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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>


[NOTE: Last year we published an article quite similar in theme
to the one on 'Tabernacles' that we just sent out. It was called
"The 2 Secrets of Revival" and it showed how Christians can go
through an actual 'personal Revival' through repenting deeply of
"hidden sin" and also through 'agonizing' prayer. This simple
process truly brings TRANSFORMATION to people. Honestly -
I have experienced it myself. (-I had read about it in Revivals
many times). Below is a letter I received recently from someone
who had put it into practice - telling what happened].

PAUL B. writes:

Thank you for your article entitled "The Two Secrets of Revival".
On January 24th, 2005, I read this article and decided to
"GO FOR IT" and do as you suggested in this article.

I phoned the UCB “prayer line” and made a confession of sin to
them and received prayer. Following this I decided to “GO FOR


A. Firstly I invited the Holy Spirit to be present in power.
Then I asked God to shine His light into my heart – to reveal sin
within me (any hidden areas), repent of those sins and asked
for forgiveness. (-This lasted around one and a half hours).

B. I asked God to show me how he feels about sin. (1 hour)

C. I asked God to cleanse me. (1 hour)

D. Spent time in worship.
I cried a lot and felt this was relating to or taking me back to the
part where I asked God to tell me how He felt about sin.

Since the 24th Jan I have felt a cleanliness I have never felt before.
I have been revived back into active life in both prayer on a personal
level and on a corporate level...

I felt your article to be so important to our home group at this time
that I copied your article for each member of that group. To date I
have spoken with two people from our group who have experienced
personal revival resulting from reading and following your suggestions
in this article, and many more in our group intend to follow your

The church I attend is [in] Bedford in the UK with a membership of
some 400 people, all of whom are constantly praying for revival in
our town... I thank you once again for making this article available.
Yours in Christ, Paul B.

NOTE: To read this article "The 2 Secrets of Revival" go to-

OR scroll down until you see it on-

God bless you all.