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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

I almost never forward letters, but this one seems so "right", especially at this time of year.  The messages below can be enhanced if you'd do the same thing.
More than 650 people get this letter, so imagine how many messages could be sent to our patriots in Afghanistan if each of you sent it on as I have, and then each one sent it out to 10 or 20 other people who did the same, etc.  WOW!
Have a good Christmas season.  We'll write our regular December letter in a couple of weeks.
Bob and Jo Ann
> Subject: Fw: Please do this I'm asking a favor
> My name is Connie &my son is currently serving with
> the 10th Mountain Division - United States Army in
> Afghanistan - Operation Enduring Freedom. I am sending
> this letter to all of you asking for just your
> signature and where you are from. His company will not
> get to be home for Christmas and I would like to send
> this to him &the rest of his unit so they know they
> have not been forgotten and that we are supporting
> them 100%. When this reaches 100, 200, 300 etc please
> email it back to me at: 1.
> Thanks for your support. 1. Connie Wells - Lufkin, TX-
> thanks to all of you for serving our country-you're
> doing a great job! 2. Mary Stovall - Lufkin, TX -
> wishing you much strength and know you're always in
> our prayers 3. Drew Stovall - Lufkin, TX 4. Margaret
> Eldridge - Bedford, Texas 5. Bobbye Campbell - Irving,
> TX Thanks for being there, we appreciate all of you 6.
> Max Fox - Arlington, Texas 7. R.E. Tatum Granbury Tx.
> 8. Jeanette Stockton Louise, Tx. Thank You! 9.Grams
> Golemon, Camp San Saba, Texas My freedom and all of
> its privileges are protected by your efforts. My
> prayers and holiday wishes are with you and your
> division. 10. Christy Carlson, Brady Texas,God Bless
> and Keep You and many thanks. 11. Lt. Col. &Mrs. Larry
> Sharp (Ret), Granbury, TX - Thank you for your service
> to our great country. There are lots of us who
> appreciate more than you know! 12. Pat Brack,
> Henderson, TX - "May the Lord Bless You, and Keep
> You." May He always hold you close, returning you
> safely to us and your family. Thank you for your love
> and service to the USA. 13. Bobby Nichols, Longview
> Tx. God Bless you and ALL that serve in our Forces.
> 14. Buddy Williams, Longview, Tx. We are very proud of
> you and your buddies, doing such a tough job so far
> away from home. We owe you so much. Be careful and
> take care of each other. 15. Melody Mulanax, Kilgore,
> Texas I absorb so much of the military events and I
> want you to know that my heart feels so much of what
> you are doing. Thank you so much for serving our
> country. 16. Virginia H. Kilgore, TX Please be alert
> and safe 17. Briggs D., Midland, TX Thank you very
> much for your courageous sacrifices for us at home who
> depend on you to protect our freedom and safety! 18.
> Kerry N., Midland, TX A simple thank you..... Keep up
> the good work! Our thoughts and prayers are with each
> and everyone one of you. 19. Sabrina H, Midland,TX
> Thank you so much , God Bless and Protect each of you.
> 20. Joe Gilmer, Midland, TX. God bless you and all
> that are in the armed forces. 21. Betty Kirkland,
> Gustine, Tx God Bless you and all of the other troops
> who are protecting our freedom! 22. William Kirkland,
> Gustine, Tx God Bless from a VFW 23. Genell
> Stuteville, Gustine, TX -- THANKS A BUNCH! AND, GOD
> BLESS! 24. Billy Ray Stuteville, Gustine, TX -- God be
> with you from a Viet Nam Vet! 25. Judith Williams,
> Spring, TX---God be with you in your endeavors. Be
> safe and know that we all appreciate your work and
> hope that you remain safe! 26. Helen G. Williams,
> Spring, TX 27. Janet Holt, New Caney, TX -- I
> appreciate your service and sacrifice. May God bless
> you and keep you safe. My prayers are with you 28.
> Kathy &Al Niemeyer, Humble, Tx., Thank you for your
> service to our great country. God Bless You!! Our
> prayers are with you. 29. Kristi and Michael Pena,
> Adkins, Texas - God Bless you for your bravery and
> sacrifice. We wish you a safe journey home. We love
> all of you. 30. Jim and Kelly Arnold, Hearne, TX- We
> salute you for your valiant efforts to defend and
> protect us all. I pray that God blesses you and the
> family that supports you. 31. Steven, Kammie &Hunter
> Peterson... LaCoste, TX - God bless you! 32. Bill
> Edwards, Atascosa, TX, AF Ret. Vietnam Vet twice,
> SOS---just a different enemy. 33. Sandy &Jay Wilson,
> Melbourne, Florida. God bless you &your unit for all
> you are doing for our country. Where would we be
> without you &all the troops over there? Happy Holidays
> to you. 34. Wanda Scruggs, Dawsonville Ga. Thank you
> for being where you are and what you are. You are my
> Hero. Stay safe and come home. God bless you and keep
> you and your unit shielded with love. 35. Henry
> &Jelane Kelley, Dawsonville, GA. Our LOVE to YOU. 36.
> Frank and Anna McDow - Steinhatchee, Florida - Our
> thoughts and prayers are with you and all of our
> troops preserving our freedom. We are very proud of
> you. 37. Linda &Kent Stephens - Collinsville, MS - My
> God bless you all and keep you safe. Our Church prays
> for all the troops every Sunday and Wednesday at
> church and you are always in our prays daily. Keep up
> the good work and thanks for the freedom, without men
> &women like you we would not have the freedom we have
> today. 38. Wanda &Steve Locklear - Meridian, Ms. - God
> Bless each and everyone of you for all you have done
> and continue to do to enable us to have Freedom. It is
> your hard work and dedication that gives us this
> Freedom. Our love, thoughts, and prayers are with you.
> God Bless and Keep you in the palm of His hand. 39.
> Betty Peschka... Arizona....... Thank you for my
> freedoms.. 40. Sandra Williams, Tx. I pray that God
> wll go before your every step giving you protection
> and bringing you back home to us as soon as may be
> possible. God Bless and Thank you. 41. D. Bivens,
> Granbury, TX - God bless and keep you. Merry Christmas
> 42. D. Kirby, Texas God be with all of ya'll until you
> come back to your families &loved ones. Be safe. Have
> a blessed Christmas! 43. J. Brooks, Ft. Worth, Texas -
> I thank God for you! 44. M.Grace, Ft Worth, Tx - God
> bless you and keep you all. 45. NBW TYrone, NM. Take
> care of yourself and may God bring you back home
> safely to your family. We are all thankful to God for
> those of you fighting to defend our freedoms and our
> prayers go out to you. 46.George and Peggy Speaks,
> Sutherlin, Or. We hope this war is over soon so you
> all can celebrate Christmas with your familys. God
> keep you safe. 47. Rick and Kathy Washburn, Coolidge,
> TX. You are fighting the good fight and we support and
> respect you and pray you will be safe. We are so proud
> of our troops! 48. Sue Landrum, Hubbard, Tx. God bless
> you! 49.Christie Mercer, Hubbard Tx. God Bless you!
> Our hopes &prayers are with you all. 50. Pamela Brown
> Hubbard Tx. 51. Mark Pospisil "Popsilce" Texas Wheels
> MC / US Army Ret 52.Lee Biles "Hammer" Texas Wheels MC
> 53.Mike Tiller (ex-navy MM1/SS) Bay City, Texas. At
> times you may feel that the world has forgotten you,
> My thoughts are with you and all you give up to make
> sure we stay free. 54. Jean Fehmel, Bay City, Texas
> God be with you and thank you for your service to our
> great country. 55. Novie T. Smith, Bay City, Texas Our
> prayers are with you and the effort to bring peace on
> earth. 56. Karen M. Zernicek, Bay City, Tx May God
> Bless you, comfort you, and keep you safe until you
> can be reunited with your family and know that we all
> appreciate what you are doing for all of us in this
> great country. 57. Margaret Laslie, Blessing, TX - May
> you be blessed with God's loving arms around you as
> you protect our right to be an American with the
> freedoms we hold so dear to our hearts. Know that our
> prayers are with you each and every day. 58. Sally
> Fry, Bay City, TX - It's wonderful to wake up each
> morning knowing that we are free. Thank you for that
> privilege! May God's angels watch over you! 59.
> Charles H. Koenig, Bay City, Texas - I spent Christmas
> 1966 in Viet Nam fighting for someone else???s
> freedom, and all the while wanting to share that
> special holiday with my family and friends. I tell you
> this so that you may know that even this present trial
> will pass. Remember that God???s word says Jesus was
> sent to free men from their sin and save them for all
> eternity. That is why we have a Christmas season to
> celebrate. I pray for your safety as a soldier. More
> importantly, I pray for your spiritual salvation,
> because some day I want the privilege of meeting all
> you brave souls in God???s Heaven. If you do not know
> of what I am speaking, grab a bible and read the
> Gospel of John, chapter 3, verse 16. Thanks for your
> service and sacrifice as you carry the sword of
> freedom. May God bless and watch over you. 60. Jeanie
> Eubanks Thank you for allowing the freedom to
> celebrate Christmas to continue. My thoughts and
> prayers are with you all. 61. Carole Putman May God
> bless you for all that you are doing for us.
> 62. Edouard and Dara Groguhe--Angleton, TX--We pray
> for all of
> you daily and want you to know you are very much in
> our thoughts. We are asking for protection and
> guidance for you as
> you work there--for us all. Thank you from the bottom
> of my heart.63. Barbara Springer--Paris, France. May
> the Lord bless you all and keep you safe. We are
> grateful for your service to our all of
> us! 64. EARNESTLY praying you all each and every day!
> 65. Fred Howard, Midlothian, Tx. Howdy Guys, if you have a chance email me,, with your prayer request.   66 & 67: Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver, Kiev, Ukraine ---- Living in a strange land, we understand many of the day to day challenges you face in addition to the task you have been called to carry out.  Never a day goes by but what we don't think of you and pray that God will keep you safe and will prosper you in His purposes.  Nobody loves you like He does.