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I Am Your Cure

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

***We hope each of you have a safe and Happy Labour Day.***
*** I Am Your Cure *** 
I am writing this to you because I am feeling your pain very intensely today. I feel the physical pain that many of your bodies are suffering with. I feel the emotional pain of many of you that have wounds and broken hearts that are tearing your souls from end to end. I feel the psychological pain of those of you whose minds are cluttered with thoughts that bind – with the seemingly bands that have wound themselves around your heads tightly. I feel the spiritual pain of those of you that have been hurt by my other children, by matters in my houses, by broken dreams and visions, by not being in your rightful places in Me.
While on earth, there was no pain, body, soul, or spirit that made itself a stranger to Me for I became very acquainted with them all.  I feel your pain and My heart breaks over it, but I rejoice in the Cross today. The Glorious Cross where all pain was nailed to – not just the essence of the pain but the affect the pain has on your souls and spirits.
I come to tell you today that no matter what your pain is; no matter the intensity; no matter how long you have been in pain; no matter what caused it; no matter if you have lost hope; no matter if you cannot see your way out; no matter how many tears have been shed; no matter even if you have placed yourselves in a position that this pain came forth…NO MATTER…
I Am a very Present Help in time of trouble. I Am not One Who is not touched by your infirmities. I Am the supplier of all your needs. I Am the Mender of your broken hearts. I Am the Restorer of your distant souls. I Am the Salve for your wounded spirits. I Am the Cushion for your discomfort. I Am the Soother for your cluttered minds. I Am the Balm for your injuries and wounds.
Lay your heads down in My lap and as we touch, I Am so intensely bearing your pain. My tears that are falling on your head is My Anointing pouring from My very being. Let Me stroke your face and just feel through My touch the abundance of Love and Compassion that is being shed upon you at this very moment. Listen to the whisper of My Spirit saying to you that I will never leave or forsake you. Allow My Presence to illuminate your soul – allow My Spirit to inhale your burdens – allow My Tenderness to soften the hardness; allow My Mercy to penetrate your hopelessness – allow My Touch to deaden your pain so all else leaves and even the most intense pain is lifeless between us because of My Touch.
Stand up and embrace Me like your life depends upon it and it does. I cannot help but to return such a heart felt embrace – hold onto Me and do not let go – not for anything. Hold Me tight until your mind is calm – Hold me until you feel your spirits rise up within you – Hold Me until your hearts flow with new blood, My blood – Hold Me until every pain in your bodies surrender to the Peace that I Am giving you.
I Am the Cure for your Hope.
I Am the Cure for your Strength.
I Am the Cure for your Peace.
I Am the Cure for your Joy.
I Am the Cure for your Faith.
I Am the Cure for your Minds.
I Am the Cure for your Spirits.
I Am the Cure for your Souls.
I Am the Cure for your Emotions.
I Am the Cure for your Hearts.
I Am the Cure for your Diseases.
I Am the Cure for your Pain.
I Am the Cure for your Freedom.
Drench yourselves in the Cure that has been prepared for you before the foundation of the world – and remember, I am not just The Cure,
I am Your Cure.
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*** Be Still and Know *** 

Most people have heard the spiritual phrase,
"Be still and know."

You may have wondered, "know what?"

If you have to ask the question you probably have not been still
long enough.

The answer to this question may be different for varying people
with varying backgrounds.

For some they will know their creator,
some will know themselves,
some will know what they are not,
some will know what they are purposed to do with their life,
some will know how to make the world better for others,
some will know the answers to their problems at work,
some will know the answers to their problems at home.

Whatever your answer may be, the point is you will know more.

Science has told us the brain is the most powerful supercomputer
in the world. We have heard some of its calculating abilities
during active thought.

What about its abilities during stillness?

What about the spirit?

For many, their minds are arguing that we have no spirit.
If that is you, are you really being still?

Our societies are so fast paced and busy that something is
always going on. The world would lead us to believe we have no
time to be still.

Even many people toss and turn all night; stillness cannot be
achieved even when it is time to sleep.

The first thing that most will learn when trying to be still is
how much at motion we really are.

Just pause right now and be still and for the next 20 seconds
whatever you do don't think of a big pink elephant.

Time's up, did you think of the big pink elephant?

What's the lesson, it is not as easy as it sounds to be still.

Be still and know.

Know what?

Be still and you will know.

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*** The New School Prayer ***

Now I sit me down in school,
Where praying is against the rule.
For this great nation, under God
Finds mention of Him very odd.

If Scripture now the class recites,
It violates the Bill of Rights.
And anytime my head I bow
Becomes a Federal matter now.

Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
That's no offense, it's a 'freedom' scene.
The law is specific, the law is precise
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.

For praying in a public hall
Might offend someone with no faith at all
In silence alone we must mediate,
God's name is prohibited by the state.

We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.
They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible
To quote the Good Book makes me liable

We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
And the "unwed daddy" our senior King.
It's 'inappropriate' to teach right from wrong,
We're taught that such "judgments" do not belong.

We can get our condoms and birth controls,
Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.
But the Ten Commandments are not allowed
It's scary here I must confess
When chaos reigns, the schools a mess.

So Lord, this silent plea I make
Should I be shot, My soul please take!


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Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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