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How He Loves (was cardboard testimonies)

Posted by: rxdca <rxdca@...>

This is the most honest, raw, real, and beautiful song I've heard in a
long time. If you hear him sing the final verse it will rip you apart.
It speaks pain that we've all felt in our losses in this life. The only
word I can think of to describe it is naked.

How He Loves
by John Mark McMillen

He is jealous for me
Loves like a hurricane
I am a tree
Bending beneath
The weight of his wind and mercy
When all of a sudden
I am unaware of these
Afflictions eclipsed by glory
And I realize how beautiful you are
And how great your affections are for me

Oh how he loves us so
Oh how he loves us
How he loves us so

Yeah He loves us
Oh how He loves us
Oh how He loves us
Oh how He loves us
Whoa, how He loves

We are his portion
And he is our prize
Drawn to redemption by the grace in his eyes
If grace is an ocean we're all sinking
So heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss
And my heart burns violently inside of my chest
I don't have time to maintain these regrets
When I think about the way
He loves us

Oh how he loves us so
Oh how he loves us
How he loves us so

Yea He loves us
Oh how

I thought about you
The day Stephen died
And you met me between my breaking
I know that I still love you God
Despite the agony
See people they want to tell me your cruel
But if Stephen could sing
He'd say its not true
Cause you're good

'Cause He loves us
Oh how He loves us
Oh how He loves us
Oh how He loves us
Whoa, how He loves

>From a review posted on his web site:

The songs came out of the tragic death of McMillan's best friend, just months after John Mark's debut record Hope Anthology Vol. 1 hit stores. The grief that followed, and the subsequent rise from under it, is what bore the fruit for John Mark's newest anthology. "The album is about what happens when you fall apart," McMillan said. "I don't think there is any way of avoiding painful experiences as a human. Those painful experiences can either make us angry and bitter and cynical, or they can break us and change us and we can become more than what we were even before."

When asked about the role of faith in his music, McMillan responded, "Christianity has to have a place in my art because it's who I am. If it didn't then I'd come across as pretentious. People can see through facades easily." But he adds, "The gospel has been abused so often that people hear the name of Jesus and they think of a used car salesman. We've got to change that. There are so many completely broken and devasted people in the world. I think we ignore this as artists and as Christians. I didnt want to do that. I wanted to put something out there that people could relate to. That's what the album's all about, the song that comes out of falling apart."

- Thomas Torrey, WSLC Radio

Well, there's people been talking
Say they're worried about my soul
But I'm here to tell you I'll keep rocking
'til I'm sure it's my time to roll
-Rich Mullins "Elijah"

Phil 4:13