Quote from Forum Archives on February 9, 2006, 3:23 pmPosted by: henkf <henkf@...>
(1) Many scholars have written that this Beatitude is perhaps the greatest of them all.
-- Joe Shubert: "one of the greatest utterances of all scripture".
-- study must be approached with sense of awe and complete inadequacy.
(2) As in the past, we will study both the principle and the promise.
I. The Principle
(1) First, look at the word "Heart".
-- it is the heart on which the Lord concentrates this Beatitude.
-- "heart" is the inner man, I Pet 3:3,4
-- "that part of man that comprehends -- his mind, will, and emotions".
-- as mentioned before Jesus concerns Himself more with what we ARE than what we DO
(1) Prov 4:23
Mt 15:18-19
(2) what is the condition of your heart – right now?
(3) are you giving God "lip" service or "heart" service?, Mt 15:7-8
(4) do we determine a person's spiritual strength by inner qualities or external activities? (who is a faithful Christian?)
(a) church attendance, prayer, benevolence.
(b) Mt 23:25-28.
(2) Jesus wants our hearts to be pure.
-- to be pure, the heart must first be converted.
(1) obviously a heart that has never been cleansed by the blood of Jesus cannot be classified as "pure".
(2) Heb 9:14; 10:22
I Pet 1:22
(3) you can't get a clear picture thru dirty glass.
-- once converted, a pure heart must be kept pure.
(1) a pure heart results from pure thinking
(2) Phil 4:8; Mt 12:34-35
(3) an impure heart will cause a once-converted heart to become lost again.
Act 8:18-23 statistics on heaven: heaven is a place where no impurities can enter, Rev 21:27.
-- "pure" also means: without the "admixture of any element" (Vine).
(1) W.J Woods: "A substance is called pure when it is without admixture, when it is one thing and not two or more. Pure gold is gold without alloy. Purity of heart means that single eye to the glory of God which aims, whether at home or abroad, to be well-pleasing unto Him, works heartily unto the Lord and not unto man, and craves no other recognition than the promised recompense from the Lord's own hand"
(2) God intends that men serve Him with unmixed motives.
I Tim 1:5
II Tim 2:22
Mt 6:19-24
II Cor 5:9
(3) this sort of purity demands:
(a) intellectual honesty
(1) without any addition of false philosophy or speculation.
(2) Jude 3 ; Deut 29:29 (doctrinal accuracy)
(b) concentration of attention on spiritual matters, Col 3:1-2
(c) a special excellence of character
(1) keep ourselves from evil deeds.
(2) desire righteousness with whole heart,
Mt 5:6
II. The Promise
(1) There are three ways to "see", I Cor 2:9
-- physical vision - actually see things around us (people, snow, smiles)
-- see with the mind (teacher explains a math problem.. "I see")
-- see with heart (emotions) - people "look" different once you know them.
(2) The promise to "see God" is now.
-- obvious will see Him in heaven.
-- but we can also "see" Him today.
-- not with physical eyes, John 1:18.
-- with eyes of the heart
(1) Eph 1:18
(2) heart can see what the eyes do not see,
I Cor 2:14-15
e. note: the character of the heart determines what it sees.
(1) "muddy" Mississippi or "ole man river"
(2) ugly body or a beautiful person.
(3) Tit 1:15-16
I John 3:16
III John 11
(4) liar does not speak truth and does not expect others to.
(3) There are three ways to "see God".
-- in the physical creation
(1) Ps 19:1
(2) nature reveals God's: love, power, wisdom, vastness, steadfastness, law and order
(3) Rom 1:18-20
-- see God thru His magnificent blessings
(1) pure in heart realize the truth of Jam 1:17.
(2) can see God in every gift, physical or spiritual (presence, power, providence, etc).
-- See God thru Jesus and fellow Christians.
(1) John 14:19
(2) same is true for those in whom the Spirit of God dwells.
(3) we see what we are equipped to see.
(1) example: look at stars
-- one sees only lights in the sky
-- astronomer can name the stars and constellations.
-- seaman can chart his course.
(4) the pure in heart are equipped to "see God".
What would you like to see more than anything else?
...castles of Europe, mountains of Switzerland/Colorado,..a new grandchild, mature children, Disneyland, the year 2050, Jesus and God.
You may not see all the wonders of this earth, but you can see God. Jesus said so (Mt 5:8). "the greatest utterances of all scripture". Have you seen God? Of course not! No man can see God and live. Sure, but haven’t you seen God? Let's think about it.
(1) If your vision of God is not clear, it is because your heart is not pure.
(2) Is there sin in your life which clouds your view of God?
(3) Jesus came to cleanse your heart and lead you to an eternal vision of God, Js 4:8-10.
4. Repent of your sins, and have them washed away.
5. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
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Posted by: henkf <henkf@...>
(1) Many scholars have written that this Beatitude is perhaps the greatest of them all.
-- Joe Shubert: "one of the greatest utterances of all scripture".
-- study must be approached with sense of awe and complete inadequacy.
(2) As in the past, we will study both the principle and the promise.
I. The Principle
(1) First, look at the word "Heart".
-- it is the heart on which the Lord concentrates this Beatitude.
-- "heart" is the inner man, I Pet 3:3,4
-- "that part of man that comprehends -- his mind, will, and emotions".
-- as mentioned before Jesus concerns Himself more with what we ARE than what we DO
(1) Prov 4:23
Mt 15:18-19
(2) what is the condition of your heart – right now?
(3) are you giving God "lip" service or "heart" service?, Mt 15:7-8
(4) do we determine a person's spiritual strength by inner qualities or external activities? (who is a faithful Christian?)
(a) church attendance, prayer, benevolence.
(b) Mt 23:25-28.
(2) Jesus wants our hearts to be pure.
-- to be pure, the heart must first be converted.
(1) obviously a heart that has never been cleansed by the blood of Jesus cannot be classified as "pure".
(2) Heb 9:14; 10:22
I Pet 1:22
(3) you can't get a clear picture thru dirty glass.
-- once converted, a pure heart must be kept pure.
(1) a pure heart results from pure thinking
(2) Phil 4:8; Mt 12:34-35
(3) an impure heart will cause a once-converted heart to become lost again.
Act 8:18-23 statistics on heaven: heaven is a place where no impurities can enter, Rev 21:27.
-- "pure" also means: without the "admixture of any element" (Vine).
(1) W.J Woods: "A substance is called pure when it is without admixture, when it is one thing and not two or more. Pure gold is gold without alloy. Purity of heart means that single eye to the glory of God which aims, whether at home or abroad, to be well-pleasing unto Him, works heartily unto the Lord and not unto man, and craves no other recognition than the promised recompense from the Lord's own hand"
(2) God intends that men serve Him with unmixed motives.
I Tim 1:5
II Tim 2:22
Mt 6:19-24
II Cor 5:9
(3) this sort of purity demands:
(a) intellectual honesty
(1) without any addition of false philosophy or speculation.
(2) Jude 3 ; Deut 29:29 (doctrinal accuracy)
(b) concentration of attention on spiritual matters, Col 3:1-2
(c) a special excellence of character
(1) keep ourselves from evil deeds.
(2) desire righteousness with whole heart,
Mt 5:6
II. The Promise
(1) There are three ways to "see", I Cor 2:9
-- physical vision - actually see things around us (people, snow, smiles)
-- see with the mind (teacher explains a math problem.. "I see")
-- see with heart (emotions) - people "look" different once you know them.
(2) The promise to "see God" is now.
-- obvious will see Him in heaven.
-- but we can also "see" Him today.
-- not with physical eyes, John 1:18.
-- with eyes of the heart
(1) Eph 1:18
(2) heart can see what the eyes do not see,
I Cor 2:14-15
e. note: the character of the heart determines what it sees.
(1) "muddy" Mississippi or "ole man river"
(2) ugly body or a beautiful person.
(3) Tit 1:15-16
I John 3:16
III John 11
(4) liar does not speak truth and does not expect others to.
(3) There are three ways to "see God".
-- in the physical creation
(1) Ps 19:1
(2) nature reveals God's: love, power, wisdom, vastness, steadfastness, law and order
(3) Rom 1:18-20
-- see God thru His magnificent blessings
(1) pure in heart realize the truth of Jam 1:17.
(2) can see God in every gift, physical or spiritual (presence, power, providence, etc).
-- See God thru Jesus and fellow Christians.
(1) John 14:19
(2) same is true for those in whom the Spirit of God dwells.
(3) we see what we are equipped to see.
(1) example: look at stars
-- one sees only lights in the sky
-- astronomer can name the stars and constellations.
-- seaman can chart his course.
(4) the pure in heart are equipped to "see God".
What would you like to see more than anything else?
...castles of Europe, mountains of Switzerland/Colorado,..a new grandchild, mature children, Disneyland, the year 2050, Jesus and God.
You may not see all the wonders of this earth, but you can see God. Jesus said so (Mt 5:8). "the greatest utterances of all scripture". Have you seen God? Of course not! No man can see God and live. Sure, but haven’t you seen God? Let's think about it.
(1) If your vision of God is not clear, it is because your heart is not pure.
(2) Is there sin in your life which clouds your view of God?
(3) Jesus came to cleanse your heart and lead you to an eternal vision of God, Js 4:8-10.
4. Repent of your sins, and have them washed away.
5. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
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