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I AM WHO I AM (Part 6)

Posted by: spiritualdigest <spiritualdigest@...>

Dear Beloved,

I AM WHO I AM (Part 6)
(John 11: 1-44)

This sixth part of the study the great "I AM" sayings
of our Lord Jesus Christ aims at presenting Jesus
Christ as the Source of both ordinary temporal life and
eternal life, and to prove that death is not the end of
a believer in Jesus Christ.

There were two sisters and a brother that were close
friends of Jesus Christ during His earthly ministry.
They were Mary, Martha and Lazarus. They lived at
Bethany, a village two miles southeast of Jerusalem. It
happened that Lazarus was sick to the point of death.
A message was sent to Jesus Christ to come and heal His
beloved friend that was sick. Jesus' response was that
the event was to glorify God. He therefore stayed
where He was for two more days. Probably you also have
called Jesus to help you in a difficult situation, and
it seems He has not answered you. He wants God be
glorified in that situation. Do not lose hope; He will
answer you in His own time. In His own time, Jesus
decided to go and see His sick friend. From the
dialogue that ensued between Him and His disciples, it
is evident that Lazarus was dead, yet to Jesus Christ,
he was sleeping.

By the time Jesus Christ arrived at Bethany, Lazarus
had been buried for four days. Some Jews were with his
sisters mourning with them. It is a custom of the Jews
to mourn heavily for three days with friends and
relatives that are bereaved, and then have a lighter
mourning for other 27 days. They even have professional
mourners that can mourn for others. These Jews could
only mourn with, and comfort Mary and Martha, they
could not solve their problem. They were like the
friends of Job that came to mourn with, and comfort
him. However, they did not solve his problem. They
compounded it. Only Jesus Christ can mourn with us,
comfort us, and even solve our problems. That hymn
writer wrote, "What a friend we have in Jesus…." (cf.
Proverbs 18: 24). Martha was such an activist, very
active in everything (cf. Luke10:39-42). She was the
first of the two sisters to go and meet Jesus Christ.
Her words to Him were found in verses 21-22. Would you
consider these words to an accusation to, or confession
of faith in Jesus Christ? Absolutely they are
confession of faith! She knew Jesus Christ to be a
divine healer that could heal her brother. She also
knew that God would give Him whatever He asks. These
are strong knowledge about Jesus Christ. What do you
know about Him? Jesus assured her of Lazarus'
resurrection. Martha believed this because some of the
Jews believed in the resurrection of the dead. However,
her belief was in the future, while Jesus' was in the
present. Which side are you, Martha's or Jesus'?

To contradict the Jews and Martha's belief, Jesus
He who believes in me will live, even though he dies;
and whoever lives and believes in me will never die"
(verses 25, 26). He has earlier taught this in John
6:39. Before resurrection can take place, there must
be death. Two deaths are mentioned in this passage -
physical death and eternal death. Death is the great
horror that sin has produced (Romans 6:23; James 1:15).
If sin produces death, Jesus Christ - being our
resurrection, and by raising us up - produces eternal
life. A believer may die physically, but he is still
living in Christ. Physical death is like ordinary
sleep to the believer. There is hope that somebody that
sleeps will rise up sometime. Likewise, a believer who
dies physically has the hope of resurrection. He will
not die eternally. This is applicable only to
believers in Christ (verse 26). The life in verse 25
is the eternal life - an infinitely high quality of
life in living fellowship with God, both now and
forever given graciously by Jesus Christ to every one
who believes in Him (see John 1:4; 3:15, 16; 10:10,
28). Do you have this life?

Having given this declaration, Jesus Christ asked
Martha, "Do you believe this?"(verse 26b). Martha gave
three theological facts in her response, that: a) Jesus
is the Christ or the Messiah - the anointed One that
the Jews were expecting to come and deliver them; b)
the Son of God - one of the titles of Jesus Christ that
shows His deity; and c) the Coming One - like the
Messiah, to come into the world and save people from
their sins (Mt.1: 21). This confession shows Martha as
a woman of faith. It contradicts many people's notion
about her as somebody who cared more for earthly thing.
What would you confess about Jesus Christ?

Jesus Christ is not only man of words. He is man of
action. He declared that He is resurrection and life,
and He demonstrated it in the life of Lazarus. Some
Jews doubted Him (verse 37) as some still doubt Him
today, but if He says something, He will fulfill it.
After mourning with the two sisters, He raised Lazarus
from the dead. Praise the Lord!

Are you in a hopeless situation? Believe and wait on
the Lord. If you do you will see the glory of God
(verse 40). Is Jesus Christ really your resurrection
and life? If you die today, will He raise you up?
Accept His eternal life today!

In His service,

Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor).

Remember to send your comments and remarks on this
expository study to me at
or God bless you!!!

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