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Hope4Kyiv ---- #027 ---- 12/22/04

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

     HOPE 4 KYIV
                     NUMBER 027
                December 22, 2004
       The “In-Pact” Prayer Newsletter of
             Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver
           Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine
Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Prayer Partners:
What a time!!  Joys, thrills, adventure, sadness, grief, frustration, praise, exhaustion, . . . . one right after another, or all at the same time!  And, on top of that, . . . . Christmas!
Where do we begin???  As we write, we are certain we'll omit something that's important.  But, here goes, anyhow.
Merry Christ-mass!
That's what Christmas means . . . . "Christ worship".  With all the secularistic, depraved, politically in-correct babble going on in our confused and perverted world, we take honor and great pride in wishing you, your family, and your church one of the most blessed, thrilling, joyous, and energized spiritual experiences of praise and worship over the birth of our Redeemer that you've ever encountered.  We hope you celebrate your socks off!
And, we urge you with all our being to "shout it from the housetops!"  Jesus Christ is born!  Become "Ukrainian" in spirit ---- with a driving instinct for justice that cannot be quenched, and a quiet tolerance that maintains a patient and sweet spirit toward those who offend and ridicule.
It is clear that we will not get Christmas cards sent this year.  If Bob can get a decent internet connection to send an e-card, we hope to do so.  However, at the moment he is able to get on the web in only about one out of every twenty attempts.  Our lines here are absolutely horrendous.  The service we've been getting is worse even than what we originally had in Kiev.  It's an insult to internet service.  So, if we have to wait until we return to Kiev, please be patient.
In the meantime, please accept our deepest expression of Christmas celebration.
What's Been Going On:
Eight interviews with prospective pastors/family/staff, over twenty speaking engagements (even after cancellations), 3,000+ miles of driving, two snow storms, 20 other ministry related appointments, a funeral, nearly 800 e-mails, several hours of physical exams, dozens of long distance phone calls, and a bunch of other stuff . . . . all in the past six and one-half weeks.  With just one week left before our planned return to Kiev, we've concluded that we won't get any rest until we return to Kiev.
Some folks have called our trip a furlough.  Not!  Others asked us how we were enjoying our vacation.  R-i-g-h-t !   The fact of the matter is that only two of the seven and one-half weeks were scheduled for vacation; the rest was totally ministry related.  It is called "Mobilization".  We came home primarily to search for someone to replace us at International Baptist Church sometime during the latter part of 2005, to try to encourage some churches to partner with the church as it makes this transition and struggles to get on its feet, and to urge churches and individuals to intensify their commitments to missions through prayer, giving, sending, going, and partnering.
In many ways it has been more than successful.  We praise God for the responses from several churches.  Some of the details are below.
And, while all this has been happening here, Ukraine has been facing one of the most significant challenges in its history.  We deeply regret that we've not been there with our people to encourage them; but we have certainly prayed for them and have tried to motivate them via e-mail.  This coming Sunday will literally determine the future of a nation for the next 150 years or more.  It will also greatly affect relationships between nations internationally.  Frankly, the world will not be the same following Sunday's election, no matter which way the results go.
By now you probably know that our precious Nicole Grace experienced her ultimate healing and her coronation Sunday afternoon, November 28th, when, with Jim, Deanna, Jo Ann and me standing around her little hospital bed, we watched her quietly leave her young but highly flawed body and enter the sweet presence of the One Who created her and called her for such an extraordinary purpose that touched thousands of lives worldwide.
Words cannot sufficiently describe the impact Nicole had, nor can they adequately express all the feelings in our hearts over her death.  Jim and I agreed that she, in just five and one-half months, affected the lives of more people than his ministry and mine will ever impact in our lifetimes.
Two memorial services were held . . . . one in LaGrange, MO on Wednesday, December 1st, and one in Lees Summit, MO on Friday, December 3rd.  Then, to our utter astonishment and joy, we discovered that she was being buried just two feet from the graves of my own mother and father.  Just another whisper from the Lord that He was here, He cared, and He was acting in our behalf.
In spite of that sad time, we enjoyed Thanksgiving in LaGrange as Bob and Cheri and the kids joined us a few days earlier.  Then Debbie and her girls and also Roma came up from Texas for Nicole's funeral.  Cindy, Kevin, and Christopher were already back in Medellin, Colombia, so could not be with us.
Then, sadly, just tonight we got word from Cindy that Kevin's father died earlier today in Des Moines.  So, they are making an emergency trip home on Thursday for his funeral.  It is doubtful that we'll be able to see them because of our own schedule and our departure next Wednesday for Kiev.  It will be almost impossible for us to get to Des Moines for the funeral, though we certainly wish we could.
We both got good reports on our physical exams . . . so far.  Jo Ann was not able to get one exam done because of procrastination on the medical side, and Bob is still waiting for the report on his rather extensive glucose test for diabetes.  Hopefully that will come soon.
Today we had the unexpected joy of seeing Debbie's three girls, Abby, Sarah, and Rachel, as they came up with Jeff to visit his parents for Christmas.  That was an indescribably special time we had together, though only three or four hours long.
God has been so faithful during these seven weeks.  The new Pastoral Shepherding Team at the church has ably led the church during our absence.  They've covered all the bases, have met regularly for prayer and planning, and are really showing their leadership abilities to the church.  We are very proud of them.  It will be a joy to return and work together.
During the demonstrations in Kiev, many of our church members, as well as our missionary colleagues, have been "in the trenches" ministering to demonstrators left and right.  Gloves, socks, mittens, food, Bibles, and tracts have been given away in record numbers.  Many of our own members were on the streets, ministering, witnessing, joining in prayer gatherings, and sharing the love of Christ with demonstrators, opponents, and police.  One of our women, early in the demonstrations, with courage but fear in her heart, spoke to one of the policemen saying, "You can kill me, but then what will you do with the rest of your life?"  Our own Sveta had many opportunities to witness, including to a man claiming to be an athiest.  After she had finished talking with him, he had to openly admit that there was a God.  Pray that he discovers Him in a personal way.
You cannot imagine how proud we are of our people at IBC. Not for their political beliefs and convictions, but for their willingness to sieze the opportunity to declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the only guaranteed way to real freedom and purpose.  We say, "Yea, IBC!!!!!"
We are also excited to report that at least one church in the States has made a definite decision to partner with International Church for a period of one to five years.  This is a huge step in the transitioning process.  Three other churches are seriously considering similar action, and we expect at least one or two of them to do something.  While we don't yet know the specifics of these new partnerships, we do know that the details will have a very positive impact on the church and its ability to grow and ultimately become totally self sufficient.
We are also thrilled to report that, as of today, we have a new replacement pastor committed to coming to Kiev to take Bob's place.  Hallelujah!!!
The story is too exciting and detailed to describe here, but from the very moment we got his first e-mail, we felt Rick was the guy.  Rick and Jody Crampton have agreed to become the senior pastoral team at IBC sometime late in 2005 after Rick graduates from Midwestern Seminary next May and Jody fulfills her practice teaching responsibilities for her degree.  They have two sons . . .  Joshua, age seven, and Caleb, age five.  In our opinion, Rick and Jody are just exactly the type of people we would have personally picked for this job, and we believe they are just exactly what the church needs to build upon what has been laid up to now. 
Interestingly, neither Nicole's death nor the Crampton's acceptance of this ministry opportunity has really clarified things for us regarding our own future.  Obviously Nicole's death removes one of the emotional tensions to return to the States, but we still feel a strong commitment to Jim and Deanna at this time, as well as to our daughter, Debbie, and her girls.  But, especially with things that are happening in Kiev right now, and the indescribable opportunities that are surfacing through the elections and demonstrations, there is something within us that tugs at our hearts to return to Kiev and stay for some time to come.
Essentially we think we have three options, one of which we must choose by mid Fall of 2005.  First, because or extension concludes at that time, we can remain with the IMB but in a different role that does not include much if any connection directly with the church.  Second, we can resign from the IMB and stay on in a significant role with the church.  Finally, we can go home, see a shift in our ministry, and perhaps return to Kiev for short periods of time or perhaps consider interim pastorates at other churches in Europe, North Africa, or Middle East with the International Baptist Convention.  We don't have a clue what we'll do!
Major Prayer Requests:
At this point in our lives and the life of the church, please pray strategically and authoritatively about these matters:

+  Strengthening and training of Pastoral Shepherding Team.  That these men will be mighty in spirit, utmost in character and integrity, and confident in leadership.
+  Leadership development and mentoring of new leaders.  Especially for Bob and his "Timothy Fellowship" and Jo Ann and her young women.  And for the overall development of strong leaders in all areas of church life.
+  Replacement for our Spanish ministry as 'Jesus and Carmen and Tania emigrate to the U.S. early next year.
+  Financial strengthening of general budgetary needs.  That tithing and above will be the norm for every member and attendee.  That resources for all ministries will be there.
+  Volunteer “staff” members from partner churches, students, and others to come and help us.
    - Sports Evangelism
    - Leadership training
    - Student Ministry
    - Village evangelism ministry
    - Homeless children and orphanages
    - Widows and widowers
    - Spanish ministry
    - Youth ministry
    - Associate pastor/s
+  Successor to current pastor.  That Rick and Jody Crampton (and Joshua and Caleb) will be able to fulfill their commitment, that school obligations and graduation will be successfully completed, that they will build a strong prayer network of support, and that they will quickly and successfully raise the $1500 to $2,000 a month necessary to cover their living expenses in Kiev.
+  Funding to print 10th Anniversary photo booklet ($500 to $750).
+  Funding of NIV New Testament ($700 to $1500).  Ten of the eleven faces on the "Many Faces, Many Places, One Message" NIV New Testament are people from our church.  This NT is filled with Bible helps and witnessing tools.  Pray that this will become a great tool not only in Kiev but throughout all of Europe.
+  Housing support for Bob and Jo Ann for 2005 ($600 to $700 per month).  We assume responsibility for this on January 1st, payable in advance by quarters (January, February, March).
+  Volunteer teams (medical, evangelistic English blitz, village work, leadership training, prayer walking, etc.).
+  Partnership with churches.  For the one church that has already decided.  For others who are deciding.  For specific details to be worked out in each situation.

+  Authoritative militant prayer base.
+  Our own meeting place/s.
    - Apartment to serve as “ministry center” and training center.
    - Auditorium or meeting hall for worship services.
    - Own building to house sanctuary, offices, ministry center, training facilities, apartment for pastor, etc.
+  Additional sound equipment, office equipment, keyboard, computer, etc.
+  Printing of several promotional pieces ---- business cards, promotional brochure, English class brochure, witnessing tracts, etc.

+  Jim, Deanna, Michael, and JoyLinn (and the rest of us) as they/we adjust to Nicole's absence.
+  Kevin, Cindy, Christopher, and all of Kevin's family as they mourn the loss of his 91 year old father.  Pray for safe travel, peace of mind, and strength.
+  For the two of us (and our family) as we prepare for our return to Kiev.  We fly out of Springfield on December 29th at 10:04 am, arriving in Kiev December 30th mid afternoon.
Thank you, dear friends and family, from the depths of our hearts for your incredible love, encouragement, and support.  We again find ourselves at a total loss in trying to fully express how we feel about you.  You are an absolute blessing through and through to us.  We don't know what we would do without your prayer support, your friendship, and your encouragement.  We praise God with our whole being for the privilege of counting you as partners in ministry.  What you do for us is clearly as important, and perhaps moreso, as what we do as your missionary representatives.
Please let us hear from you from time to time.
In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,
Bob and Jo Ann
The Tollivers
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
   Jo Ann:
Our Websites:  for the general work in Kiev. for access to our family and
    ministry photo albums. for information on our city-wide strategic prayer movement.
To receive "PrayKiev", a monthly (or more) prayer letter on a city-wide prayer
   network, send a blank message to
To reach the "PrayKIEV" website, go to
For weekly spiritual encouragement and current stories of our work here,
subscribe to "Shoulder To Shoulder", a letter to "lift up hands that
For Back Issues of . . .
   "Shoulder To Shoulder" go to .
More Helpful Resources:
If you have a heart for God and would like to be encouraged in your life and ministry,
    and you have a burden for your church, your community, and the world,
    then you may want to receive . . . ---- one of the best Creation websites I've ever seen. ---- for excellent brief words of encouragement from
    one of America's premier evangelical writers/thinkers. ---- great website for dealing with hurts and wounds through forgiveness. for daily world news without a liberal, godless bias. ---- A world-wide network for praying together. ---- excellent resources on revival, prayer, missions. ---- resources on prayer, evangelism, etc. ---- To adopt and pray for a special historic city in Iraq. ---- "National Pastors' Prayer Network" newsletter.  ~  
    email:  Register your PPG: . ---- U. S. World Prayer Center. ---- "Life Action Outreach". ---- "Mission America" .
Other Great Resources Are: for access to over 3900 downloadable audio sermons.  Exceptional site. for great Bible resources and downloads.  Exceptional site. (one of the best free download Bible study site I've ever seen!) for new and fresh evangelism & discipleship materials."Christian Communications Toolkit" (using internet wisely) Free software or shareware listings, for church related software from CAMSOC.
    To subscribe to CAMSOC update newsletter, go to  Thousands of Free Christian graphics.
Online Resources on Ukraine are . . . . Live webcam of Independence Square, Kiev. Current news info on Ukraine. Source of many sites relating to religious issues in Eastern Europe.
Secular News on Kiev and Ukraine will give you interesting views at . . .


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