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I AM WHO I AM (Part 8)

Posted by: spiritualdigest <spiritualdigest@...>

Dear Beloved,

I AM WHO I AM (Part 8)
(John 15:1-8)

This is the last part of our study on the great "I AM"
sayings of our Lord Jesus Christ. The study has proved
the deity of Jesus Christ by presenting Him as the
Bread of life, the Light of the world, the Gate (for
the sheep), the Good Shepherd, the Resurrection and the
Life, and the only true living Way. In this last part,
He will be presented as the true Vine.

This "I AM" saying is the second of the two addressed
only to the disciples in the upper room during the last
supper of Jesus Christ with His disciples. However,
some Bible scholars believe that Jesus said it in the
Temple where there was a golden vine symbolizing the
life of Israel as God's vine.

Unlike the other "I AM" sayings that were preceded by
an event or a dialogue, this "I AM" saying precedes the
discourse of Jesus Christ on secret of bearing fruit
for Him. He just declared: I AM THE TRUE VINE (verses
1, 5). In the Old Testament, the people of Israel were
referred to as God's vine (Psalm 80:8-16; Isaiah 5:1-7;
Jeremiah 2: 21). However, they failed God in not
bearing the desired good fruit. They became wild vine.
Therefore, Jesus Christ referred to Himself as the
true Vine because He was doing the will of His father,
and His personal life testifies to it. What was the
secret? God, the Gardener was in charge of all He was
doing. Vine plant is the common grape vine that is
slender and trails on the ground or climbs supports. It
is one of the prominent plants in Palestine. You can
liken it to any prominent tree in your neighborhood. In
verse 5, Jesus Christ referred to us as the branches of
the vine. A branch cannot exist on itself. For it to
survive, it must remain in the plant. Its main purpose
is to bear fruits. Our responsibilities as Jesus
Christ's branches are:
iv. To remain in Him (verse 4): just as an ordinary
branch has to remain in the plant for it to survive, we
also have to remain in Jesus Christ. If we do not
remain in Him, we are like a cut-away branch that will
soon wither and become firewood. Jesus Christ said it
point-blank that, "…. apart from me you can do nothing"
(verse 5b). Are you in Christ?
v. To bear fruit from the vine (verses 2, 4, 5, 6):
Christians are to bear fruits from Jesus Christ. They
are not to produce the fruits. To bear is to bring
forth from another thing, but to produce is to make,
create, grow, or manufacture something. The fruits
that we are to bear involve a godly life (Matthew
7:16-20), and virtues of character (Galatians 5:22-23;
Ephesians 5:9; Philippians 1:11).
vi. To bear much fruit (verses 2,8): we are not just
to bear fruit, but to bear much fruit. This is the
reason why Jesus Christ will prune us to bear much
fruit - fruit that will last (verses 2, 8, 16).

Jesus Christ promised two things for those who remain
in Him and bear fruit for Him. These two things are:
iii. Growth (verse 2): He promised to prune everyone
that is bearing fruit for Him. In Palestine every
year, gardeners prune their vines. They cut off the
dead wood, which has no life in it, and trim the living
branches so that their yield will be greater.
Likewise, God is dressing every fruitful believer to
make him/her grow in the faith.
iv. Answer to Prayer (verse 7): If anyone remains in
Jesus Christ, his/her prayers will be answered (cf.
Proverbs 28: 9). God is ready to do whatever he/she
wishes, provided it is in accordance with God's will
(John 14:13; 1 John 3:21-22; 5:14-15), and will give
God glory (cf. verse 8).

Here is the end of the studies of the great "I AM"
sayings of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Gospel of St.
John. Have you learnt new lessons? Do you really
believe that Jesus Christ is the "I AM WHO I AM" who
spoke to Moses on Mount Horeb? Have you accepted Him as
your Living Bread - the only source of satisfaction
from spiritual hunger? Is His light shining through
you? Have you made Him as your Gate to provision,
protection, and salvation? Does He know you as one of
His sheep? If you die today, will you be resurrected to
eternal life with Him? Have you accepted Him as your
only true living Way to God? Are you bearing fruit for
Him? Do not have these studies in vain. Let them have
indelible impact in your life!

In His service,

Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor).

I thank all of you that have commented and reacted on
the study. More comments and reactions are still
welcome. If you missed any part of the study or you
want me to send the whole study to you, write a
personal email to me at or God bless you!!!

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