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Hope4Kyiv #070 ---- 8/28/08

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Hope 4 Kyiv

  Monthly Praise and Prayer Letter Of

     Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver

   Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine


                    Number #070

                  August 28, 2008


Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Supporters:


Greetings once again from our home in Kyiv, Ukraine. 


We've had interesting experiences trying to get our body clocks re-adjusted to Kyiv time.  Even after a week home, we're both waking up at crazy hours (2:00 a.m., etc.), often hungry, and then falling asleep anytime we sit down in a chair.  One or two nights Jo Ann hasn't slept at all, and often she wakes up at 1:30 or 2:00 in the morning and finally falls back asleep about the time she normally gets up.  We think maybe the older you get, the harder it is to get your bodies back in line with current conditions and time.


Incidentally, thanks for the numerous letters regarding the pictures of our home in Missouri.  Several of you commented about how you now understand why we miss our "little cabin in the woods" when we're away.




+  We were thrilled to be back in our wonderful air-conditioned (thanks to some of you) apartment after three months away.  It was a special treat to find that two hot water heaters had been installed so we now have year-round hot water, and to find that part of the work that was to have been done was in fact completed.  Our back entrance is now dry-walled, painted, and the floor tiled.  The hallway closet is partially done and all baseboards are in place.  However, since other things promised were not complete in spite of an extra month in which to do them, we have decided we just don't want to face more mess, and will therefore let them go unfinished. 


We did have a little inconvenience in that one of the new hot water heaters  was providing only luke warm water, the washer didn't work, and it had no cold water.  That was all resolved Tuesday after being unable to wash clothes the first six days we were home.  We also found a water leak in the master bathroom, and it is scheduled to be repaired today (Thursday).  We'll see.  The guy scheduled to install kick boards around the kitchen island counter was to have been here at 10:00 am yesterday, and it's currently more than a day later and he's still not arrived.  Such is life here.


+  We know many of you are wondering about the medical tests we had done that required a delay in our return to Kyiv.  We're are very happy to report that all tests came back negative, with no significant health problems.  What the radiologist thought might have been a possible earlier heart attack with Bob turned out to probably be no more than a "thick chest", typical of the Tolliver clan.  When Bob first heard that term, he immediately thought, "I didn't know my chest went that low."  Apparently the bones in his rib cage are thicker, making it more difficult to see the injected dye used to track blood flow in his heart.  The lack of visibility hinted at previous damage.  Anyhow, other than too many pounds and too little endurance, we're both doing just great, and we really feel better physically than we have in a long time.  The extra month in the States was extremely beneficial to our getting rested.  It also made it harder to leave to return to Kyiv.


+  Extra Miles:  We praise the Lord for two or three of you who have offered to give your airline travel miles to us.  That really means more than you can imagine.  And, every little bit helps.  A round trip ticket between here and Missouri runs around $1,300 per person, and 50,000 miles provides one of those.  We're still taking miles, so if you have some you'd like to give toward one or more of our airline accounts, we'd be delighted.  We're especially open to accepting miles from United, Lufthansa, Copa, American, Northwest, Continental, Delta, and KLM airlines.  All of those airlines also have partnerships with other carriers, so don't discount any that you might have.  Incidentally, it is also possible for an individual to purchase miles in increments over the web using a credit card.


+  No report back from the Medicare waver request for Bob's monthly premium.  We may not know anything until we see a change in the monthly charge.  With millions of accounts to service, they're not the best in the world for direct responses.  We're hoping that, since it all happened because of erroneous recommendation by both Social Security and Medicare customer service rep's, Social Security will reduce the monthly premium for his Part B.


What's Happening:


+  Our first Sunday back for services included the return of others who had been gone all Summer, so the attendance almost doubled from what it had been the past two months.  It also included a chance for Jo Ann to feed some of our university students and other young adults again.  This included "M's" Ira and newlyweds Joel and Ira (left pic), several of our Farsi guys with Vlad (center pic), and Jo Ann with Sasha and Valya (right pic).  We had a total of seventeen for another of her great lunches.




+  Construction work on the hospital complex behind us continues, totally unnoticed by us now that we can keep windows closed and enjoy our air conditioning.  Strangely, work has completely stopped and weeds are growing again on the site immediately behind our apartment, as you can see in the foreground.  However, the other tower farther away is now up to the 23rd floor and still climbing (see pic below right).  At least we don't have to listen to the noise or put up with all the dust and dirt, but we still wonder how they can build such buildings sitting on simple slabs of concrete footing and with no steel girder structures that we can see.  As far as we can tell, the tall crane standing next to the building is not anchored to the building anywhere. 



+  We have much to do for our Fall ministries, including the resumption of our leadership mentoring groups, restructuring our Farsi ministry as it moves closer to becoming a church, beginning an English class and Bible study in Ukrainian for Ukrainians, trying to develop a ministry to the Jewish community in Kyiv, and a series of other very important strategies.  We will also be evaluating our Chinese and Arabic ministries to see if they are still needed.  Between students coming and going through graduations, the beginning of a new exclusively Chinese church in the city, and ongoing racial persecution, our ministries remain uncertain and always subject to change. 


Paul Dreessen, pastor of an international church in San Jose, Costa Rica, says that leading an international church is like trying to herd cats.  In a recent article he wrote, "Trying to love and lead a congregation made up of multiple nationalities, cultures, ages, and denominations is as daunting as the task of getting a bunch of cats herded in the right direction."  If you've ever been around cats, you know that each one is different . . . . and each one is highly independent from all the others.


The picture above left shows three-fourths of our Persian leadership.  Please do NOT publish this picture on the internet.  We met "M" (in the middle) when he was a 16 year old college student shortly after we moved to Kyiv in January, 2003.  He began working with us a few months after KIBC was started, not long after he returned from some schooling time in southeast Asia.  Soon after his return, he led "F" (on the left) to Christ.  A few months ago, "F" led "H" to Christ.  "H" devoured the Bible, just as "F" and "M" had previously, reading the Gospel of John, the Book of Acts, and the Book of Romans in three days.  Bob has had the privilege of baptizing all three of them.  Today, along with "V" (not shown), they courageously lead a group here that numbers as high as 40 different people, also travel to another city to provide training for another group of about 20, and this next week will go to a third city to explore the possibility of ministry there.  It is this type of thing that keeps us going. 


+  An event coming up in just a few days is KIBC's Third Anniversary.  It's hard to believe it has been that long.  God has honored His calling by doing amazing things to and through this group of dedicated people.  Just a few days ago Bob was thinking about the places people have gone from this place.  It's really amazing.  We currently have former KIBC people in places like Afghanistan, China, Brazil, India, United States, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Slovenia, and other countries.  In addition, of course, we have numerous others scattered throughout Ukraine planting churches, evangelizing, ministering to orphans, teaching evangelistic English, and so forth.  God is clearly leading KIBC to slowly but steadily fulfill the mission for which it was created.


+  While the Lord has led several people to provide for some of our new financial needs, we are still running about $400 to $500 per month short of what we really need.  We continue trusting the Lord to sustain the ministry in a way that will not require us to cut back on things we're doing.  We praise God for those families and individuals who have either increased their giving or have just come on board to be part of our "In-Pact" Support Team.


+  The Georgia situation, as you probably realize by now, is both significant and volatile.  It is certainly causing all of Europe great concern, especially Ukraine.  President Yushchenko, as do many Ukrainians (especially those who favor western alliances) believe it is imperative for Ukraine to join NATO, both for security and also to hinder Russia's clear intent for European, Middle Eastern, and Asian domination.  Others disagree and believe it would only intensify the situation.  Russians form a strong minority in Ukraine, about 17 percent of the population, and could become a flashpoint in any future confrontation with Moscow.  Yushchenko said last week that joining NATO ". . . is the only way for our country to protect our national security and sovereignty. When the borders of NATO expand, so too does the region of peace and stability."



You may not be fully aware of our proximity to Russia, Georgia, and the Middle East, and how historically this part of the world is interconnected.  One of the things that fascinates the two of us about ministering here in Eastern Europe is the millennia-long history of the area that ties in so directly with Bible history and Bible prophecy.  It is like living within the biblical timeline and in adjacent regions.  Keep in mind that the entire continent of Europe is about half the size of the continental United States.  It doesn't take long to reach the full extent of Europe.  It is possible to travel through several different countries and language groups by car in a matter of hours. 


To give you a quick history lesson, take a look at the map above, where you will see the numbers 1 through 6 highlighted. 

    1.  Down and to the right outside the picture is the generally accepted location of the Garden of Eden and the land from which Abram later left when he went to the land promised him (#3).

    2.  The approximate site of the landing of Noah's ark from which the populations of the world began to scatter.  His son, Japheth, and his children slowly migrated northward and then eastward and westward.  That included Japheth's oldest son, Gomer, whose descendants settled the area of southwestern Russian and Ukraine.  His sons Mishech and Tubalcain settled in central Russia.  The entire region was known during Bible days as Scythia, named after these descendants' Greek name, Scythians.

    3.  The land given to Israel by God through His promise to Abram, and the land the "Bear" of the north, "Gog" and "Magog" will one day invade.  That is clearly the region of Russia and perhaps parts of Ukraine.  Russia's intent on rebuilding its old Soviet empire is almost certainly part of the picture.

    4.  Georgia, resting on the eastern shores of the Black Sea, is caught up in that future scenario.  Russia's recent activity could well be a precursor to increased presence and control.

    5.  Russia clearly would like to also have Crimea and other parts of eastern Ukraine back in its fold, along with Moldova.  Crimea is also the ancient site for the Tatars as they migrated from the region of Mongolia during the times of the Mongol barbarian marauding expeditions.

    6.  Kyiv, just 80 miles from Chernobyl, is the capital city where we live, and is less than two hours flight time to Tblisi, Georgia's capital city.


So, what you see happening with Russia and neighboring nations certainly fits in with Bible prophecy and probably helps in setting the stage for its eventual fulfillment.  Since World War I Russia has made many attempts to influence and control Middle East politics, and today is exerting more and more pressure on most of Europe through insinuations, threats, and bravado as old as the Tsars, and by playing the oil and natural gas "cards".


+  We've talked recently with friends who have just returned from Iran, and they tell us that Iranian's, though often critical of the United States, are far more often critical toward and disgusted with their president.  And, they blame their president for creating a situation where there is both increased economic hardship and intense religious persecution.  However, God seems to be using that situation to not only make many Iranians more disenfranchised from their leaders, but also more dissatisfied with their religion and more open to the Gospel.  At the same time, because they are preoccupied with the political and economic struggles, they are generally disregarding spiritual issues, whether it is Islam, Christianity, or something else.


+  The Muslim month of Ramadan begins this coming Monday, September 1st.  It is Islam's most holy month.  Having two of our ministries that often intersect with Muslims, we are aware of the importance of praying for the Muslim people.  A great time to do that is during Ramadan.  A thirty-day plan of special prayer for Muslims has been recommended to us, and we certainly would encourage you to take the month of September to pray for a major breakthrough both for Muslim people in general and for our ministries here.  Go to  or for downloadable material, and then sign up for the prayer letter at  Let's make that a central focus.  Pass this information on to your church and see if we can gather hundreds, and perhaps thousands to pray for Muslims during this time.


+  Raidel, the former pastor of the Spanish church is returning to Kyiv to get his family and permanently move to Brazil.  The Spanish group has diminished to just a handful of people, most of whom are Ukrainians who come to help.  Few native Spanish speakers are currently attending.  Joel Colon has assumed primarly leadership with the group, and they are currently re-evaluating their ministry, their structure, and their future.  In addition, two of the members (Nandy from Dominican Republic and husband Sasha from Ukraine) are facing major document problems creating a possible crisis requiring Nandy to leave the country, and doing so without their new baby.  The church needs a new and fresh vision of why they exist.


III John Blessings:


God has blessed the two of us in so many amazing ways that we can't keep from sharing some of them with you.  The Apostle John was perhaps one of the greatest encouragers of any New Testament writer.  In III John 1:2-4 he says, "I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.  For I was very glad when brethren came and bore witness to your truth, that is, how you are walking in truth.  I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth.  Beloved, you are acting faithfully in whatever you accomplish for the brethren, and especially when they are strangers." 


God has blessed us beyond description with "children" who are continuing to walk in truth and faithfully serve . . . often even after they leave Kyiv.  Our minds are brought back daily with names of people in whom God has allowed us to invest some of our own lives.  Our hearts cannot contain the gratitude we have to the Lord for gracing our pathways with scores of men and women who have faithfully followed Christ both here and around the world.  We take absolutely no credit for how God is growing them and using them, but we surely are glad He allowed us to be at least a small part of the process.


Even as we try to narrow the list down to just a few, it grows in number.  Our minds whirl like the blades on a windmill.  One special person in our lives is our Tania.  We love her like she was a daughter.  She is one of three key people who led the way in planting the Spanish church some four years ago.  It is the only Spanish language church in Kyiv, a city of some seven million, tens of thousands are Spanish speaking.  She now lives just outside Skelleftea, Sweden, attending a small but wonderful and visionary Pentecostal church.  We had the privilege of meeting many of the people on our May visit to see her.  Bob was asked to preach and share the KIBC story, resulting in the church catching the vision to reach internationals in their area.  We wrote about that in our May newsletter. 


To illustrate our blessings, here are excerpts from a letter we received from Tania just last week.  Keep in mind this is written by a gal who speaks English with a Spanish accent and sound perception, and is studying Swedish five hours a day. 


Hi, Jo Ann and Bob!


I'm doing fine.  Today church was wonderful, my Chinese friend (Jiapin) went with me, I'm happy beaucuse I have a friend that goes with me by bicycle to the church.  She doesn't speak very good english, so we communicate with little english and the little swedish we know.  Today at the church I was silent in prayer asking the Lord, "Oh Lord, how Jiapin is going to understand the good news of God if she doesn't understand english or swedish and we can't speak chinese?"


But something happend, we started to understand when Tommy was talking on John 14 more specific verse 6 it was so clear for her, that I became overwhelm to see her moving her head like saying yes.  Almost at the end of the service she accepted to come forward for prayer, Mia and me follows her to pray for her, this is what they usually do in the church, I didn't want to go forward but I went, and as soon as another lider of prayer came and prayed with us, I very silent seat and hide, but you now what happend!  The lider of worship Lillemor who plays the piano, came to me and asked me to pray for her, while she was telling me her motive of prayer, I was asking to God: - "Lord why me?  Oh Lord why me?"  I was so afraid to pray that I started to pray in spanish. 


After the service Jiapin invited me to her apartment to have te, I went.  Her husband was cooking Chinese food, so they put a plate for me at the table, they were so happy to have me there that they gave me a lot of food and it was so spicy that I was red as tomatoes, and I didn't know how to say that cubans don't do spicy.  Her husband is christian so he is really happy that she is going to the church and feels good.  But well I ate so much that it is near 12:00 pm and I can't not sleep because I'm extremely full.  Give hug to Valia i will write to her and send some pictures!


With love

from the full and spicy little girl!  Chaao


Prayer Requests:

+  For the political situation in the region, especially regarding Russia's relationship with Georgia and Ukraine.  For a backing away from a political stand off.
+  For Tania and her ministry in Sweden.  For her little church, and Pastor Tony as he provides leadership.
+  For the Spanish church here that is currently without an official pastor.  Pray that God will make it clear to them that the church needs to continue existing, but that it will take dedicated work on their part.  They depended too long on people like Tania, Raidel and Margerita, Igor, and others.  They need to take responsibility.
+  For our ministry financial needs, that others will respond to the Lord's leading, and that He will provide the additional $400 to $500 per month still needed.
+  For Jo Ann to be able to sleep the night through; for Bob to be able to sleep without pain in his shoulders.
+  For our children and grandchildren ---- Cindy and her family as they complete the seminary building in Colombia and provide ongoing missionary leadership in the area ---- Debbie as she begins taking a new medication for her MS, and for the girls as they go off to differing schools and university ---- for Cheri and Bob as they continue pushing the kids from the nest and deal with their frequent unwise choices ---- Deanna and her family as they continue ministering in their town recovering from the recent flood.
+  For KIBC as it celebrates its third anniversary on September 7th.  For the Pastoral Leadership Team as it embarks on a new Fall season and considers possible ministries.  For the church that it will "grab the vision and seize the moment" of sharing the Gospel, ministering to people, and equipping for radical service.
+  For the Farsi work that more and more people will come to Christ.  For "M", "F", "H", and "V", that God will give them wisdom.  For the possibility of the ministry becoming a self-sustaining church in the next several months.
+  For the Arabic and Chinese works, that we will know what to do with them, and that they will grow dramatically into strong evangelizing and discipling ministries.
+  For the new English classes and Bible study for Ukrainian speakers, that many will come to faith in Christ through them.  For Vitaliy as he continues preparing and leading the group.

These are indeed momentous days . . . not just in Kyiv or in your town, but everywhere.  The indicators that Jesus talked about to His disciples, and the counsel and warnings that Paul gave to young Timothy and the churches he planted are being seen before our very eyes virtually every day.  Floods, droughts, storms, tsunami's, earth quakes, wars, ethnic fighting, economic instability . . . it's all what the Bible predicts will happen shortly before the return of Christ.  Those of us who follow Jesus seriously face not only those same struggles and challenges, but we face the added burden of realizing that God has placed us where we are "in such a time as this" because we know the answer and we have the message the world needs to hear.


That added pressure causes a restlessness and often dissatisfaction within ourselves that is sometimes difficult to channel properly.  Worries on the one hand, feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness on the other, and a conviction that we must do something on yet another . . . they all seem to converge upon us at the same time with such intensity that we don't know what to do.  For those of us living as missionaries, the call of God drives this all home even the more in our minds.


So, we cherish your prayers and support.  Thank you for being there for us.  Without your involvement with us, our ministry would be next to impossible.  We thank God for you every day.  Let us hear from you.


In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,


Bob and Jo Ann

The Tollivers, Missionaries in Ukraine


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