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Hot in MN!

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

I know all you Southern gals are used to coping with the heat and humidity but us Northern gals are not! I tried in vain yesterday to find some place that just might have an air conditioner to buy. We are miserable and this allergy induced asthma thing I have is going crazy with all this heat and humidity. I'm being told there are waiting lists at most of the stores for air conditioners that won't even be here for 2-3 weeks. Everyone is sold out, especially in the city. Many will not take names at all.

I could use some reminders or suggestions on dealing with this heat. We are being told the heat index is somewhere around 110. Thankfully the animals seem to be coping o.k. as long as we keep their water full and we've been trying to spray them down to cool them. They actually get in line to get sprayed!

I've never liked a cold bath but it sure feels good now. Thankfully we are on well water so are not subject to the watering restrictions others have to deal with. I don't dare go to the creek. The bears and mosquitoes sitting in there...they know a good thing when they find it. Deanna