Quote from Forum Archives on February 23, 2006, 3:00 pmPosted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
-by A. Strom & L. Magnello.The Greek words for "BE FILLED with the Holy Spirit" (Eph 5:18)
should be translated, "BE BEING FILLED with the Holy Spirit". In
other words, we are to be constantly seeking God so that we will
become more and more full of His Holy Spirit. Some people believe
that we Christians only receive one infilling of God's Spirit in our
lifetime. Such people may be sincere, but they are SINCERELY
WRONG. This article is about men and women of God who were
not satisfied with an initial token of God's grace or presence in
their lives. They were hungry for more, and in their desperation for
greater and greater depths in God, they smashed through every
barrier and overthrew every obstacle to experience an ever-greater
measure of God's holy presence and glory,- and to gain an
anointing the like of which has rarely been seen since the days
of the apostles.It was MORE OF JESUS that they were hungering after, and He
did not disappoint them, though the road was often narrow and
winding. It was a path that few cared to travel. But it was simply
not enough to be Spirit- baptized and speaking in tongues. They
had to be ENDUED WITH POWER FROM ON HIGH,- baptized
with the Holy Spirit AND WITH FIRE. And they had to see God
glorified in their day, in the most profound way possible. They
could not bear to live any longer, the way things were. Where was
the power, where was the glory of apostolic days? They took it
upon themselves, and were almost driven onward by God - to find out.And so, with fastings and prayer, with agonizing travail and
wrestlings such as Jacob had with God, with ridding their lives not
only of their sins, but of their fleshly, soulish "WAYS" also - the
ways of man's strength and man's power,- they battled on, right
into the very throneroom of God. And by the time they got there
they were truly broken and humbled men and women, true
possessors of 'clean hands and a pure heart'. And He met them
there in the most profound way. Tell me, friend, do you hunger
and thirst after more of God? Is it your one desire to love Him with
ALL your heart and ALL your mind and ALL your soul and ALL
your strength? And do you desire to see Him glorified on the
earth to the highest possible degree? "And you shall seek me,
YOUR HEART" (Jer 29:13).To continue to read about how the great Healing Revivalists such
as Smith Wigglesworth, John G. Lake, Maria Woodworth-Etter,
John Alexander Dowie and others experienced glorious
enduements of "POWER FROM ON HIGH", please click the
link "GREAT HEALING REVIVALISTS" on the right at the following website:
www.revivalschool.comGod bless you all.
Andrew Strom.
Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
-by A. Strom & L. Magnello.
The Greek words for "BE FILLED with the Holy Spirit" (Eph 5:18)
should be translated, "BE BEING FILLED with the Holy Spirit". In
other words, we are to be constantly seeking God so that we will
become more and more full of His Holy Spirit. Some people believe
that we Christians only receive one infilling of God's Spirit in our
lifetime. Such people may be sincere, but they are SINCERELY
WRONG. This article is about men and women of God who were
not satisfied with an initial token of God's grace or presence in
their lives. They were hungry for more, and in their desperation for
greater and greater depths in God, they smashed through every
barrier and overthrew every obstacle to experience an ever-greater
measure of God's holy presence and glory,- and to gain an
anointing the like of which has rarely been seen since the days
of the apostles.
It was MORE OF JESUS that they were hungering after, and He
did not disappoint them, though the road was often narrow and
winding. It was a path that few cared to travel. But it was simply
not enough to be Spirit- baptized and speaking in tongues. They
had to be ENDUED WITH POWER FROM ON HIGH,- baptized
with the Holy Spirit AND WITH FIRE. And they had to see God
glorified in their day, in the most profound way possible. They
could not bear to live any longer, the way things were. Where was
the power, where was the glory of apostolic days? They took it
upon themselves, and were almost driven onward by God - to find out.
And so, with fastings and prayer, with agonizing travail and
wrestlings such as Jacob had with God, with ridding their lives not
only of their sins, but of their fleshly, soulish "WAYS" also - the
ways of man's strength and man's power,- they battled on, right
into the very throneroom of God. And by the time they got there
they were truly broken and humbled men and women, true
possessors of 'clean hands and a pure heart'. And He met them
there in the most profound way. Tell me, friend, do you hunger
and thirst after more of God? Is it your one desire to love Him with
ALL your heart and ALL your mind and ALL your soul and ALL
your strength? And do you desire to see Him glorified on the
earth to the highest possible degree? "And you shall seek me,
YOUR HEART" (Jer 29:13).
To continue to read about how the great Healing Revivalists such
as Smith Wigglesworth, John G. Lake, Maria Woodworth-Etter,
John Alexander Dowie and others experienced glorious
enduements of "POWER FROM ON HIGH", please click the
link "GREAT HEALING REVIVALISTS" on the right at the following website:
God bless you all.
Andrew Strom.