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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Jesus, it's You that I love and adore
It's Your blood that I need more
To You I will sing my praise and glory
To Your people, I will tell Your story
Lord, I want so much to be like You
Won't You please teach me just what to do
I know You can see my tears
You have felt my anguish and fears
You shared my happiness and laughter
Please be with me from here till the forever after
Jesus, I don't understand all of my troubles and trials
But, when I see Your face, it makes me smile
Lord, I am in so much pain
But, because of You, eternal life I will gain
When things don't go exactly my way
I just sit back, wait and listen to hear what You have to say
When my family and friends have times of trouble
It's Your precious love that you pour out in double
Jesus, wait, let me touch the hem of Your garment with tenderness and care
Let me wash Your feet with precious perfume as well as Your hair
Jesus, You showed me pain is tolerable
It's Your strength that taught me why Your are oh, so powerful
With You by my side, I can do no wrong
You gave me the strength and power to tell Satan -- "BE GONE!"
By Your blood, I am healed
And, by Your stripes, my fate is sealed
Thank you Jesus for forgiving me
It's by my side, You will so graciously be
Jesus, thank you for hearing my tears
Because you listen, You have calmed my fears
I listen so closely and Your voice I have heard
You told my soul, "By My stripes, you are cured!"
I can't thank You enough, my precious - precious Lord
I feel like an Eagle and now my soul is free -- free to soar
(Written by:  Vicki Wood       2/2/05)

How often we wish for another chance
To make a fresh beginning.
A change to blot out our mistakes
And change failure into winning.
It does not take a special time
To make a brand-new start,
It only takes the deep desire
To try with all our heart.
To live a little better,
To always be forgiving.
To add a little sunshine,
In a world for which we're living.
Never give up in despair
Nor think you are through,
For there's always a tomorrow,
"A chance to start a new."

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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