has to take the Metro to the church building to meet with his guys while Jo Ann keeps the young ladies here at the apartment.
+  Our English program is currently a great challenge.  While we were in the States the holiday season began, so our group didn't meet from December 17th until January 18th.  With many holidays still being celebrated and students still taking exams, the attendance has been very slow in rebounding.  One night Jo Ann had only one, the next week just two.  Bob's Bible study, which normally runs in the 40's, has only reached about 25 just last Tuesday.  And, now that the momentum is building up again, we have to cancel everything for two weeks because of a two-week English class blitz conducted by an American evangelist must have our space at Central Church.  So, we hope to regain momentum the end of February.  Then, of course, things start unraveling again in late May for the Summer.  Such is life in Ukraine.
We are also in a state of uncertainty with our ESL teachers.  One of our couples, the Sargents, were due back in early January.  However, an unexpected angioplasty and stint insertion for Betsy has delayed her return for at least six months, and John's until late February.  It is very unclear what their level of involvement will be from now on.  And, the wonderful lady, Rosemarie Manney, who has been subbing in their class feels she must conclude her involvement soon in order to devote necessary time to the ministry that she and her husband, Dave, have with HCJB Radio.
+  The two bright spots in our church relate to the development of good leadership and our growing Spanish work.  This group is on the verge of becoming a church in its own right.  Even though 'Jesus and Carmen are about to emmigrate to America, they themselves are training Spanish speaking leaders to carry on the work.  Numerous people have been saved, including one of the key players on the Ukrainian National baseball team, and several are wanting to be baptized.  We are spending extra time with these friends, and are awed at their enthusiasm for sharing the Gospel, praying, and learning Biblical truth.  The leaders come to our home every Monday afternoon at 3:30 for 90 minutes of Bob's teaching on Biblical doctrine.  Sometimes we work through three languages (English, Russian, and Spanish) in order for everyone present to receive the teaching.
+  We rejoice that our home church, FBC, Eldorado Springs, MO, and also the Crampton's church, Wanaker Rd. BC in Topeka, KS, have committed themselves to partnership with IBC in Kiev.  We don't know the details of the latter, but our home church is committed to two years of personnel support, prayer, inter-church communications, and monthly financial support.  At the end of two years, our church will review and probably renew the partnership.  We are so thrilled with these developments which will help provide stability and growth in the church here.  God is good!
+  We continue concentrating our primary work on continued leadership development and preparation for the arrival of our successor.  The Pastoral Shepherding Team continues giving primary direction to the church while Bob progressively slips more and more into the background.  Even then, the PST as a whole is reluctant to take the lead in some areas.  Bob is having more and more men involved in conducting worship services and in preaching.  Tomorrow, for example, he will bring a short greeting at the beginning of the service and then mention two or three short announcements at the end.  Everything else is being done by others in the church.  He will preach the following Sunday, and then a guest from America, Ray Leininger, will preach the 13th.
Nationally, we of course have the outcome of the "Orange Revolution".  Ukraine, for the first time in many centuries, has a democracy that includes freedom.  Bob is going to send an extra letter later next week that details much of what led up to the "Orange Revolution", what almost happened during, and what the future looks like.  The most important things to us personally are that the Ukrainian people now have a true opportunity to set the course of their nation toward a truly free society, and that we were living in this beloved country at a time like this.
Little by little, information is leaking out that led us to believe that it was nothing less than a mighty miracle of God released by the fervent intercession of prayer warriors around the world that kept the events of the past three months from erupting into great chaos and massive bloodshed.  The facts are becoming clear that . . . .
    - There was a deliberate effort to draw Ukraine back into stronger ties with and control by Russia.
    - Viktor Yushchenko was deliberately poisoned several times with at least two poisons over a period of time for the expressed purpose of killing him.
    - There had been an ongoing strategy for many months to break away from Russia's influence and do away with the current corruption in government that had been in place for the past fourteen years.
    - There were many people within the framework of the old regime who were developing a plan to rid Ukraine of corruption and heavy-handed control.
    -  In an effort to retain control, the old government clearly instigated a plan to manipulate the outcome of the election through fraud, payoffs, promises, and threats.
    - The initial general election actually gave Yushchenko the 50% margin he needed, but it was deliberately rigged to force a run-off.  The first run-off election was also clearly rigged in like manner.  The second run-off gave Yushchenko a decisive victory margin of at least eight percentage points (and perhaps more).
    - There were definite plans to use forceful military action against the demonstrators, but that was thwarted by internal political maneuvering that revealed a vast number of military personnel and police who were supportive of the demonstrators.  The subsequently refused to take action against the demonstrators and, instead, voiced their support for the people.
    - The road ahead is equally challenging and the obstacles to the new government's agenda are enormous.
    - Ukraine needs continued aggressive prayer.  There is still the potential for conflict and turmoil.
The year 2004 was indeed a watershed year for Ukraine.  If you want access to past and current reporting on the Ukrainian scene, go to these websites: -- international news -- international news -- Ukraine/Kiev news -- Ukraine/Kiev news -- Ukraine news "OR" perspective -- Ukraine news "OR" perspective -- Ukraine news "OR" perspective
        http://  -- Ukraine news "OR" perspective  -- Ukraine Religious news from Orthodox Church perspective
These websites will give you some very interesting insights into the workings of Ukrainian affairs.  If you're interested in what's happening here from a Ukrainian perspective rather than from CNN or someone else, then you'll want to check these sites out.
Bob is in the final stages of adding one or two "Orange Revolution" photo albums to our site.  Don't miss these eye-opening and challenging pictures with commentary text.  These should be completed by the middle of next week.  Go to  While you're there, take a look at the updates on other albums, including the latest on our little Nicole Grace, family, and IBC albums.
THE FUTURE:  Last month we still didn't know much about our future.  Today we know much more. 
+  This much we do know ---- we have "maxed out" our allowable time with International Mission Board in this region and must conclude our work here sometime by the first of December.  It will probably be sooner.  We will return to the that time.  We will certainly continue some level of involvement in Ukraine and perhaps other parts of eastern Europe, but independently from IMB.  So, the possibility of continuing IMB work in this area is not there.  We do, however, feel that we will maintain some type of working relationship with the church.  It is yet to be seen how that will develop.  We also have some interest in doing some ministry with the International Baptist Convention churches in the future.
We have no desire in "retiring", and feel we have something to offer people somewhere.  After we've been home a month or two, we're probably going to get itchy feet and will be looking for some other ministry somewhere.  We may retain involvement somehow in the PrayKIEV prayer strategy, fill in for the Crampton's here when they need to return to the States, do some interim pastorates in International Baptist Convention churches, . . . . or something totally new and off the wall.  All we know is that this is not the end of ministry, but, like the fabled Pony Express, a change of steeds.
+  Rick and Jody Crampton are continuing their preparation to come to Kiev as our successors, hopefully arriving in August.  Rick graduates from Midwestern in May, and Jody is completing her second teaching degree.  It looks very likely that she will be teaching at Kiev Christian Academy (previously known as New Hope Christian School).  Rick's specialty is mentoring, leadership development, church planting, teaching, strategic prayer, and evangelism ---- exactly what the church is wanting to continue.  Please go to to learn more about the Crampton's and how you can plug into their ministry.
+  We have several trips ahead of us.  In March we have a conference in London, in April Jo Ann takes another group of women (single gals this time) to Germany again, in June we have our Central and Eastern Europe's annual meeting of missionaries in Poland, and in July we have the annual "Glorieta" or "Ridgecrest" of European Baptist work in Interlaken, Switzerland.  Bob cancelled a trip to Frankfurt that he needed to take next week.  Just too much going on right now.
First, a huge apology!!!  In preparing last month's prayer requests, Bob copied and pasted information from a letter he had written in answer to a non-SBC relative, and he failed to edit out some wording and information that should not have been included in our letter to you.  As a result, we unintentionally violated a long-standing policy to which we had agreed.  So, to our colleagues and to our friends and supporters, we apologize. 
Now to some specific prayer requests:
+  In that prayer includes praise as well as petition, rejoice with us that God has brought the two partner churches to join hands and hearts with IBC.  He has also prompted some individuals to do the same thing.  This is a major step for the church.  Pray that one or two more churches and several more individuals will do the same.
Praise the Lord that He has called the Crampton's to follow us at IBC in Kiev.  It is our current plan to spend their first two months with them, creating a smooth transition and helping them get settled in.  Pray that God will make all aspects flow smoothly and with His abundant supply.
Praise the Lord that He is raising up a team of intercessors and supporters for the Crampton's.  Pray that this team will increase greatly in numbers.  Remember that the Crampton's do not have the benefit of any missionary organization sending or supporting them; this is all being done on their own, with two small boys.
Praise the Lord for churches and for people like Nancy Jobe who will be coming for short-term missionary service.  Pray that God will provide all of Nancy's support needs, that He will enable us to take advantage of her presence and abilities in highly productive ways, and that He will keep her completely safe enroute to, during, and after her ministry here.  She flies to London around March 3rd and will return to the States around April 16th.  Pray for our home church as they assemble a team to come in August to help us.
Praise the Lord that He led this nation through a tenuous time into a new era that will give hope like never before.  Pray that it will remain non-violent, that the new leaders of government will rule with righteousness, that the promised freedoms of religion, press, and speech will become unencumbered reality, and that God will pour out His Spirit on this nation and will honor His declaration that righteousness does exalt a nation.
Praise God for His faithfulness and abundant supply to our family during recent difficult months as we said good-bye to our grand daughter, Nicole Grace, as Jim and Deanna continue their readjustment to life without Nicole, and to our other girls and their families as they have endured respective challenges.  Pray that, for each of them (Cindy "and boys" in Colombia, Debbie and girls in Fort Worth, Cheri and Bob and gang in St. Paul, and Deanna and Jim and kids in Missouri), God will pour out His blessing and affirmation on them and all that they do.
Praise the Lord for the breathing room and the renewed energy He has given the two of us for this "final stretch" of our ministry.  Pray that we will retain our focus on continued leadership mentoring and training, declaration of Biblical truth, and search for future alternative meeting locations.  Pray that our remaining months will be even more fruitful than our first two plus years.  Pray that we will have opportunities to give a clear presentation of the Gospel to many of our unbelieving friends in our building, on the Metro steps, in the restaurants, and in our English and Bible study classes. 
Praise God for the growth and enthusiasm of the Spanish work.  Pray that Igor, Ricardo, Rosa, Tania, and Raidel will be mighty in spirit, faithful in service, and wise in leadership as they form the team to carry on.  Pray for 'Jesus and Carmen as they work through the final stages of their move to America.  Pray for Tania that she will not be discouraged as she continues her efforts to also emmigrate to America.  Pray for her mother who has been diagnosed in Cuba with a possible brain tumor, and for her that she will be sustained during this situation where she cannot return to Cuba. 
Praise God that He uses national crises to open people's hearts to the Gospel.  Pray that the Body of Christ in Ukraine will not let this opportunity pass by, but will seize the moment that has been given them to walk in spiritual unity and declare the riches of God's grace with confident boldness and relentless compassion.
Praise the Lord for His faithfulness in the past as we have ministered.  He is awesome!  Pray that He will show us the next door through which we are to walk.  We have no interest in enduring prolonged cabin fever in our little house in the woods of southwestern Missouri.  We want Him to continue using us both in the U.S. and internationally.
FINALLY:  We again have been reminded of your special role in this ministry.  And, we again must say that if it were not for you and others like you, we could not have survived the past eight months.  Thank you again.  Please be faithful in your intercession in our behalf.
In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,
Bob and Jo Ann
The Tollivers,
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
   Jo Ann:
Our Websites:  for the general work in Kiev. for access to our family and
    ministry photo albums. for information on our city-wide strategic prayer movement.
To receive "PrayKiev", a monthly (or more) prayer letter on a city-wide prayer
   network, send a blank message to
To reach the "PrayKIEV" website, go to
For weekly spiritual encouragement and current stories of our work here,
subscribe to "Shoulder To Shoulder", a letter to "lift up hands that
For Back Issues of . . .
   "Shoulder To Shoulder" go to .
More Helpful Resources:
If you have a heart for God and would like to be encouraged in your life and ministry,
    and you have a burden for your church, your community, and the world,
    then you may want to receive . . . ---- one of the best Creation websites I've ever seen. ---- for excellent brief words of encouragement from
    one of America's premier evangelical writers/thinkers. ---- great website for dealing with hurts and wounds through forgiveness. for daily world news without a liberal, godless bias. ---- A world-wide network for praying together. ---- excellent resources on revival, prayer, missions. ---- resources on prayer, evangelism, etc. ---- To adopt and pray for a special historic city in Iraq. ---- "National Pastors' Prayer Network" newsletter.  ~  
    email:  Register your PPG: . ---- U. S. World Prayer Center. ---- "Life Action Outreach". ---- "Mission America" .
Other Great Resources Are: for access to over 3900 downloadable audio sermons.  Exceptional site. for great Bible resources and downloads.  Exceptional site. (one of the best free download Bible study site I've ever seen!) for new and fresh evangelism & discipleship materials."Christian Communications Toolkit" (using internet wisely) Free software or shareware listings, for church related software from CAMSOC.
    To subscribe to CAMSOC update newsletter, go to  Thousands of Free Christian graphics.
Online Resources on Ukraine are . . . . Live webcam of Independence Square, Kiev. Current news info on Ukraine. Source of many sites relating to religious issues in Eastern Europe.
Secular News on Kiev and Ukraine will give you interesting views at . . .


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