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Hope4Kyiv #039 ---- 12/13/05 ---- FURTHER UPDATE

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Hope 4 Kyiv

The Monthly "In-Pact" Praise and Prayer Letter Of

Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver

Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine

Number 039



December 13, 2005

So you can join us at KIBC in prayer, I am enclosing a letter I just wrote to the church membership in Kiev.  Also, I have just received word that, when John and Betsy went over to retrieve the perishable items from our apartment, the gates to the building were padlocked and the building was completely dark.  There was not enough light in the building for them to get in.
Maybe tomorrow during the daylight.
Read on:
John Sargent has informed us of the situation with the church building, and we want you to know that we are praying with you about this.  It is obvious, regardless of what the legal facts are, that Satan continues his attempts to hinder the work of Christ in Kiev.  At this time, Jo Ann and I do not know whether this is a political thing, another attempt to bribe God's people of God's money, or legitimate problems that must be corrected.
But, we do know that, whatever it is, Satan is pleased and will try to use it to hinder God's work and discourage God's people.  We must not allow that to happen.
So, I am asking that you do the following things:
+  Faithfully follow the leadership that Vitaly, Stan, and John will provide during this time.  Keep constantly in touch with them to know what the plans are.
+  Be prepared to adapt to the circumstances, whatever they may be.
+  Plan on meeting for services somewhere, and somehow, on Sunday.  The men will let you know if and when changes take place.
+  Share this prayer need with others you know around the world.  Let's rally a great mass of believers worldwide to pray about this situation ---- not only our church, but the ten other churches who meet in this building.
+  Most importantly, PRAY!  This is where the issue will be settled and the problems resolved.
AS YOU PRAY, keep these truths in mind:
+  Regardless of what the human and natural circumstances are, the real battle is always in the spiritual realm (Ephesians 6:12; II Corinthians 10:4-6; etc.).
+  All authority and power has been given to Jesus Christ, Who sits at the right hand of the Father with all things under His feet (see Matt 28:18; Ephesians 1:15-22; I Peter 3:22; I John 3:8; etc.).
+  As believers, we have been seated with Christ in the heavenly realm (Ephesians 2:5-7; Colossians 2:8-10; etc.).
+  Jesus has all authority and power to crush all the works of the devil (Ephesians 3;10; Colossians 2:15; I John 3:8; etc.).
+  We have been commanded to take action in His authority (Matt 28:19-20; I John 4:4; James 4:7-10; etc.).
+  He has given us all we need to victoriously resist the attacks of the devil (Ephesians 6:10-18; romans 8:26; Rev 12:11; etc.).
+  Victory is guaranteed in the name of Jesus, and we are responsible to act (Romans 8:38; James 4:7; II Cor 4:7-5:5; Rev 12:11; etc.).
+  Our primary tactics for battle are praise, fasting, and prayer (John 14:12-15; Matt 6:16-18; Matt 17:21; John 15:7; I John 5:14-15; etc.).
+  We know that Jesus commanded us to pray, taught us to pray, and promised to respond to our prayers (Matt 6:6-15; Mark 11:24; Luke 18:21; etc.).
+  Believers are instructed by the apostles to pray with faith, confidence, courage and persistence (Romans 8:26; Ephesians 6:18; I Thess 5:17; I Tim 2:1-8; Philippians 4:6; etc.).
There is so much more I would like to write, but this is more than enough for you to think about . . . and then pray accordingly.  Just as God told Jehosaphat, the battle is not ours, but it is the Lord's (II Chronicles 20:15), and David told Goliath the same thing (I Sam 17:47).
Let me urge you to meet together to pray specifically about this situation and other related items. 
For many years in Ukraine, Christians have been jerked around by manipulation, persecution, intimidation, and various forms of blackmail.  They have been treated like dogs.  Followers of Jesus Christ are treated like the tail and not the head, when, in fact, God declares that we are to be the head and not the tail (Deuteronomy 28:13 44).  So, let's stand in the righteousness with which we have been robed, utilize the authority we have been given in the Name of Jesus Christ, and go to battle in the heavenly realm, knowing that God has destroyed all the works of the devil through His Son, and we have been given the privilege of announcing that fact to this world.
If you decide to meet together to pray, please let us know when and where.  If at all possible, Jo Ann and I will arrange our schedule to pray here at the same time.
We love you all, and look forward to seeing this issue resolved quickly, and we look forward to returning to you as scheduled.
In the Bond of His Great Love,
Pastor Bob and Jo Ann
P.S.  We would love to hear from some of you.  Write us a note from time to time.
KIBC - Hope4Kyiv

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