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Hope4Kyiv Reynolds material: ---- 7-16-04

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Friends and Faithful Intercessors:
While this note does not deal with a critical physical development, it does deal with a critical prayer strategy.  Please agree with Jim and Deanna, and us, in focusing our intercession in the direction Jim has asked.  It occurred to me last night that, since God created the human body with all its intricacies, He can certainly rewire a system that has been affected.  He certainly has the knowledge, the authority, the power, and the abilities. 
Let's ask for some "corrective circuitry" .
And ---- PLEASE SHARE THIS REQUEST with your church tomorrow.
Bob and Jo Ann
This note from Jim was sent Friday afternoon, July 16th.
. . . . the good news is Nicole is back on nasal prongs.  The scan of her head showed that the bleeding she experienced in her brain shortly after birth has not recurred and is "resolving."  Also, the recent heart scan showed that things are "slightly better."  She also gained a little more weight - she's up to 4 pounds, 14 ounces!  Today, she really looked as good as we've seen her ---- until . . . .
. . . . she had another one of those apnea / seizure / episode / spell things.  Basically, to describe it, her eyes get all buggy and she transfixes them, then she stops breathing, and her oxygen levels drop like a stone to the 30% range.  Somewhere in the middle, she lets out a cry, but doesn't resume breathing.  Obviously, by this point they turn up her oxygen and her saturation levels come up. 
Today, she did not start breathing again just because of the increased oxygen.  Then, almost as suddenly it starts, she begins breathing again.  It was all quite alarming and disturbing.
Here's the thing.  IF my discernment is worth anything (and it may not be) these are seizures.  They are neurological in nature.  The neurological issue is the reason we didn't get "reactive" non-stress tests back in the beginning (before she was born.)  It is a key - perhaps THE key - to her survival
Most importantly, it is something that God - obviously - CAN heal.  It MAY even be something He WANTS to heal.  I am not willing to say, "Thus says the Lord." but here's what I would like all of you to do.  . . . For the next few days, FORGET about bili counts and white blood cells and infections and heart defects and weight gain.  CONCENTRATE your prayer on Nicole's neurological development
By the way, here's what we know: again, she had a "head bleed" shortly after birth that MAY have caused some brain damage.  Also, because of the Trisomy 18, she does NOT have the following structures in her brain: cavum septum pellosum and corpus callosum.  That's what we know about her neurological development.
Again, for the next several days, concentrate your prayers on her neurological development and on these seizures and that her brain would communicate effectively with her heart and lungs and the rest of her body.   
Again, IF my discernment is worth anything, this is not a case of praying for the "crisis of the day."  This is a key. maybe THE key. and I believe God wants to effect this situation in a dramatic way.  I can't be absolutely confident. and still have peace no matter what. but this seems more significant than "normal."  Join with us.  

Bob Tolliver
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
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