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HOPE4KYIV #17 ---- 2/21/04

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

              HOPE 4 KYIV
                                            NUMBER 17
                                      February 21 , 2004
                           The “In-Pact” Prayer Newsletter of
                                   Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver
                                Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine
Dear Friends, Family, and "In-Pact" Partners:
We're trying to get this letter to you today because of some important prayer requests and some exciting reports.  God has been good, and He has been so faithful these past weeks, even though we have felt one of the highest levels of battle we've experienced since arriving here.  You probably get our "Shoulder To Shoulder" letter, so we won't rehearse what Bob wrote about there the past week or two.
Looking Back:
As you read the following, you will notice how many of these things relate specifically to your response to last month's prayer requests.  God is certainly faithful, and we praise Him for His goodness.
+  We've added a third photo album to our page at  This one is on our ministry at International Baptist Church specifically.  We will add at least two more on our church work, one probably this week or next.  We realized there was just so much you'd want to know about, that it was impossible to do it justice with just one album.
We've been amazed at the numbers of times people have visited this site . . . . more than 2,000 times in two months.  That's amazing for a photo album.  But, we rejoice that this means of communicating with you is available to us.
+  Our ESL program is still in transition, both in personnel and in structure.  Another of our teaching team will be returning to the States in April for six months to a year.  They are some of our best.  However, God has already provided a replacement who returns to Kiev at about the same time.  But, we still need others to fill slots for new classes.
After the dust settles we "think" we'll end up with two classes combined and renamed and three classes added.  So, the new format should look something like this ---- Beginner, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Advanced, Professional, and Children.  It looks like all bases will be covered except for the new Intermediate class.  Because of our travel schedule in March, we anticipate these changes to take place in April.
+  Our student ministry has "officially" begun with the emergence of a leadership team of eight people (five Americans and three Ukrainians).  The team has been meeting weekly for prayer and for developing team unity.  After a few weeks we will parcel that team into two or three working teams and then expand the work force to probably about fifteen people.  At that point, these new working teams will actually begin initiating specific activities to start reaching unbelievers and to begin discipling more leaders.
There is still some uncertainty as to the make up of this current leadership team; we are concerned that we may very possibly lose some from the team.  This is something we have known about for a couple of months, but we are still in the dark as to whether or not it will actually happen.  Hopefully we'll know something definitively this week.
+  The financial picture at the church has improved significantly.  A month ago Bob had suggested to the Church Leadership Council that we needed at least Hrv 1,000 a week (that's just under $200 U.S.) to cover current ministry expenses.  At the time we were running around Hrv 500 to 600 a week (about $100 to $125 U.S.).  At last Sunday's meeting our church financial secretary, with eyes beaming, reported that the past month our income had been averaging Hrv 960 a week.  "Hrv" is the Russian abbreviation for our currency called "Greev'-na".  The "G" actually sounds like a combination of "K" and "H" pronounced simultaneously.
+  Both of us are enjoying a special treat of mentoring and being friends with some young people.  Jo Ann meets regularly with Sveta, a sweet girl who has an amazing story of conversion from a fragmented alcohol saturated home.  Her heart is passionate for Jesus and for teens.  Bob has enjoyed spending time each week with one of our Journeymen sharing things together.  We also enjoy having students in our home almost every week on "hang out" night, where we watch a movie, eat pop corn or brownies, and just have fun fellowshipping and talking together.  We love being "parents" or "grandparents" to these neat people.  (You know who you are!  We love you!)
+  The church's focus on prayer continues.  Personal testimonies of people moving into new levels of prayer continue to come our way.  Excitement over seeking the face of God continues to grow.  Individuals are prayer walking their neighborhoods on a regular basis, . . . some on a daily basis.  Others "prayer walk" in their minds as they picture faces and places before the Lord.  Some are meeting together in groups to pray.  Even in our services the understanding of prayer is more evident.
+  In addition, the possibilities of a city-wide prayer network have increased.  Last Friday Bob met with Americans and Ukrainians representing about ten different ministries to discuss this possibility.  The response was unanimous . . . . "We need it, we want it, let's do it!"  So, Bob will send another letter to about 100 individuals representing perhaps 40 ministries and churches, reporting the result of the last meeting, and announcing another more expanded meeting to be held April 1st.
The concept of such a network is built on five levels.  First, individuals and small prayer groups scattered all across the city praying regularly for the people in their specific buildings and also their immediate neighborhood.  Second, ministry groups, churches, and Christian training institutions assume responsibility for the area immediately around their buildings, and then ask their colleagues, members, and students to pray for their respective neighborhoods and buildings.  Third level is to develop a website called "PrayKIEV" that can be accessed by believers anywhere in the world who want to join us in interceding for this city.  This site would include current prayer requests, events taking place, and a variety of virtual prayer walks that intercessors can "take" through the use of pictures and brief descriptions.  The fourth level would be that of administrative coordination and support that divides the city into regions, and also recruits prayer walking teams and other mission volunteer teams to come to Kiev to help us through strategic prayer.  The final level would be a support and reinforcement aspect through periodic corporate events such as concerts of prayer, conferences, praise rallies, etc. that might take place once or twice a year as a means of building focus and unity.
+  We celebrated our 45th anniversary pretty quietly January 29th with a quiet dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, giving each other e-cards, relaxing at home, and enjoying a few cards and e-cards sent by family and friends.  The locals all thought we'd take a big trip or something since it was such a milestone.  We just enjoyed each other.  Bob also bought Jo Ann an African violet plant for the window sill on Valentine's Day after we had gone out to our favorite steak house for an afternoon dinner.
+  Our "Developing Excellence In Leadership" conference was a huge success last week-end.  In spite of the total loss of electrical power for the entire first session, and a number of other distractions, God did a deep and rich work in the lives of about 35 people who attended.  Many of them were university students.  Those who attended were hungry for God and to be used by Him.  We will probably conduct the next one in May.
+  God has given both of us special opportunities to share the love of Christ with our security ladies, our table servers at a couple of our favorite restaurants, and new people attending our services and Bible studies.  A special treat has been to see some of our table servers start attending our services.
+  Our ministry to the Spanish speaking community continues to prosper.  People from Cuba, Peru, Spain, Portugal, even some African countries, as well as Ukrainians who are learning Spanish are attending.  One of our leaders has begun teaching SSL (Spanish as a Second Langauge) before their weekly Saturday meeting.  Last week the Church Leadership Council appointed brother Jesus (Hay-soos) as Associate Pastor to Hispanic ministry.  We believe this will probably become a church within the next several months.
+  Bob is currently teaching the book of Acts at St. James Bible College while also preparing material for the weekly Tuesday Bible study.  He will teach two to three weeks on "How To Study the Bible" and will then repeat and expand a series he tried last year, "Considering Critical Questions", dealing with things about religion, God, Jesus, etc. that the skeptical mind would ask.  The first three units were a huge success last year, and he's anxious to repeat those for newcomers and then develop it even further.  In addition he's teaching a "Growth In Prayer" workshop twice a month to people wanting to deepen their prayer lives.
+  Jo Ann continues seeing God work in her women's leadership group that meets twice a month.  She is also busy managing the retooling of the ESL program, and now getting ready to teach the new upcoming "Professional English" class the first of April.  This first edition will be "Business Vocabulary, Principles, and Ethics", and will give her a great opportunity to share Biblical principles of business practice, personal relationships, and the plan of salvation while teaching business terminology.  She will partner with a young woman, Vikka, who has a business degree from a university here in Kiev.
Pray about These:
+  PrayWorld, a world-wide movement of forty days of focused and strategic praying for every continent begins this coming Wednesday, February 25th.  Join this event by going to and downloading the daily calendar.  Bob has also prepared a matching calendar specifically for Kiev and IBC.  If you would like a copy of that, drop us a note and we'll send it to you as an attachment.  It works in correspondence to the PrayWorld prayer calendar.  You'll also find other suggestions and helps for your praying on their website.
+  Jo Ann is taking five of our ladies from the church to a women's conference in Germany in April.  Due to the generosity of Baptist women in the States, most of their expenses are being covered.  Only one of them has ever been out of the country before, and none of them have ever attended a meeting like this.  This will be a memorable experience for them all.  Please pray with us that God will provide any remaining needs, especially their visas, safety, and miscellaneous expenses.
+  Churches seem to be alike wherever you go.  Bob recently had a member approach him with some "complaints" being brought in behalf of "other people".  Well, you can imagine Bob's response to that.  Fortunately, the conversation was interrupted, so he's not had to express it yet. 🙂    Seems like the devil tries to muddle things up in Ukraine as well as in the U.S.  However, it is really a blessing, because one of his jobs is to get the church leaders to begin making their own decisions, so he'll hand this situation off to them.  But, pray that this will not create discord and interrupt the wonderful moving of the Holy Spirit.  That's what the enemy wants, and that's not what we want.
+  We have a heavy travel schedule next month, going to Germany for a conference with the International Baptist Convention followed immediately by our IMB regional annual meeting in Poland.  We will be traveling from March 10th to 27th.  Pray that God will meet the various needs.  Pray for opportunity to rest and be refreshed.  During the Germany trip, we'll be visiting several of the Martin Luther historic sites including his birthplace and the Wittenburg Church.
+  Pray that our student ministry will begin to grow quickly.  Pray for more key leaders.  Pray for unity in the team.  Pray for wisdom in strategy decisions.
+  Pray for an evangelistic and discipleship Bible study plan to be launched this Spring for youth and adults, using the "Alpha Course".  This will be introduced to the church leadership within the next few weeks.  This can be critical to our ministry to high schoolers and also to our planned home evangelistic Bible study groups.
+  Pray for our physical, emotional, and spiritual well being.  We still "live tired".  You never really get used to the different culture, and, whether you like it or not, the strange language, social customs, traffic sounds, mannerisms of the people, all take their toll.  As Bob has said before, "it takes twice the effort to do have the work in triple the time."  One of our Journeymen just told us it is requiring him one to two extra hours of sleep every night to really feel rested.  We understand . . . but we seldom get it.
+  Pray for us regarding the request for us to serve a second term.  There are numerous factors involved in such a decision, and we must hear the Lord clearly.  Our current term would normally end the first part of September, but we are requesting an extension to November.  Then, if we returned to Kiev, it would be early January.  (We just can't seem to get away from arriving in Kiev in January!)
+  Remember to pray for Jo Ann, especially Friday.  That's her XXth birthday. 
Thanks so much for your prayer support.  We love you, and we appreciate so much your intercession in our behalf.
In His Bond and For His Kingdom,
Bob and Jo Ann
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
   Jo Ann:
Our Websites: for the general work in Kiev. for access to our pix albums.
To Receive an e-mail prayer guide on Central and Eastern Europe, write
For weekly spiritual encouragement and current stories of our work here,
subscribe to "Shoulder To Shoulder", a letter to "lift up hands that
For Back Issues of . . .
   "Shoulder To Shoulder" go to .
For Other Ministries in Ukraine:  for IMB work in central and eastern Europe.  Links to 24 countries by clicking on the flags. for virtual prayer walks in Ukraine. for another virtual prayer walk in our beloved city of Kiev. for good general and missionary information about Ukraine in general and the IMB people teams. for information about IMB work in east Central Ukraine (Dnipropetrovsk, etc.) including another related virtual prayer walk.
Secular News on Kiev and Ukraine will give you interesting views at . . .
Some More Good Sites: for daily world news without a liberal, godless bias. for general info on Ukraine and Kiev. for general current info.on Ukraine. Consular division of U.S. Embassy in Ukraine.
May I Recommend . . . .
If you have a heart for God and would like to be encouraged in your life and ministry,
    and you have a burden for your church, your community, and the world,
    then you may want to receive . . . for daily world news without a liberal, godless bias. ---- A world-wide network for praying together. ---- excellent resources on revival, prayer, missions. ---- resources on prayer, evangelism, etc. ---- To adopt and pray for a special historic city in Iraq. ---- "National Pastors' Prayer Network" newsletter.  ~  
    email:  Register your PPG: . ---- U. S. World Prayer Center. ---- City Reaching/City Impact Roundtable. ---- Wolfgang Simpson's "Friday Fax" from New Zealand. ---- "Life Action Outreach". ---- "Bulletin On Revival" by Francois Carr in South Africa. ---- "Youth Interceding For America". ---- "Mission America" . ---- "The Lighthouse Movement". Click on "Lighthouses".
Other Great Resources Are: for great Bible resources and downloads. (one of the best free download Bible study site I've ever seen!)"Christian Communications Toolkit" (using internet wisely) Free software or shareware listings,  "Christian Computing Magazine",  CCMag discussion newsletter,  Thousands of Free Christian graphics.
Online Resources on Ukraine are . . . .