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HOPE4KYIV #041 ---- 12/23/05

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>


Hope 4 Kyiv

The Monthly "In-Pact" Praise and Prayer Letter Of

Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver

Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine

Number 041


December 23, 2005


Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Prayer Partners:
Greetings from our home in Collins, MO, where we are preparing to return to our beloved Kiev in just about a week.  Our hearts are filled with excited frustration as we prepare to celebrate Christmas with our daughters, Deanna and Cheri, and their families, disappointment in knowing that Debbie and Cindy and their families cannot be with us, but praise and thanksgiving over the significance of this season of celebration. 
We also express deepest gratitude to you and most humble thanks to the Lord for the thrilling way in which God came to the rescue last week when the building where we meet and live was reopened and power restored quickly.  Apart from losing some food items in the freezer, everything else was safe, and work was resumed.  So, thank you for praying.
We are, finally, excited to anticipate our return to Kiev.  Hopefully you have received the picture of our standing in front of one of the hundreds of Orthodox churches in Kiev.  This one is located in the Lavra, a place of unbelievable spiritual bondage.  It is a major stronghold in Kiev that generates extraordinary resistance to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 
Do you see the bird against the clouded sky?  What a testimony that the Spirit of God will one day rest on this city.
It seems that our current ministry has been interrupted by our necessary two trips to the States, and now we find ourselves going back and able to devote all our attention and efforts on developing the ministries of the church.  We will have at least five uninterrupted months to concentrate on leading the church to become all it was intended from the beginning.  Prayer walking teams, Evangelistic Cooking, Praise and Worship Team, Evangelistic Aerobics, "Equipping The Saints" training studies, and evangelistic Bible classes will all begin in January and February, Lord willing.  So, we are "good to go!".
With that in mind, we simply share a few important prayer requests:
+  That our visas will arrive next week and we'll be able to fly out on December 31st as planned.  That we will be safe as we travel, and arrive on time and with all our luggage Sunday afternoon.
+  That Kiev International Bible Church will launch from the pad with vigor and power during the next two or three months.  That God-initiated ministries will be launched effectively and quickly as the Holy Spirit leads.  That a special training workshop on January 21st and 22nd for an upcoming English school next June will be well attended by native English speakers. 
+  That some upcoming leadership changes will take place smoothly and with positive effectiveness.  That the praise and worship team will quickly "jell" with a cohesive and unified spirit.
+  That our personal financial needs will continue to be met.  We praise God for the new supporters, both individuals and churches, who have become part of our partnership team this past month.  God is good.  Pray that others will come on board.
With that in mind, please visit Mary, Did You Know? Song Lyrics with WAV from Wren's World of Inspirational Poems,Songs,and Stories with your volume up to be reminded of the majesty and awesomeness of the birth of Jesus Christ.  This is our personal Christmas greeting to you.
Again, we thank God for you, and pray that you have a wonderful Christmas celebration.
In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,
Bob and Jo Ann

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