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Posted by: btolliver <btolliver@...>


                       NUMBER 011-B
                    September 3, 2003
       The “In-Pact” Prayer Newsletter of

             Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver

           Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine

Dear Friends:
This special letter is to ask your immediate and fervent prayer for the following very special needs that have recently surfaced.
1.  URGENTJason Myers is "on the bubble" for being approved for November Field Personnel Orientation and training.  The decision is being made this week.  Because of limited finances, the IMB can only select and send a small number of missionaries this year.  Only about 20% of Jason's conference interview group will be asked to attend training at that time.  Everyone else will be postponed to a later date in 2004.
Our student ministry is so ready to go that a delay for Jason would seriously limit what we are able to do.  Pray that God will rightly lead the decision makers in their selection of who will be included.  If Jason is selected, he will be able to arrive in Kiev by early January.  We need him badly.
2.  Ricky and Marina, the young couple you've been praying for who want to return to Kiev to help us in our leadership discipling, student ministry, and small group ministries will unfortunately be unable to do so through the IMB ---- simply because of regional priorities that have been affected by the Board's limited finances.  Our region has received more than our share of missionaries, so we will not be given any new missionaries during 2004 or longer.
Pray that God will enable Ricky and Marina to raise up a prayer and financial support base on their own that would allow them to return to Kiev as soon as possible.  They would be doing the same thing, but simply through another means than the IMB.
If you would like to know how you could be part of that support team, just drop us a note.  The mechanics to do so are already in place.
3.  Ministry to African refugees.  We have several families in our church from various African countries, especially Angola and Mozambique.  It appears God may be raising up a ministry through these brothers and sisters that could touch many such refugees living in and around Kiev.  The Church Leadership Council began considering this issue last Sunday, and we will be meeting soon to discuss that possibility with some of these families.
International Baptist Church has already begun a Ukrainian church and also an Arabic church in recent years, so this potential ministry falls well within our past patterns of planting new churches.  Think about the idea of having a strong evangelical witness to these dear people from the African continent.
4.  Ministry to Hispanics.  We are facing the same thing with this particular group of refugees. A few weeks ago two or three believers from Cuba began attending our services, even though they speak little English.  Tanya was a missionary and church leader in a Baptist church in Cuba.  We have had conversations with her this week about the Hispanic population in Kiev, and she indicates there are many; and most of them do not know Christ.
There is a unique drawing power that one's cultural or ethnic background has when you are living in a foreign land.  Pray with us that God will allow us to begin a ministry to the Hispanic community; pray that we will discover other believers in that ethic group; pray that we can find someone who is fluent in Spanish and capable of giving leadership to such a ministry.
5.  Ministry to Chinese.  Just as with the two above groups, there are many students (and others) from mainland China who are here for education.  Several Christian organizations and churches already have ministries to the Chinese community, but the numbers are so great that we need to be involved as well. 
We have several Chinese students who attend our English classes, optional Bible studies, and church services.  One young man in particular is quite capable of helping us develop a ministry to the Chinese population.  Pray that God will give us favor with Chinese students and enable us to develop a network of home groups and other things that will minister to this population group.  China is a priority target for evangelization.  What better way to do that than to minister to those living outside the country, bring them to Christ, train them, and send them home.
6.  A Mission Field as a Mission Force.  Isn't it amazing!  Here we are on the mission field working in a foreign country, and yet God has given International Baptist Church the opportunity to in itself become a powerful mission force.  Awesome!
This little congregation has the potential of ministering to, evangelizing, training, and sending missionaries back to their home countries where they, in turn, can become part of a massive church planting and evangelizing army.  Pray that God will keep us focused, will provide the many needed resources, and will draw people into our lives and ours into theirs so that the Gospel can literally be spread to every tribe, tongue, and nation.  Pray that God will turn IBC itself into a true mission force in its own right.
7.  Leadership Transition.  After a recent discussion with our field and area supervisors, we have a better idea of a time line for helping IBC transition to a Ukrainian pastor while retaining its strong commitment as an English speaking church.
In all reality, we need to begin mentoring and training several men toward strong leadership roles in the church.  Unfortunately, few men in the church have that interest or qualification, although we do have one or two.  In addition, we will soon begin mentoring and training some English speaking young men from some of the Christian universities, Bible colleges, and seminaries in the city.
Pray that the Holy Spirit will hand pick about five or six men who have a heart for God, a desire to serve Him, and an interest in an English speaking ministry.  Pray for us that God will enable us to rise to the occasion in providing good solid training and mentoring.
Finally, Thank you for taking time to pray about these important matters.  Please do it daily.  These are critical matters of immediate importance, and we need intense intercession.  Since this letter will probably not go out to some 100 of our prayer warriors who do not have e-mail, we ask you to e-mail this note or copy it and give it to others.  We need hundreds praying with us about these matters.
Thank you for your strong prayer support.
In His Bond and For His Kingdom,
Bob and Jo Ann
IBC - Hope4Kyiv

  And for the general work in Kiev.
For weekly spiritual encouragement and current updates on our work here, ask us to subscribe you to "Shoulder To Shoulder" letter (e-mail only).
Secular News on Kiev and Ukraine will give you interesting views at . . .
Some More Good Sites: for general info on Ukraine and Kiev. for general current info.on Ukraine.  for IMB work in central and eastern Europe.  Links to 24 countries by clicking on the flags. for virtual prayer walks in Ukraine. for another virtual prayer walk in our beloved city of Kiev. for good general and missionary information about Ukraine in general and the IMB people teams. for information about IMB work in east Central Ukraine (Dnipropetrovsk, etc.) including another related virtual prayer walk.