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How Little of Life

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2006, J. Randal Matheny

Please share Cloudburst, as is, with a friend!
Below, a heart-warming note from a reader.

by J. Randal Matheny

How little of life I understand!
How short my sight of what matters most!
How weak my strength for the task at hand!
How pale my courage, a fleeting ghost!

I stumble as a simple fool
Among the paths, unwitting waif,
A mule mindless to rod or rule,
With ears that, under the yoke, chafe.

For commerce, power, or waging war
This world is keen to act, and shrewd;
But I know little of these, abhor
Their gains, eschew their poisoned food.

For things above, I've little more zeal
Than my pursuit of worldly good.
What trifle I know and less I feel!
Would God might kindle this dampened wood!

Oh, God! Fire this leaden heart;
Bring wisdom to a torpid mind
Bereft of your true science and art,
And blessed sight to eyes long blind.


On "Such a World as This" (27 Apr.):

"Thanks again for your brief, but powerful words!

"My husband, nine others, and I just returned
from our annual mission trip to the Arizona
desert where we witnessed firsthand a modern-day
shepherd who travels 6-10 miles per day on foot
to watch over his meager flock of sheep. We were
also witness to two lambs born to his flock while
we worked on a building in which the church could
meet. Our workers were warmed on the cold nights
by fires fueled with our scrap lumber, and we
enjoyed an unspoiled view of galaxies of stars
not hidden by city lights.

"Your poem has greater meaning to me today for
what our experience has been over the past few
days. We count ourselves very blessed to have met
a poor and humble people with a proud heritage.
We were humbled by the people, land, climate, and
surroundings and, once again, given vivid
reminders of just how small we are in the massive
universe of God's creation. How wonderful to know
that God cares for each of us!"
--Linetta, North Little Rock, Arkansas

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