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I AM WHO I AM (Part 7)

Posted by: spiritualdigest <spiritualdigest@...>

Dear Beloved,

I AM WHO I AM (Part 7)
(John 14: 1-7)

The seventh part of our study on the great "I AM"
sayings of our Lord Jesus Christ is very fundamental
and essential to our Christian faith because it
presents Jesus Christ as the only way to heaven. It is
one of the two "I AM" sayings that were addressed to
the disciples exclusively during the last supper of
Jesus Christ in the upper room. This first saying
focuses on four great lessons:

Some events that Jesus Christ predicted made the
disciples discouraged:
i. He was going away (John 7:34; 8:21; 12:8, 35; 13:33);
ii. He would die (John 12:32-33);
iii. One of them was a betrayer (John 13:21)
iv. Satan was at work against all of them (Luke
v. Peter would deny Him thrice (John 13:38); and
vi. All of them would fall away (Matthew 26:31).
Nevertheless, Jesus counseled them to rely on Him. He
advised them to be men of courage and put their trust
in God, not man (cf. Jeremiah 17:5-8). Trust is the
great antidote for a troubled heart.

Jesus Christ affirmed the reality of heaven where He
was going to prepare a place for the disciples (as well
as other believers), and come back to take them. This
great promise is the Rapture of the saints (1
Thessalonians 4:13-18). The reward of Christian service
in the hereafter is an encouragement to the disciples
and even believers today to persevere in trials of

Jesus Christ assumed that His disciples knew the way.
At this time they did not know Jesus Christ as the only
way to heaven despite His teachings about Him for
almost three years. However, there was a man among the
disciples called Thomas also known as Didymus. He is
commonly known as a doubter, but he was a man of
devotion, a man of courage, and a sincere man. His
sincerity brought about the great question in verse 5.
It was not that the other disciples knew the answer
(cf. John 13: 36); they were just following Jesus
Christ. They were able to know these after the death
and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Do not deceive
yourself; do you really know this fact?

The sincerity of Thomas gave us a great revelation
(verses 5-6) (compare John 20:29 where his doubt become
a blessing to us). The great revelation is Jesus'
answer to Thomas' question: I AM THE WAY AND THE TRUTH
AND THE LIFE. Jesus Christ is the way to God (verse 6b,
cf.10: 9). He is not one of many ways, but the ONLY
Way (cf. Acts 4:12; Hebrews 10:19-20). This makes
Christianity an exclusive religion. It makes it to be
unique. Jesus Christ is the Way because He is the
Truth and Life. Another possible translation of this
saying is: I AM THE TRUE LIVING WAY. All other ways are
fake and lead to eternal death in hell. Jesus Christ
as the Truth (that which is true, real, and actual)
makes the way dependable and infallible (cf. John 1:
14; 8: 32, 36; Ephesians 4: 20-21). He is the life
because He graciously gives eternal life - an
infinitely high quality life in living fellowship with
God, both now and forever - to every one who believes
in Him (see John 1: 4; 3: 15, 16; 10: 10, 28; 11: 25).
Another revelation was added in verse 7: Any one who
knows Him would know God as well. In other words,
anyone who does not accept Him does not know God. No
one can claim that he knows or worships God without
first knowing Jesus Christ. This "knowing" goes beyond
factual knowledge about Jesus Christ. It is the
continual experiential knowledge of Him (cf.
Philippians 3: 10). Do you know Him?

What is troubling your heart? Do not rely on the
ever-changing circumstance or feeling, but on the
eternal promise of God. Trust in God and in Jesus
Christ. He has been preparing a place for us in heaven.
Will you go with Him when He comes to take His own? Are
you deceiving yourself in being religious without
knowing Jesus Christ - the only true living Way? You
cannot get to heaven without Him. Accept Him today as
your Way to heaven.

In His service,

Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor).

Remember to send your comments and remarks on this
expository study to me at
or God bless you!!!

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