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HOPE4KYIV #14 ---- 11/28/03

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

                       NUMBER 14
                  November 28, 2003
       The “In-Pact” Prayer Newsletter of

             Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver

           Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine

Dear Friends, Family, and "In-Pact" Partners:
It's the day after Thanksgiving, the Packers lost, and we're recovering from a full day of celebrating with some from our missionary family and a long line of phone calls and disconnects with our children and grandchildren in America, followed by a very short night of sleep after getting to bed after 2:00 am.  We trust you are doing well, and that you have had a good Thanksgiving season.
Where do we begin?  Maybe some updates would be good.
1.  Diablos and Kosmos have been relatively quiet.  We haven't seen them in more than a month, and have seen our neighbor lady only once or twice at a distance.  That's not what we want, so you might pray that God will give us opportunity to move past the "dog" situation and develop at least a neighborly relationship with her.
2.  Our Hispanic work continues to grow; they've had as many as 19 in attendance.  God used our good friend Glen Wescott, stateside Administrator for St. James Bible College, as a "pack mule" for a whole bunch of stuff for us including 24 brand new Bibles in Spanish.  We wish you could have seen their faces when they received those Bibles.
3.  Nothing further has developed with our vision for a ministry to people from African countries.  Only one of the three is really faithful at church, so it's hard to know where this will lead; maybe nowhere.  One thing that surprised us, however, is that several H4K readers sent money to be given to our refugees.  Remember Daniel, who collects papers and bottles?  Someone sent him $37, providing it through our account in the U.S.  We, in turn, used our ATM card to draw it out for him; we gave it to him this past Tuesday.  He was overwhelmed.  With tears in his eyes, he said, "Please tell those people 'thank you!'.  So many times God has provided in unexpected ways during my times of greatest need."
4.  Our travels are now over until Spring.  We had a wonderful time in Croatia relaxing a couple of days on the Adriatic Coast at the Life Center.  It was such a joy to spend time with some of our dearest friends, Stevo and Jadranka Dereta.  It rained the first two days there, and we used that time to sleep 13 hours the first night and 11 hours the second; we didn't realize just how exhausted we were until then.
Then we attended three wonderful meetings in Frankfurt, Germany, with the International Baptist Convention (formerly called European BC).  It was such a joy to get acquainted with pastors and members from many of the other 64 English speaking Baptist churches in Europe and the Middle East.  That was followed by an exceptionally good time with our fellow missionaries at a prayer retreat in the Carpathian Mountains in western Ukraine where we saw our fellowship and ministry vision refreshed. 
Finally, following five days at home, we attended a fifth conference with fellow "new" missionaries in Prague, Czech Republic where we were able to "debrief" and "decompress" from our first year on the field.  It also gave us an opportunity to spend time with those who lead us from our regional office.  Our region covers about 30 countries and 12 time zones; there are over 400 IMB missionaries in this region, the newest of 15 regions of the world where we do missions.
5.  The formulation of our pastoral team (Vitaly and Zhenia) has been a great blessing, and is moving us steadily toward the time when Bob's role as senior pastor of the church will begin to slowly phase out.  Vitaly is a great teacher/preacher/administrator.  Zhenia is highly experienced for his age, and is a tremendous blessing in our services as he leads portions of our worship time, brings short sermons, reads scripture, and so forth.  This is obviously a "God thing" as one of my sons-in-law likes to say.  We are very excited over the future.
6.  All of the church activities we mentioned last time remain strong.  Attendance continues to increase in everything . . . . Bible studies, worship services, English classes, etc.  We have new faces almost weekly; last Sunday there were at least a dozen first-timers.  Attendance is consistently above 100.
7.  More missionaries continue enduring the attacks of the enemy.  We praise God that Joel Ragains' eye surgeries were successful.  However, the local doctor says he now has cataracts.  We don't believe that because there was no such evidence prior to or during surgery.  Mary Ellen Johnson is recovering well from her heart attack, but their future remains uncertain and will be decided within the next few months.  Kent and Rachel McDowell face one hurdle after another, the most recent one being blood clots in her circulatory system.  The battle still rages.  Both of us have had improvements with our back problems, but still have a way to go.  The setbacks, however, are now smaller than the improvements.
Other Reports:
1.  Next June, Jo Ann is going to have to change her e-mail address from grandma11 to either grandma12, grandma13, or grandma11+.  Our youngest daughter, Deanna, is pregnant with their third (or more) child.  The reason we say "more" is because the chances of multiple births increases in your upper 30's, and also there is a history of twins in past generations both on Jim's and Deanna's sides of the family.  They will know more definitively in a week or two.
2.  God continues opening doors for us in so many strategic areas; it is hard to keep up.  Jason Myers and Keri Albrecht are more than half way through their training in Richmond and are preparing to come to Kiev in just a few weeks.  Their arrival will be a momentous occasion and of monumental significance.  We can hardly wait.  This will probably launch our student ministry into a rapidly growing work.  We already have several Americans and Ukrainians ready to do something, and they're tired of waiting on us to help get things started.  We're also talking with other believers and non-believers who are requesting English classes, leadership training, or some other type of ministry which we can provide.  We need to be wise in our decisions, and we need to keep our primary focus always before us.
3.  Our prayer ministry, not surprisingly, has been stalled because of the absence of lay leadership and because of our traveling which has prohibited us from helping develop that leadership.  However, the people as a whole are ready.  We just need to follow up.  And, God is already linking us up with believers from other churches and ministries, as well as volunteer teams coming in who are involved or will be involved in prayer walking.  Like the student ministry, the prayer ministry seems to be like an inflating balloon, just about ready to max out and explode.
4.  Now that we are done with our traveling, we will be devoting time to our worship ministry and our youth ministry.  The worship ministry is just waiting to move to the next level.  Our youth ministry needs some clarification.  However, several young people have expressed interest in this area, and we just need to get everyone together and discuss what God is saying about it.  One young lady who already has a mentoring ministry with a half dozen unsaved teen aged girls is praying seriously about becoming part of our church fellowship.  The need is indescribable.
5.  It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden death of one of our dear friends and earliest members of our Board of Directors for Life Unlimited Ministries, LaVonne Peeples.  Dave and LaVonne were members of the very first church in which we ever ministered in the Seattle area.  It didn't take long for us to realize they were the kind of people we needed on our Board.  That was almost 20 years ago.  They have served continuously on the Board since that time.  When we divided the Board into two separate entities, they went with LUM Northwest, but continued serving in an advisory capacity with the entire Board.  LaVonne went home to be with the Lord in her sleep on November 14th.  Her heart was as big as the world.  She and Dave always reached out to the disadvantaged and cast offs;  three of their five foster/adopted children were severely handicapped.  More than 350 people gathered  in her honor on November 17th to acknowledge her coronation.  Please pray for Dave and the children.
6.  On a personal level, God is giving both of us opportunities to develop relationships with lots of people, most of them unbelievers, while we also continue encouraging and mentoring believers both within and outside the church.  Some of the gals from our "restaurant ministry"  🙂  are asking serious questions of us; one has promised to come to church.  We saw her today and she reminded us that she intends to come Sunday. 
The security ladies at our apartment building are increasingly warm, friendly, and conversational.  Several individuals at the "Renock" (our tin roof shopping market) smile and talk briefly when we stop by for groceries.  The more we live here, the more we see just how open and curious people are to friendship, love, and the Gospel.  One of the gals at a local restaurant tells us she can always tell Christians when they come in because they are always smiling and are kind and courteous.  She loves serving them.
7.  Our church is in a strategic position to begin looking very seriously at some new church starts.  We are going to consider partnering with at least one brand new church plant that is focusing on students.  This seems a likely partnership, because we have such a strong ministry in place both to students and to people wanting to learn English.  We hope to meet with the new young pastor in the near future.  He already has some connection with our church during our predecessor's pastorate there; the people know him, and he has preached there before.  If this comes about, we will also be trying to link this new church plant with two American churches who would be willing to make a three year commitment to partner with this church by providing prayer support, some short term volunteer teams, and some minimal to moderate financial investment in getting the new church off the ground.  So, we're excited over those possibilities.
8.  Our Church Leadership Council is grappling with the growing need to have our own meeting place.  Even though the facilities are comfortable and plenty big at Central Baptist Church where we meet, it is impossible to readily and faithfully satisfy our ministry needs.  For example, we cannot expand our English program much more because of limited space or time.  We cannot do other things such as computer classes and other outreach things because there is no place to meet and no place to store equipment.  We cannot conduct our worship services in the way we wish because of the very negative and legalistic approach Central Church has to worship.  We never know from one Sunday or Tuesday to the next whether or rented space will even be available for us.
So, our need for a place with unlimited use is grave.  The Council is discussing the possibility of finding an apartment to rent that could be furnished and available as a Ministry Center 24/7.  The ideal would be to buy such an apartment, and they are available in certain parts of the city for pretty reasonable figures.  Numerous churches here have begun just that way . . . . rent an apartment, rent another, buy one, buy another, then sell them all and build or buy a building.
In dealing with such a scenario, we face four major challenges.  Locating a suitable apartment for decent rent or purchase, furnishing it with necessary equipment, having the finances to make the purchase, and then maintaining the facilities month in and month out.  Buildings are available as well.  This is a major need that only God can accommodate by moving in the hearts of people.
9.  Bob is still hoping to begin his leadership seminar, but other more pressing things keeps pushing it back to later dates.  Yet, it is a ministry that is critical to developing church leaders for IBC and also providing leaders for new church starts.  We don't understand the delays, but we know they are unavoidable.  God continues reminding us that, when we are trusting Him and are obediently available to Him, He does all things right on time.  So, we can only assume such is the case here.
Jo Ann's women's leadership Bible study is still going well; attendance has leveled out from the original ten to about six or seven.  Every meeting Jo Ann sees lights going on in the hearts of these ladies and high school gals.  They illustrate the typical response of hearts that have basically known nothing more than a spiritual void most of their lives.  When they discover that God has called them to follow Him, and that they can actually join Him in what He is doing, they get very excited.  It's a big difference from the "work hard for Jesus" mentality that so many of us grew up with.
10.  We currently have three teams on the docket to come and help us this next year.  January 2nd a team of 17 from SBU in Missouri will arrive for three weeks of ministry in villages, with our own church, and with our IMB Volunteer Coordinator in and around Kiev.  Next May a medical team from our home church in Eldorado Springs, MO is tentatively scheduled to come.  Next July one of our former team members from 2001 will be bringing a team from his church in Oklahoma.  These will all be crucial. 
We also have several individuals who have expressed an interest in coming to work with us, and we can sure use the help!  We have particular need for help in prayer ministry, worship, English classes, youth ministry (JH and SH), student ministry (College), and leadership training and development.  If any of this interests you, please let us know.  Such needs can run anywhere from two weeks to six months in duration ---- the longer the better.
You may wonder about cost.  A volunteer covers all expenses to, during, and from the field.  A good way to estimate the cost would be to figure cost of passport and visa, round trip air travel, and then add about $20 per day for the length of time you might be here.  Then begin sharing that need with your church, your friends, and your family, in order to build a prayer base and a financial support base.  It's that simple . . . . simple, but not always easy.  However, if God is in it, He will make the way.
Prayer Requests:
1.  Keri and Jason as they conclude their training, pack up, say good-bye to friends and family, and make the trip to Kiev in January.  Ricky and Marina McCreight as they continue the application process with IMB to return to Kiev.
2.  Praise God that the financial picture with IMB is turning around and things are looking better.  Pray that your church will increase your Lottie Moon offering by at least one third more than it was last year.  That would do miracles for Southern Baptist Mission work.  For example, if your church gave $1,000 last year, give at least $1,300 this year.  If a member gave $10 last year, it means he'd give only $13 this year.  Not hard to do.  It's that simple.  Why not do it!!!
3.  Pray for Oleg and his wife Masha as we look for an opportunity to sit down and talk with them just as soon as possible about the work they want to start; pray that God will make it clear whether or not we should partner with them at IBC and have their work to be one which we might sponsor and support.  Pray for a small group in a village that IBC helped start a couple years ago and that desperately needs some support and manpower from us.
4.  Pray for our prayer ministry that it will ignite and take shape beyond the current pins on the city map.  Pray that God will give us wisdom in knowing how to motivate and organize both by example and by direction.  We are still convinced that prayer is the absolute essential key to successful ministry, and we believe this is Kiev's day and also Ukraine's day for a visitation from God.  We believe God wants to visit, and that He is looking for the open door and the right opportunity.
5.  Pray for the SBU team as they try to raise final prayer and monetary support.  If you would like to help with that, contact John Tucker at for details on how that can be done.  Seventeen students need help.
6.  Pray for our IMB colleagues who are facing various spiritual, physical, family,and emotional challenges.  Pray specifically for Kent and Rachel McDowell, Joel and Mary Ellen Ragains, Dan and Mary Ellen Johnson, Ken and Shelley Izzard.  You cannot imagine the pressures missionaries face.  Neither of us have fully understood such pressures and obstacles our missionaries face daily until we arrived on the field and began to face a few of them ourselves.  However, our struggles have been miniscule in contrast to those some of our partners have endured.  Of all the missionaries who were here in Kiev in January, 1995, when we made our first trip, only three families remain on the mission field today.
7.  Pray with us about the need for meeting space.  This is a huge need that, if met, would literally position the church for indescribable potential, growth, and impact on the city.  Our personal goal would be to have a place that would serve as a Ministry Center for English classes and Bible studies, as a strategic prayer center, as a guest apartment for visitors from America, and as a meeting place for regular services.  Pray that God will guide, reveal His will, and provide the resources.
8.  Pray that God will provide for us to develop some good quality promotional flyers and promotional items that will give the church exposure in the community.  Pray about the development of a better and more complete website than we currently have.
9.  Pray for us and the church as we gear up for the Christmas season; it becomes a wonderful opportunity to declare the Gospel in powerful ways.  Pray that we are sensitive to those opportunities, and that we can do the things that will work best.
In Conclusion:
We continue to thank God everyday for you and folks like you.  Now numbering over 700 "units", some of which are churches, we estimate that there are between 1500 and 2,000 individuals who pray for us at least sometimes.  From personal e-letters and other communication we know there are literally hundreds who pray regularly.  That makes all the difference in the world.  Thank you!
In His Bond and For His Kingdom,
Bob and Jo Ann
IBC - Hope4Kyiv

Note Our "In Progress" Website at
  And for the general work in Kiev.

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subscribe to "Shoulder To Shoulder", a letter to "lift up hands that
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For Other Ministries in Ukraine:  for IMB work in central and eastern Europe.  Links to 24 countries by clicking on the flags. for virtual prayer walks in Ukraine. for another virtual prayer walk in our beloved city of Kiev. for good general and missionary information about Ukraine in general and the IMB people teams. for information about IMB work in east Central Ukraine (Dnipropetrovsk, etc.) including another related virtual prayer walk.
Secular News on Kiev and Ukraine will give you interesting views at . . .
Some More Good Sites: for general info on Ukraine and Kiev. for general current info.on Ukraine. Consular division of U.S. Embassy in Ukraine.