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Hysterectomy YIKES

Posted by: pat <pat@...>

The Doctors make is seem so simple. They take out your insides and then
replace them with artificial hormones.
I had a hysterectomy at age 29. It took years to get to a point that my
hormones were regulated and there are all sorts of problems with the
artificial hormones. It is NOT easy and if I knew back then what I know now
( am now 40) I would have kept my parts and attempted to figure a much more
natural way to deal with things.

Now I am in peri menopause, probably due to years of hormone use after a
hysterectomy. I am using Wild Yam cream and it does help. There is also
another natural product called Estroven ( I think) and they are even
selling it at Sam's Club.

Pat ( in Oklahoma)